SFV Lounge: It was coming and it CAME HOME. Ono is your Evo 2018 Chamion

Out of those three? Smug. Punk is a shell of himself right now. I like StormKubo but Smug seems to be locked in right now. Plus he’s rocking the best Boxer in the world IMO.

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I don’t see @GetTheTables listed.

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That sucks.


The fighting game fiends strike already. Looters and polluters. Could have been someone outside of the FGC seeing it’s Vegas, but good to assume FGC fiends first.

I’ll go with Smug. Kubo is good, but Abigail hasn’t been showing up solo at much. Only Problem X has really been putting him high in brackets lately and he teams him up with Bipson and still has a Birdie. Smug may not dominate every event, but the ones that he does you can see him perform. Got 2nd place at eLeague vs most of the best players in the world so definitely one to watch out for.

Punk did pretty solid at eLeague also, but overall he lost what really made him a beast and he’s just a Rent A Cammy compared to the others.



10am pools thank Christ. Flight was delayed so we didn’t get in until midnight (adjust to 3am home time). Slow start today but I made it here and managed to load myself up with sugar and coffee.


Good luck in the pools. People still free to Laura so I know you’ll win some matches.

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Thanks. First match is against a guy named Jaguar Blood tho and I don’t know if I can deal with someone who has tapped into that much primal power.

Also this is a first timer thing but the line to get in around 8am was goddamn impressive.

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So punk decided to go to evo?

Hey did you get your SF2 T-shirt? I wanted one of those but couldn’t go to EVO.

This Capcom Fighters stream sucks right now.


Yeah stream is unwatchable ATM.

Sounds pretty free. Put him into losers real quick.

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Not yet. Still trying to figure out how exactly to get it but I know you need to show up for pools to claim.

My live commentary: OilKing beat up some dude playing Cammy.

Stream finally fixed itself. For now.


Wish I was there

See if I could at the very least keep up my streak of not going 0-2 at any SFV event I’ve gone to (which is only two so far but still)

If only I wasn’t a responsible adult and the housing market didn’t suck

Also since I just saw him walk by I can verify: OilKing has on the short shorts.

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He has a shot for top 8 with this info.

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Well have to go to a tournament together, if you play me in pools, you won’t go Perth0-2 :smirk:

The second longest line I’ve seen today has been for Smash Ultimate.

Offer some of them deodorant and see what happens