SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

Alex is known to incur memory loss after playing him for extended periods of time


After playing MVC2 and looking a bit about playing it online, it seems like it’s pretty hard. You can Discord people and get IPs, but there isn’t a ton of people on the Discord and the emulation isn’t perfect.

It’s honestly making me want to pick up DBFZ. I always loved how much it reminded me of MVC2 (from the little experience I had with it anyway), but I didn’t grow up with DBFZ so have no real attachment to the IP like I do Marvel and Capcom. But anyways, it still looks fun and seems to still have a decent online player base from what I’m seeing on Twitch.

After I replied I realized that’s probably what you meant in that case yeah it’s sketchy. I try to use only a select few places that still work from years ago.

As sketchy as it is now, it’s still no where near as bad as it was back in the day. From random ass websites to shit like limewire,kazaa and all that lol.


The problem is that all of those websites still look like they did 15 years ago which makes them look even sketchier by today’s standards, lol


That’s funny because the site I use looks exactly like it did back then. Not sure if it’s my adblocker or what but at least I don’t have to jump through all the hoops I did back then. Used to have to vote for the site on 3 different anime/hentai top 100 things. Then you’d get transferred to some file sharing site you never heard of asking you to download there fake ass client lol.

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Twitter’s funny man.

Right now, “EmbraceDeath” (SamSho’s tagline) is trending because Justin Wong has five free copies to give away and he asked people to reply with the hashtag.

And now, the general population is freaking out. No one seems to understand it’s from a video game and they think people are just randomly calling on others to embrace death.

The award for dummest person goes to this fella:



It was close to the same experience, lol. I tried a bunch of links that lead to exe files instead of rar’s, but finally got lucky.


That’s amazing. Entered it because I appreciate the troll value of it.



Wait, what? It’s a SamSho tagline?

And here I thought more people were finally sharing my Satanic values…


I think the difference between comparing say Ibuki or Seth ( which I’ll concede were fucking shit Hawks who gave me the rage) is that …it was just their specific design.

SF5 feels a bit like we’re all doing the same shit to different degrees. I think that’s another reason I don’t play various characters. My spread in 4 was Sagat, Fei, Gouken , yang and T Hawk. Literally like chalk and cheese - all of them .

SF5 is like - yeah he gets meaty after this and this and this and this other guy, well he just gets meaty after this and this. This guy gets more danage off a cr.mk…this guy doesnt.

Or …

Yeah this guy is shit , but his trigger is insane so he’s worth it.


Jesus that really sucks man. That’s a real betrayal. Sometimes life just wants to throw so much shit at people just for the sake of it. Take good care of your kid!


I played ibuki and Chun. That’s it. Dabbled in a few others sometimes but ibuki and Chun has everything I wanted and after I got over chun ibuki was all I needed.

But idk. I thought she was fair and I played against lots of other ibuki that were better than me. She had crap pokes compared to the rest of the cast and her 50/50 oki straight up didn’t work against many of the cast. Still though, yeah she was strong but not nearly as obnoxious as divekickers imo. But w/e.

When she came out she was so hard to use it legit took me 2 months to start getting wins against offline peeps. The training wheels were rough.

I played dbfz for that skullgirls/mvc2 withdrawals.

But it doesn’t work for me:

No pushblock and chain combos that can be staggered into 8 inputs into an assist to lock you down, into another 8 inputs, into your second assist, into another 8 inputs… means that in that game you are blocking for huge amounts of time and practically anywhere you can be subjected to a semi weak high/low/throw mixup. So the entire game becomes about who can make the other person block even the most glancing greedy desperate attack into a 15 minute pressure sequence.

And that’s just the neutral.

It’s hard to stop people from gaining this pressure because there are (or atleast weren’t any when I stopped playing) good fully invincible assists. They either lacked range in the extreme, or were pitifully easy to beat out… or both.

Plus half the combos you will be doing are damn near universal. There are of course exceptions but everyone has the standard combo and everyone uses it, more than the non standard combos.

So the game doesn’t really resemble mvc2 much at all, unfortunately.

But still, it has its merits and stands alone as a fun team game.

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Real life took over today so I couldn’t chime in till now, but before I do, couple things 1) eHarmony is dookie. 2) Match is party time. Someone gave me her number tonight and I haven’t been on longer than 24 hours. Could be a real gurl. Lord I hope she ain’t cuckoo pants.

I’ve been on downloading games since the late 90s and it’s been a fun ride since! Ain’t nobody coming for me and their not earning money games lol


So, I’ve finally played MVC Infinite for the first time, as it is on pc gamepass.
Everything looks cheap and ugly and story mode is terrible, but it is so bad that it is fun.

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Well unfortunately people now demand Story Modes out of Fighting Games because of MK and Capcom absolutely sucks at making a decent story from Street Fighter because…well the lore of Street Fighter as a whole really is not interesting in the slightest. SF has always been about individual journeys and that doesn’t lend itself well to any sort of story.

MvCI…the less we talk about ANYTHING in that game outside of pure gameplay the better.


So, what did I miss?
Was there a shitstorm about Infiltration going to EVO in here or all the people that jumped at his throat last year are now in hiding?

I only saw some folks tweeting at EVO and MirWizard that they should ban him from competing. I don’t even think Infil’s announcement was posted here at all




Thanks Dime! I appreciate that.

I’ll still pick it up but will wait for it to go on sale.