SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Still wish I was at EVO proper but I’ll definitely be watching and around for online matches.

For all of the new character boner I’m sporting Kolin is really solid and pretty fun to play so


More are coming. Watch.

And I’m bashing them for dropping a successful release schedule for a consumer-unfriendly one that can be fucked to hell and back by leaks.

Fair enough. To that point even if Makoto makes it in, she’s still gonna be SFV Makoto. Everyone in this game is a monkey’s paw version of themselves. Hayate locked behind VT or some shit.

Still should keep the stick for Granblue though. :wink:


I feel bad for NCK, Makoto is a decent character pick because of the polls along with a unique archetype of character.

But no contest to the final fight character.

Looks like it’s Tekken, MK and praying for the sweet release of Granblue. :pray:t4:

I hope so. Sodom needs to be in the roster


Actually if Capcom can do a decent balance patch I’ll ignore the garbage character release. :thinking:

But lol at expecting them to do anything worthwhile. :joy:

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The only reason I haven’t lost all hope for Makoto to not be gutted it’s because she fits too well in SFV.

We already got the 2 females quota unless you wanna be a bigot trump supporter and say Poison isn’t a real woman :triumph:

NCK is absolutely fucked this Gen lmao


The ultimate way to end SFV.

Release a new balance patch, have Akuma, Rashid, and Abigail be top tier.

And all the new character be bottom.

Necalli and Makoto basically the same character? I think Haitani said that once but maybe I shouldn’t believe everything I read on the internet.


You realize that Final Fight shares the same universe as SF? Lucia was always part of the SF canon by default. She was just never playable before like Zeku, Ed, Kolin, and Abigail.

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I don’t really mind the new characters. It’s honestly more than I was truthfully expecting, but isn’t enough to redeem themselves.

This bundle strategy would have been fine if they released 3 characters after CC 2018 and said to expect the other 3 after Evo with 4.5 balance patch (I’m hoping the latter is still possible but it doesn’t look good). SSFV teaser for Evo is still possible with new mechanics, but lol, fuck me right?

I just wish this game knew what it wanted to be. From the random releases (seemed like it was leading up to 3S after S1 to the neo-Shadaloo narrative, to now doubling down on FF), to the random FM changes, modes, and lack of communication, I have no idea what this game wants to be and where it’s headed.

On top of it all, I’m just kinda bored with the gameplay. I haven’t played for a week for various reasons and playing 3S last night reminded me that it can actually be fun to play random people online. I’m sure the game is loaded with BS I haven’t been exposed to yet, but it was a nice feeling… Still hyped for good matches this weekend. Just not expecting news from any game/company to wow me.


You story nerd ass is out of pocket with this awful hot take.

Final Fight characters are guest charactera lore monkeys get out.


I should punch you and Haitani for this S2 Ryu-tier take.


Absolutely. TBH I don’t understand why he’s not already in looking at the CPT stage, I can’t imagine Capcom don’t including him this year.

You don’t say?

I just don’t care Xykes.

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Fuck the ratio.

The real move at this point is to throw in as many female chars before the end of the game and milk as much money out of tiddy costumes as they can before SF6.

Viper and Makoto confirmed.

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The DOA strat. :thinking: