SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

v skill is ideal but the crazy Abigails I find in gold will use nitro run at every range, even up close, the 12 frames startup of lvl1 v skill combined with my poor reactions can prove fatal. At a round start position KK,P and KK, LP+LK can easily catch a slightly delayed lvl1 v skill

Then try hp Tensenrin to break their armour on normal and ex.
That thing hits more than twice, iirc.
Lp might work too since all his attacks from nitro have 8 or more frames of start up, with the exception of parry that has 3.

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both LP and HP DPs are very good against meterless and ex nitro run but useless against the VT1 version, even EX DP doesn’t work

By the time he has VT1, he will be near death now. Just block and hold your ground.
They may go for bay area sunrise (the throw) in that case, but it is pretty clear when they are trying that, so you can just neutral jump and punish.

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I’m finding walking back a good and simple option unless he’s really close, the throw will whiff and everything else will get blocked leaving him open to a fat punish, I don’t really want to think too much about my possible options against a V Trigger Abigail

That is my experience as well. There aren’t any low options out of Nitro Run so if you have a decent walk speed you can usually walk back and either block what they were going for or make the throw whiff since it doesn’t have particularly great range.


If I could I would still be married. Hey-o.

Something to bear in mind for the next person I meet though.

Capcom’s been trying to push noodle hair for a while now:

I often fight against this guy (loosing majority of matches). He really likes VT2:

There are things in SF5 that I think would drastically change how the game is played that wouldn’t take much to implement.

1) chip kills
2) Priority system\Crush counters added to air hits (only for grounded attacks to air)
3) Starting match with full trigger meter. This sounds insane, I know… but what this does is allow for a universal defensive option from the start of the match. There would have to be more tweaking of VT triggers across the board (Lowering V trigger from CC even more imo), but they already started that process with season 4. Match ups and trigger value would change dramatically.

  1. Adjust jump in attacks, either Damage (similar to CC scaling) or hit stun

Seriously, what’s the go-to answer for that move? I know you can grab him out of it but if you mistime it you’re eating more damage than if you had waited for it to simply break your guard.

Akuma has teleport, I just forget to use it.

I am… fine with no chip kills. Removing special while jumping backwards bothers me more.

Finally news from Capcom


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This highly detailed and thought provoking argument for picking up Falke rivals @DevilJin_01 's best :wink:

Would it be too much if, instead of V-Reversals being part of VTs, they instead would have its own bar? Like wouldn’t that solve a bit of the “why V-Reversal when VT is so strong unless you do it early” thing in the game?

It would solve it sure. I think the issue is that when we get to the point of tracking 3 different resources (or more depending on the character), you start to get into Guilty Gear territory. Too many bars and what not to keep track of. Sure it wouldn’t be that bad since we are all familiar with the functions already, but Capcom seems to want to keep it simple.

I do agree that VT and VR being tied to the same resource really hasn’t worked thus far.

That happens when you try to copy Anime and do it wrong.
Then again I doubt that Capcom has the ability to do something right anymore.

I think VR is still pretty strong for the character who has the life lead though. Can definitely stuff a comeback attempt in many situations.

Letting the guy with the life lead get to VR and keep their trigger on deck would probably be OP.

This is true, but it’s also a problem. VR is only good when you are already winning or both characters are close to KO. If those are the only places your one universal defensive option is a good choice to use I think it’s a bit of a failure conceptually.

Offensive VRs give you more playstyles.

No chip kills ruined Bison’s gameplan, hence they had to make him a turbo goober to compensate.

I am making my family breakfast. Dont @ me.


Character bans… fucking capcom trying to turn this shit into lol.