SFV Lounge: It was coming and it CAME HOME. Ono is your Evo 2018 Chamion

… They are selling the monster hunter costumes for money?
Bloody heck. I already burned FM for the first gem of the Mika’s costume. :angry:
I guess I will just buy it with real money tonight and pretend I never did the extra battle for her costume… :frowning:

Sorry! Wish I would have found this sooner. :bowing_man:

If its any consolation I totally did the challenge for her 3rd piece twice (because I thought it had cycled and didn’t check like an idiot) and wasted the FM on it.

I should have checked the store before doing the extra battle, but alas.
Stuff happens. I was too distracted by EVO, I guess.

Things I took away in my 8 hour sagat session.

He gets his biggest damage of AA’s

If an opponent doesn’t jump its going to be a long hard match.

He’s neutral is similar to alex’s but with a fireball.

He isn’t really scary if a you commit to walk and block

he has some good buttons just a bit to long of a start up on them.

What I think he needs

his cr lp should be 3 frames, honestly I dont know why it isn’t.

St Hk should be 6 Frames

Low fire ball should do more chip damage/damage

St mk should be 9 frames.

edit- low tiger shot should be negative 3 at worst. smh…

He should be able to combo his max range 2mk into mk knee all the fooking time.

Is it my unfamiliarity with command grab characters talking, or does G’s command look like it works from hella far?


But I do know there is a new thread


Anyone have G’s frame data?