SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Only those two were mentioned so far.

Yeah I’m at the same point.

I like playing SFV well enough but, well, it’s still SFV so it runs hot and cold. Would like to have something secondary to play. I don’t think MK11 is gonna do it for me so I may be swinging through my back catalog of fighting games I’ve built up.

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Oh goodie

:sob: :gun:

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I like what I’m seeing from you guys. Use this current blunder to fuel interest in other fighting games. Remember when SF was the turkey of the FGC Thanksgiving dinner? It’s been delegated to cranberry sauce now. Please enjoy the other food on the table and realize just how much better they are than cranberry sauce.


Everybody feel free to do whatever you like. I decided to leave, for whoever decided to stay I’m happy for him.



Huge Buffs

Fucking yikes.


It’s not gonna be the same without Ronda Rousey’s amazing voice acting. :cry:


i quit the game last year i only watch top8s for this game every now and then definitely tuning in for evo tho



Weird how he named two characters but left the last. I’m making a galaxy brain theory that the last character has to be the monkey. If this guy is telling the truth.

Hope that guy isn’t bullshitting with all the clout his previous tweet gave him.

I know people here hate DeCapre because of Ultra, but I really like her and would be hype if she dropped. An edgy character that isn’t Ryu’s Satsui booty sweat would be nice.

Tho tbh I’d like to see any of the dolls (except that nerd bitch with the laptop)

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I feel bad of Makoto not being in the game despite being one of most sought out characters I hope if SFV isn’t her, SF6 would make her a base roster.

Matter of fact Cody getting huge buffs is a yikes too. Cody and fang are both douche bags already. :man_facepalming:t5:

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What guy? What tweet? No Juri buffs?

:rage: :gun:

I actually feel liberated.

SFV was the first fighting game that I played online and since yesterday evening and today, I based what game I played purely on the amount of people playing it.

I’m not saying I’m done with SFV. I’ll still play it, but I need to switch things up. I want to play it because I want to, not because I feel like I have to.

From now on, I’m playing a game because it’s fun and I can see a clear path for improvement. If that means finding one person to lobby with once a week or finding the odd match on Discord, I’m doing it (as long as it doesn’t involve sharing IP addresses with strangers anyway, lol).

Also, to be clear, it wasn’t SFV that changed this mindset. It was watching MVC and 3S videos and streams that did it. I’m really not that upset with SFV tbh. I just think it needs a shake-up.


Can already tell you with clarity that’s bullshit

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You will push yourself to Warlord and you will like it

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Based on what he said, the third character is unknown to him.

@Frost oh word?

I can’t even hold Silver for more than 3 sets man, lol


Netplay 3s sometime?

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