SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Rabbit all the way.

My first memories of DoA are playing it on I think PS1. I remember bouncing boobies and explosions from the DANGER ZONE. No wonder I played them up through 5.

I’ll likely give 6 the time of day because it seems certain to get a free version and Mila is in it. But I’m gonna need EvilCanadian to post some sweet general DoA tech vids. Right now I’m just flailing around and not in the impressive way.

I love that stupid joke about political systems. Specially because the people arguing about it are down on the mud.

All of that is just top tier satire.

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no he is not…

MK11 looks pretty slick from just a simple battle replay. Good job in my opinion. Looking forward to SF6.

I just watched those games I played vs Will on his channel

Man I shit on him hard that day

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Aight , made a list in my head. First off.

  • None of you are dashing, which is weird. So you either played each other that many times that this match up is running on some deep ass level or you’re both protecting against things that aren’t actually happening. I’m seeing you try to stop dashes, and he ain’t dashing - at all. I’m hearing you say he stops your dashes…but I’m not seeing that either.

  • On that, you’re Gona have to weigh up if pressing cr.mp with little reward is worth getting jump/dive/counter hit for big reward for him. Easy answer is no. Don’t play there then. Play in his grill, or outside his dash range ( this will also help avoiding dive kicks)

  • Hit confirm needs a lot of work, Dime had a similar problem which he now fixed where if you are not converting any hits, I’m quite literally never scared of any situation , cause you’re Gona drop it anyway. Get working on the confirms.

  • Slooooow. Your play is methodical, but sloppy, which isn’t a good mix. Better to be batshit crazy and sloppy. You allow the opponent a lot of time to think.

Side notes on Wesker. He’s Gona v reversal in the corner 170% of the time. Find out a punish for this, I’ve saw once an Ed player do st.mp a little further back and Cammy v reversal whiffed on the same side.

Also Wesker is walking back a lot for a Cammy player, walk and block, bulldoze in, see what happens.

In short you need to play more aggressive, with faster movement, which may be a limitation in your ability, so it might be worth sticking to a character that plays slower , pokey , methodical game ( Menat? Vega? ) Or a character that benifits from a more turtle style with explosive attack (Falke , Nash, zangief?)

Also I will upload all the matches of me fisting frosty , just for his insolence.


Taken you a couple of weeks to get around to that huh

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I’m watching the MvC3 top 8 from Frosty Faustings…

Holy shit MvC3 is hot trash. Goddam.

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I had 50 gig of my wins and 340mb of yours, I’m still sifting through!

Also akhos, I think you played quite well ( despite my slightly harsh assessment) considering doctrine is much higher level than you. It’s quite hard to give match up advice when there’s a big imbalance in skill because you might not be doing much wrong, just getting outplayed.

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  1. will be happening, I love doa so I am covering the game
  2. K/T actually has spoken to me, and I might be getting a copy early specifically to get a head start on the tech videos. They are the only company so far with THE BALLS to speak to me. Despite being dbfz guy nobody at arcsys or namco has ever said a word to me.

Regardless on how good the actual game may be, I will always enjoy stuff like this.

Stuff like this needs to make a comeback. Ryu and Ken treating each other like strangers in their intros is just wrong and seeing Akuma do that stupid roar to the sky winpose just gets boring.


You’re not dashing forward. I watched the first three games and you never dashed. If he’s not afraid of your ground game, he will be more focused on your air approach

Edit: highland said it first. Should’ve checked before answering


The lack of throws or even throw attempts was also quite obvious, until the match at 7.10…when he attempted more throws …which he won.

Ive said to a few folk if you can’t hit confirm consistently enough that it damages your offence, get a less damaging string that is safe on block.

Example - X player can’t do st.mp, cr.mp xx tiger knee. Ok , so just do st.mp, cr.mp xx fireball.

You don’t need to confirm that, you just do it. Then hopefully the penny drops as you continually feel what the hit confirm is. I guess that can be character dependant though, some characters may not have safe ender’s.

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I’ve tried Rashid for the first time yesterday.
That character is great, you don’t even have to confirm anything, you just do it.
His LK is awesome - 3f, +2 on block, don’t have to walk to throw. That button has everything.

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It’s there in other games.
Just not in SF, cause SF sucks ass since the last 2 games.

have you tried to get in contact with markman?

I get shit on by just about everyone, it’s just the way things are. Not really impressive…

Because Frost was getting mad at me that I wasn’t playing Ed for some reason

Eeeeeehhhh. I don’t think “well” is a good descriptor given I’ve essentially only got like a month’s worth of experience after all the character switching and not playing the game for extended periods. Too far to go and too many holes to patch up

And I want harsh assessment, it’s the best way to improve. Unlike Frotzy who thinks beating me easily is something to be proud of with nothing else to add XP

So thanks for that, I appreciate it~

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V Skill spamming Kolins are the worst I swear, at some point you expect them to do it but then something else happens and I kinda get stuck :neutral_face:


Just shoot her in the face with Falke.
Her v-skill is useless against it. Once they figure out they can’t spam it, start poking them so they try it again and shoot them in the face once more.


I’d say it’s more like DEEE BESSSS. If you don’t like that you’re old and sitting in a rocking chair.

Also @Evil_Canadian I saw your snapback DBFZ video. DBFZ finally gets a little bit of crack and you worried? Accept that you finally have a bit of crack. Take it in. Deal with the oppression session.

You thought downed characters resetting to neutral would save you. No, it will not save you. There will always be crack (also surprised nobody was running backdash hellzone from like day one).