SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

The bigger issue is that even the hotfixes aren’t necessarily positive. We can look back and see a lot of things that would’ve been hotfixed away. We would’ve lost unblockables in MvC2, roll canceling in CvS2, SGGK in 3S, stored supers in ST etc.

Hot patches fix a lot of the errors that give games identity. A lot of these are debately bad but the fact that we dealt with them and worked around those gameplay restrictions opened up a wider understanding of how fair or unfair things can be while still being playable.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a myriad of positives in the current situation. If you like FGs, these are legitimately the best of times in a multitude of ways (one of which is the readily availability of the games themselves and peripherals). But some other things are kind of questionable.

Fighting games don’t really die. They go into a post limelight which is pretty sweet in a lot of different ways. Unfortunately the idea that you don’t stop playing a game because it isn’t on the Evo Marquee is not as pronounced anymore. People are crying over wanting content and all sorts of shit, meanwhile CvS2 and MvC2 cats are working furiously at bringing the hype back.

Where’s USF4 at? Kermit sips that tea.


I mean if the company sets the precedent that they’re going to support the game post-release and then stops after supplying content for years I would not blame a community for slowing down with it and moving onto another game.

Lotta patches for FGs are pretty bad, but in games like LoL/shooters where the knowledge pool is a little smaller, it’s not AS bad. LoL players still dislike it though.

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You can’t talk about gaining new players without DLC or getting new shit. Won’t fly in these times, especially expecting new peeps to drop 60$ for a fighter and think they aren’t gonna ask when’s the new stuff dropping.

USF4 was trash and everybody that doesn’t have nostalgia goggles attached to their face knows it.

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Fuck’em then. I don’t want everybody to play my games. I want people who enjoy it to play it.

You think anybody really wants the games they loved patched so that new people can play it for 2 weeks and drop it anyway? What you should always do is show your game at a high level, give people the tools to learn it and let them figure out if they want to really learn it.

No amount of costumes or other trash is going to have people sit down playing something for 10+ years. Fuck all that. This isn’t a scene for fickle people. There are a lot of games for people like that. Both are fine and necessary.

All in all, stop asking for 3S and MvC2 to get balance patches. That turns them into different games. go Kick rocks.

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This post right here.

We aren’t able to craft a games or characters identity anymore through gameplay. It’s crafted for us, “we intended for it to work this way, so it works this way”

It’s funny to me even in sf5 how they “gave” or allowed Kara canceling for sagat because it became such a staple of his in sf4. Yet if they could have patched that out at the time early one it would have been which would have had a trickle down effect to sf5 sagat.

Hyper viper, unfly combo’s…Urien ageis setup and unblockables… so much BS actually is became defining character traits. That’s essentially been stripped away, and players don’t even realize it.

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For how long DOA5 was played and all they did was add costumes, I gotta disagree.

And again it ain’t just about patching shit.

Yes, but you don’t know what, MvC2 for example, would have looked if there had been hot fixes. A version of MvC2 with more than 5 viable characters may not have been such a bad thing.

My main point is that I don’t think things move forward by being rigidly stuck in yester year.


Fighters online are limited by lag more than any other genre. We’re only ever going to become as big as lag allows us. That’s why the esports angle is so important as it allows us to grow in other ways online and offline. Until the technology catches up.

They didn’t cave into anything. They trolled the fuck out of SJWs and it was hilarious. They said they were toning things down, SJWs claimed victory, but the game is as lewd as ever.

What we do know is that the MvC2 we play is a great one. So you’re hoping that making Felicia better leads to an overall better game than the one we have now.

What people don’t get is that a game only sticks around because that high level gameplay is GOOD. People can cry all the want about high level MvC2 and the god 4, but those 4 characters create such fucking great gameplay, that you don’t really give a shit.

Tell me which of the modern games has such a great gameplay at a high level that you DGAF about who the top tier is because playing them is damn satisfying?

See, your new games are patched more but still ass. :joy:

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sounding like a smaaaaash player


I was thinking about making “things Capcom should do to get my money again” video.
Anyone wants to help? At-least with narrating. My accent is really off-putting.

Holy shit thissss.

Lmao sound just like the melee peeps they hate so much.

Old games don’t die because of a lack of updates, old games die because newer games come out and newer games are the most prestigious, plus they always offer the most to learn and learning is the funnest part about playing fighting games. The entire not knowing thing. Not knowing if THIS will finally be the FG that really gets you as a player, or if this FG will have that great character that you just click with, or this FG will come about at a time when you have an epiphany about why you suck and you will get better.

Old games are known. You know that if you’ve been practicing kinda hard at an old game and never made it out of pools… you KNOW that there are basically no top 8’s in your future. Maybe you are fine with that, but lots of people aren’t so they get bored of the stagnation or repetitiveness and they just leave for the newer game.

It just happens sometimes.


I agree with all of that, but don’t see them as mutually exclusive. Once the patch cycle for a game stops they enter exactly the state you are referring to.

Yes, but in his regard. He is right.

Then I can’t sound like a smash players because that scene is always on some dumb shit.

Unfortunately a lot of people in this thread get their jimmies rustled if you disagree with them. Even more so if you provide evidence of why they’re wrong.

Either way, which of you talented youngings can do the stream border stuffs? We have a banner and some other stuff, we don’t have the thingy where people write players names etc.

I have a friend named Jimmy.

He’s almost deaf though, so he’s very hard to rustle.

Helluva smash player though.

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I used to play MvC2 with a blind guy named Rafa.

He hated spiderman.

Definitely rustled.

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My jimmy played Bayonetta through all of U. So it’s good that he’s deaf. We could say all kinds of salty shit and he never knew…