SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Don’t bad mouth DOA! :angry:
For season pass 2 they gave everyone a swimsuit costume. All the guys got one. Capcom is miles behind that!


Seriously? Just shameful. You guys have ZERO grasp of the hard work people put into creating these characters and you outright call them shit off the bat? NOTHING will please you then!

None of these characters are what I wanted. In fact, I don’t even think SF5 needs more characters it needs upgrades to its mechanics, gameplay, and netcode above all else. But I would never dismiss what we just got like that.

Some of the reactions we are getting are just ridiculous. It’s a fucking game. If you like it, support it, keep going. If not, then also keep going - elsewhere. Never has there been as many great fighting games out there at the same time. It’s a GREAT time to be alive for fighting games. Go, explore!



I get that you’re bitter that your C-list character hasn’t made it into the game yet dear. But no need to be rude to me or anyone else here over it.

In your head they are. In Capcom’s universe, they are exactly where they belong - home.

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I’ve been saying for a while that this game is just not fun to play.

Thats more or less the main issue. If we were having fun, we wouldnt care. But a lot of people arent.


Wow is this Daemos Talking lol.

Man I hope you really do care like that even without any SSF5 happening. I thought I was part of the few that understand this while everyone thinks everything is 3D models.

^That is how you make a fair criticism. Thank you.


Now don’t be unfair. People here are mostly bashing the PR fuck up and even the ones that disliked the character picks aren’t dissing the animations. Even though Lucia does have some sketchy ones at first glance.

No one is defending the PR fuck-up here. Let us be very clear about that here and now.

But Honda, Lucia, and Poison are not Violent Ken, or Decapre. They are the real deal. Look at that shit Nightwolf trailer for example and come back to me and tell me these characters are not better in every way.

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Did you read anything beyond the first line of my post?

Honda is cool, he was basically confirmed. The other two are fucking trash. I don’t care how you try to spin it. 8 months and this is it?

Also Fuck off. I bought the game and I’m allowed be disappointed with its direction and lack of character pass. Consumers don’t need to be sheep just because a few shills are happy. :man_shrugging:t4:


Are you reading the gist of many of the negative criticisms here? My response isn’t completely directed at you.

It’s hard to appreciate the hard work with how poorly detailed Lucia’s model look or how some of her moves look.
Even what seem a good job like Poison has something off like how ugly she looks in her winpose (she looks fine in game).

The character pass was dropped 8 months ago. Where have you been? There was NEVER a promise of that coming back.

Capcom made good on your initial purchase, if you don’t like their current DLC skip it until you find something you like. That’s the whole idea of the service model. You don’t have to buy everything, or like everything. Buy what you like and move on.

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Nah man, usually I agree. I really do, but the way sf5 has been handled is one step forward and two steps back.

It’s sad because you see them trying and at the same time you see them make HUGE questionable decision when it comes to a fan base that supposedly they are plugged in with and not only that started the “trend” of being in touch with the players.

So now what do they do? Hype up a season 4, say its gonna be done different in 2018 and in august of 2019 after being radio silent up until last month, release 3 characters…

Characters that aren’t part of a season pass
Looks like i’d have to buy in a bundle or individually
Can’t use fight money for.

They still haven’t explain whats going on with FM

it’s a mess

And it’s all they’re own doing.

I don’t understand how…
I truly don’t

3 years of support on a game isn’t really a long time especially now in the age of dlc and updates.


I don’t think you get to decide what criticism is fair or not. That’s not how things work.

Capcom, intentionally or not, set a very high bar for themselves to clear.

Then, not only did they miss the bar, but it looks like they weren’t even trying to get over.

As a result, lots of people are pissed, and the “criticism” reflects that.


So not only do they get to gouge fight money, slap in ads, but remove season pass just to make more money. Anti consumer practices are ok cause Capcom. :+1:t5:

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Exihibit A. I was just talking about this bullshit. :rofl:

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Play enough games in different genres, and you will know that Capcom’s “anti-consumer” practices are a breeze compared to what else is going on in the industry. You don’t have to be a shill to understand this, just be objective.


The ironic thing is capcom leak roll out has been 100 percent better than almost any character roll out.

I don’t even understand how that is possible, especially at the hour of the leak…

Like steam leaked it, 45 mins later offical trailers were up and then like 2 hours later character trailers, move list, etc etc…

Really bizarre