SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute

The shitty thing is lots of people still think he abused his wife.

Just go to reddit/twitter and game forums like resetera and you’ll see people hell bent on believing he abused his wife.

Even my friends insist he beat his wife. Sigh.

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Bottom ten characters by eventhubs:


Now I’m not a regular on the eventhubs hate-train but this list is bonkers. What is Blanka doing there, what is FANG doing there and where the hell are Ryu and Sakura?

I can’t check the podcast to hear their arguments right now unfortunately.



Could this be our hardcorps uprising fix? Looks good!



I particularly enjoyed how the Trump voter starts his tweet by saying “this world is sick” and then mentions satanic values like a true lunatic.

Way to prove a point dude.


Holy shit, catching up with this thread was a ride.

Fucking astrology has to take dumbest comment of the year tho.

Honestly surprised PlusFrames is having trouble to find matches on fightcade with MvC2. Always thought it would be hella popular.

Akhos just doesn’t get it, no matter how we explain why we don’t want him to leave or feel like ass.

Damn near fell off my bed with the #EmbraceDeath talk. You’d expect people to not be this fukkin stupid, but here we are.

@Edmund I don’t even have words man. It’s seriously impressive how you lived through all of that. Incredibly brave of you to share all of this stuff here too, I know I don’t have that kind of courage. Keep making your days great.

In more positive and absolutely irrelevant news, I finally got through my college semester, so now I’m as free as I am in FGs!!!


Former TWT-finalist Blackbeard is in Oslo and we’ll probably be streaming some matches of him vs some random Oslo Tekken players. I can post the stream link if anyone’s interested (tbh I’ll probably post it anyway) :v

I’ll probably play Feng if I get some games.


Hahaha, good for you man!

Regarding MVC2, it seems that the arcade rom or MAME itself can’t run the arcade rom reliably, so it’s not even available to play in Fightcade, which sucks.

There’s a Dreamcast emulator that can play online, though it doesn’t seem to work perfectly, and it seems like you need your opponent’s IP (no big server or anything like that) and the Discord has one person a day asking for matches. Probably worth looking into though and testing it myself. If I can find one person to play even once or twice a week for an hour here or there and the connection’s decent, I’m happy.

Also, @dime I read up on DBFZ and it seems like there was a patch a few months ago that buffed guard cancelling and maybe reflect and nerfed meter building, which seems to have made the pressure a little easier to deal with. I could be wrong though, it’s just what I saw in two or three Reddit threads.

Some people were complaining that defence is still a bit weak (compared to MVC2/3 or Skullgirls), and they nerfed offence to compensate, so DBFZ isn’t as chaotic as MVC2/3 or Skullgirls was.


Oof. That certainly explains it.

Maybe you could pick up Skullgirls. Last time I looked it up the community was still quite active and that netcode is the GOAT. I think I still have the Discord invite if you want, dunno how active the forums are, but it’s an option too.

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Yeah, I may do that. I actually think I have it, lol. I’m pretty sure I bought it one time when it was on sale but I was too invested in SFV to play it much.

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If its the PC version @ me later. I can run a set for old times sake.

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I have an online tournament tonight and I just got the brackets for it.
I start against a platinum Akuma that I have beaten in ranked and casuals before then I will be matched against Destroyer, the Brazilian teenager SFV prodigy that took 2nd place on this online tournament on the previous round. :frowning:

Here’s to him not knowing the Falke MU with Karin.


If he does know the matchup don’t play the matchup.

If playing the “right way” means you will lose don’t play that way. You got gief too.

My 2 cents. Good luck!

Shoot the stream link later. I wanna see you zoning people so hard they rq live.

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There are a ton of high level Gief players that he runs into on ranked, casual and lobbies here.
Falke is my best bet there.


They won’t stream matches outside of the top 8, but I am considering streaming my matches on my channel tonight.


Unfortunately it’s PS4. I doubt my laptop can run the Pc version

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Don’t lose to Akuma player :slight_smile:



You’d be surprised. I could run it somewhat well on a laptop that couldn’t handle Chrome and Paint at the same time.

Game is old and super light. No big deal though. It’s not like I’m really investing time in any FGs anyway.

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That is highly unlikely. I have a pretty decent win rate against Akuma with Falke.
They don’t know how to deal with her zoning and get frustrated very quickly. :smile: