SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Play who you like, thats the key.

There’s also another alternative. Instead of searching for a character that fits your mould, mould your character to fit how you play. I’ve seen it work and although it might not be “optimal”, it might work for you.

Nobody says you can’t play turtle Ed or rush down Menat. Whats more important is that you just run with it for an extended period - 6 months at least. I don’t think the constant change is good for players trying to improve. Like when I change, thats pretty much it. My play time on Ryu must be like 5% and he was my main for 2 years.

Think of it like a musical instrument. Gotta keep practising on the same one if you want to play the sweet music!


Oh I know, I played one for 9 years straight. And I pissed everyone off in my band class by memorizing their parts by ear in a few minutes when it’d take them days to get it right :sweat_smile:

…after which said students would find any opportunity to shit on me which is when I realized how much I hate trash talk, but I digress

Really the issue has been finding something that clicks in this game. Every other game I find something right away, but in this one nothing ever feels quite “right.” Ed’s the closest though so I’ll just stick it out with him and see what happens. Probably pocket Menat after a while.

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I agree with this. For anyone having trouble picking a character, and also trying to level up, just pick a character that looks cool to you. Don’t worry about how strong they are or get caught up on too many little things in their toolset.

Most important thing is just getting your reps in consistently. Like Highland is saying you have to build that muscle memory. After you actually get to a decent level switching characters will be easier.

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I mean haven’t you already been dual playing Menat and Ed any way? Should just make that your hard thing like you’ve already kinda been doing.

I still think he should give Juri (and pheraps even Urien) a try

One thing to bear in mind with Akhos’ replay compilations is that those are sometimes from really long sessions and CFN only lets you go so far back in your history. So what you may be looking at is a player match up after it has had an hour or three to coalesce.

Something that would be interesting from a raw feedback perspective is to do a straight FT5 and upload all of that. Then you would see the evolution from the start.

Props for putting those things together, I always appreciate being able to watch them. Takes some time and effort to edit all that together and score it.

For the character choice thing, I still do that dance at least once a week. Kolin? G? Who is better for me as a player? Who is better in the game? Who might get nerfed in 4.5?

The way I keep talking myself off the cliff is to remind myself that none of that shit matters. If I got good - really good - with any character at this point, they would be the right character. G looks cool, has cool combos, and is the most fun I’ve had playing this game up to now, so I’m sticking with him. His shit defense will just make me better at blocking and I’ll circumvent that anyways by never losing the neutral. :upside_down_face:

I want a character fusion feature. Let me mix Chun and Falke and I’ll play this game again.

I think it’s kinda hard to form a character to your playstyle in this game though. They were generally designed to play in a specific way (and have gotten nerfed when someone didn’t play them as “intended”, see Infiltration s1 Nash), so either the character clicks or you’re in tough luck.

That was kind of why I couldn’t look past the issues of the game before either. Didn’t like how anyone played enough to keep going. Falke remedied that problem quite nicely, I’m actually motivated to play SFV as a secondary game now. I sorta liked Ryu, Sagat and Karin before, but the two former felt like I needed to put in a lot of time to get their neutral control down (in spite of playing them in older games), and Karin requires more work in the AA and hit confirm department than I’m willing to invest. Falke just clicked, her neutral makes sense and she has the sort of weaknesses that don’t bother me.

I always gotta remind myself that no matter how good I’m playing, I’m gonna eventually hit a point where the total opposite happens. This game can be really really frustrating at times–especially when you lose to the dumbest stuff, but I feel better overall because I don’t let it get to me like before.

On another note, this climb is going to be mad difficult.

Edit: Just played Smug. Was literally one combo away from taking the set 2-0 and then go on to lose 1-2 because I just missed it. These are the type of sets I gotta learn to win.

Edit 2: Smug just invited me to a Lounge. Let’s see how it goes!


Be fair, it’s all he got.

If I have learned anything from online SF.
That whoever you play, you’re a dumb moron, who can’t play real SF.

Pick any Shoto, you’re a dumb Shotoscrub who can’t play.
Play a Grappler, you’re a dumb scrub, who can only win because of Commandgrabs.
Play a rushdown char, you’re a dumb scrub, who can only win with mashing and 50/50s.
Play not a shoto, you’re a dumb Scrub, who can’t play SF.

Whatever character you pick, if you like him or not, it’s always the wrong decision for everyone else.

What if they mix only the bad parts of their kit though :thinking:

Looking forward to see you on his next highlights video. :stuck_out_tongue:
That also reminds me that I need to catch his stream times and make a donation during one of them. I MUST do a menstruation joke during it since he is a filthy pad player. :smile:

Am I the only one who feels like Sakura is looking underrated rn? Not that she is top tier, more that she is looking to be a little unexplored and having potential there.

VT1 feels so good now, you can force frame traps with by cancelling mediums into VT1 hadouken and get an easy hitconfirm juggle off of it, even into super. Hogasho feels awkward to use in neutral though even if its hugely + on block and on hit.


She just seems solidly (upper) mid tier to me. Also a bit too honest for true top tier status. I would also say that she is in an awkward spot were she has to compete with Akuma.

Like say Akuma got wheelchaired tomorrow, I think her usage would rise a good bit. But right now people would rather pick him or other obvious top tiers.


This was something I was thinking of doing with me and Frosty Replay’s. The first set we played is raw and he’s been hit by a bus cause nobody can play Sagat so none of the usual shit is working, but by the last set of the last day he’s made lots of adjustments and it’s me who loses that set in the end.

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I won 5-4. His G constantly had me sweating. Got cooked a few times, but I stayed at it. That corner was scary.

Great set overall. He makes good use of G’s V-Trigger 2.

Hope to play him more in the future.


Just got clipped by a low when i had been holding nothing but downback for over 2 seconds. Literally how

Happened to me 2 or 3 times yesterday.

Bardock, 16 - lvl3 HKD meta was stronger
Cell - infinite blockstun (almost) meta was stronger
Gohan, 16 - HKD meta was stronger

Heck I think the only reason people hate this one more is that it takes a whole shit ton longer to kill you.

Edit: also launch Vegeta assist.

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Buff EX DR please.

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