SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

The reason it’s harder in this game is there’s no Parry /absorb function. I’d imagine that’s the real reason.

Also it doesn’t work like that. If youre a rush down character like Bison, you could possibly lock someone into a massive chip sequence and they can’t do anything.

It works both ways.

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That’s something you can balance around. Fireballs can deal lower chip damage, characters that have fireballs can have less safe in-close specials, characters that don’t have fireballs can have safe or even plus in-close specials that deal higher chip etc.

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Not gonna lie, first thing I would do if chip kills got back is to pick Urien and EX tackle moribund doods.


Fireball dodging is part the reason why comebacks were so hype IMO. I think I remember watching one match in SF4 between Tokido and Humanbomb. Tokido brought Sakura down to chip kill range. But somehow Humanbomb was able to navigate the the stage and dodge every fireball coming his way like Neo in the Matrix and win back the round.

Another thing is that chip kill is my favorite way to win lol. I love putting my opponent in a position where they know there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.


Y’all raise good points, but ima be honest, it’s still favorable to fireball characters no matter how I imagine scenarios, yea rushdown characters can have longer chip sequences etc. but they STILL have to get in, all it would take ryu is to get close enough to put out a cr.mk into fb, or he can do it from a safe distance. What I’m trying to say is that fb characters have an option that non fb wouldn’t. But I’m no expert so I know I’m missing something lol.

It should be favourable to fireball characters, that’s their endgame…

Water is wet my dude

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Let’s say you have a theoretical fighting game with only 2 characters and each have 1000 life. Fireballs cause chip in this game but only one of the two characters has a fireball and the chip damage it causes is 1.

The other character has a full-screen nearly unreactable fireball invincible dash punch that causes 250 chip damage. I know which of these two characters I’d pick.

This is obviously completely unbalanced in favour of the dash punch character, but the point is that fireball chip in and of itself is not ‘unfair’. You can’t take one element outside of an ecosystem and deem it unfair without considering overall balance.


Best come back ever is still snake eyes vs Xian at evo. Gen v Gief, xian goes for timer and gets head butt then green hand for the time out.


Edit: I just watched that whole match back. Man that was a good game. Hype.


Haitani vs Dakou, don’t @me

There is only one comeback worth mentioning ever. Justin Wong, cyclops.

Don’t @me boys, I ain’t said shit.

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Daigo’s comeback on Problem X.

I’ve got around 1500 points yesterday. It seems that playing sober is the key.
I’ve played against Ryan Hart. Urien really does not seem like his kind of character. Not sure why he did not switch to Sagat.
ISDD is playing Kage. He has the worst connection ever.


Playing drunk is the worst, unless you’ve got a smurf, then it’s fucking brilliant.

When I think about it I’m prolly drunk 50% of my play time.


Only 50% of your play time?
Just how can you do it?
For me, it is 80% of my play time. Unless I am playing during a weekend morning or afternoon, I am playing SFV tipsy at the very least.

This’ a tough game to play sober.

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playng slightly drunk actually helps me, especially if I’m playing Urien.
Anyway, I’m looking for a reliable answer to Abigail’s nitro run shanenigans with Juri, something that I can easily do even if I’m panicking, so far just jumping forward seems the best answer but it lose to nitro run immediatly followed by P

Try playing with your wife or girlfriend blowing you. Tell me how it goes.


Why don’t you just v-skill it?
Unless they have lightning and god like reactions, till they press their button you should be behind them.

Also, nitro charge has 1 hit of armour, ex has 2 and VT1 ex has 3.
You can consider using a multi hit move with strike invincibility to break him out of it.

I like to play mid afternoon when I’m looking after the kids. Can’t really have beer lol

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There are no benefits to playing drunk. Playing stoned on the other hand…

This is what Highland was talking about right ?

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Reasons to play Falke


That explains the low ratio.
I usually play on week days after 8 pm. At that point I have had my shot of rum to unwind work stress.

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