SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

See in patch notes he can hit ex upper from lights…gonna run some matches.

ill try him out vs this bronze that ran into my lobby and see what i think

Not overpowering in any real aspect. His cnsistency issues which he had in spades when he was released are mostly all gone now, save for vt1 tech that no one uses (because of consistentcy issues)

But ed isn’t bad, it will just take a really good player to show why he’s good. Remember when fei was considered terrible in sf4? That’s kinda how ed is except ed kinda deserves it… kinda.

But ed has everything you could want outside of a command grab and a ranged st.mk.

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That video was truly unwatchable. I lasted 42 seconds. It deserves more than 1.2k downvotes.

ye he ight

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Jab goes into ex psycho… but his punish game is still not great.

Having said that, versus 4 frame characters, his ex psycho double dash st.mp covers both wakeups and really shuts the opponent options down.

Use that to get a shimmy and throw mixup off once they respect the automeaty.

Versus 3 frame characters there is abit more guess work involved but your CH cr.lp,st.mp,cr.mk xx psycho will still bust them on quick rise and combo back into the same oki setup if you use another ex psycho.

If you get a close st.mp to connect, go into cr.hp xx KK ex P down v skill for an hkd.

He’s not bad, but he does take some intelligence to use, so be warned.

Also his vt2 once activated can empty cancel from his psycho shot. So peop,e saying that vt2 can be backdashed out of are woefully mistaken, since he can make you block vt2 before the fireball even makes contact.

Use this as a way of neutral bypass. On block mixup between throw/cr.lp/ shimmy/cr.mk xx flicker.

Ed also does big boy damage. If you get a v trigger comfirm while he’s already installed and has super, you get 503 damage just for hitting with a close st.mp

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It doesn’t , but it does allow you to build your free bullshit 2 bar mixup that beats fireballs and is safe on block. For free.

Getting into different fighting games is absolutely wonderful, even if they are bad. There are certain concepts that would never occur to someone without having played more than a few fighting games.

People with on,h one game experience see the entire fgc as a can that only their specific game can open.

As an example, who would have thought -2 could ever be such a point of contension? Well it never was till sf5.

Who would’ve thought that a 7 frame move would be considered broken fast? No one, tilll they play soul caliber and the the fastest jabs in the game are 10 frames. Then you have to deal with this broken ass stance based jab from Taki that is 7 frames…

Who would have thought that a fighting game with basically no jumping in the meta would be highly varied and thought out and have robust neutral and complex decision making? Not many people till they’ve played tekken.

Who would have thought that basically ANYTHING GOES, even moves that are totally unblockable and lead to fullcombo against a waking opponent that gets meatied with the unblockable, or a character that can throw a yo yo at you and fly around the screen like with Vega’s speed and sentinels flyheight and yet still be able to block and spend astronomical amo7nys of time doing jack all…

Not many people till they play guilty gear…

Etc etc

There are lots of fg experiences to be had, don’t constrict yourself to one viewpoint.


*Dime loads up MK

“Pfft highlandfieball , now we see who’s boss!

Highland- Hadoooken - you win fatality

Dime - “fuck this shit game, never beat me in skull girls!”


I was never particularly good at mk games, but I don’t only play games that I’m good at. Otherwise I’d still be playing sg.

Mk isn’t a game that I can say that I care about one way or the other, kinda like sf5, just something to take up the time till a real FG comes around, or I get bored of the scene in general.

If you get it I’ll get it. Last MK I played was 3.

I remember j.hk. Uppercut and rando special being a solid strategy.

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Okay, I want to put Kolin in a suit.

Is the only option real money? Or can it be done with funny money?

With the noodle hair? Jesus Christ why?

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3 (the version before umk3) was the only one I liked and was semi decent at. I dabbled in most of the others for a few rounds here and there.

3 was great for me. But yeah that’s basically how it played at terrible level. I didn’t know the game had more depth to offer till I went to Tennessee and saw actual good players for the first and only time for the summer I was there. They had max players doing the hardest combos and zoning people out with his missiles, Shang tsung nerds that would beat me with every character in the roster like they had mianed them for years. Stupid Liu Kang bicyckr kick spamming run combo fags… that shit punished everything as well.

I forget which game had Kabal in it, the first version of him with the half life combo… I played that a lot as well.

Awesome reptile players… like wtf. Crazy smoke and cyrax players. It was a great time and one of my fondest arcade memories, there were about 20 regulars and damn near the entire cast was played at I would have considered high level. It was only by playing those guys that my subzero and Kung Lao got so good. I trashed everyone I played in Cali once I got back. But… new games means leaving old ones. I moved onto different games and never looked back.


You’re higher rank than I but wtf I’m having a slow evening:

Cammy has two great AAs and he used neither of them, ever. So jump more. Not just because of a possible combo but also to take his mind off the ground game.

He hangs back after you v pop in neutral, and stands up more whiffing a cc button to catch a forward dash. Try Ed’s GET OVER HERE while he’s in anti-your-VT-mode so he’ll chill and let you dash in.

You prefer to not pop VT unless it’s in his face so you can VTC. But getting in his face is the hard part. Forget VTC, pop asap, so he gets defensive in neutral. See what you can do with that.

He doesn’t do much but take it when you’re throwing fireballs and he’s meterless.

Love your ground game, but yeah, test him more. Especially by jumping.


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42! I didn’t make past 10 seconds. I refuse to go any further.

Also Monster Hunter World has a higher skill/execution gap than SFV. These menu’s are 5-0ing me also.

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Ah, the memories:


GASP! The heart of darkness was here in SRK all along! Monsters all of you.


Aren’t chip kills (not counting critical arts) REALLY unfair to characters without a fireball? So almost half of the cast can’t benefit from it but a few can from all the way across the screen?