SFV Lounge: Cammy at the Falken bottom, Makoto is in final phases, Leo Alex is broken

combos into light.

Not like anybody remembers it being -4 long enough to punish it on block though.

Huh TIL. Truthfully I haven’t seen a Necalli in months.

Why not use Kage is his c.mk good? He seems like the better character if you are raw dogging it into stomps.

Person loses a match up he already beats, switches to Cammy.

C’mon son.


Kolin is on the slow side in this game.

To be fair though, everyone in the SF4 era games is slow as heck.

Since many disliked SFV’s CC.

What can you say about A3’s Counter Hit?

What makes A3’s Counter Hit better or worst than SFV’s Crush Counter?

Don’t know much about A3 so it can stay kicking rocks.


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Speaking of A3, I never understood why in tournament play the players never air tech out of a juggle?

I used to play the game a lot (I admit though this was a time before I would take fighting games more seriously) and to this day I’ve never understood that.

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That’s because of the Crouch Glitch. Basically, A3 would only allow an air tech whenever the person on offense would return to neutral on the ground. Normally that would happen when landing, but in A3 if you crouch at the correct frame when you touch the ground and immediately jump the game doesn’t recognize you in neutral at any point and denies an air tech. Which leads to CC Infinites…which are incredibly difficult to pull off to death due to the execution and tediousness due to the extremely low damage required. It can take most of a round’s timer to actually kill someone and it’s very easy to lose focus and drop the combo (you see this plenty in high level tourneys even now).


Sigh…fuck censorship. DMCV is fire btw.

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Don’t forget the law of doing what other people aren’t.

If everyone is going to uni, go get a trade. If everyone is getting a trade, go to uni. Try not to be robot #73737338393028263

College as it is now laid out is a complete and total scam. Not that there are t good courses to take, but unless there is a big hole in the in the industry you should never be taking stupid shit like English or women’s studies or basically anything where the only jobs in that field are… teaching.

One of the personal trainers at my work/gym (oh yeah, I graduated my PT class yesterday) was actually an engineer and he gave it up for PT work.

But PT is over saturated now so unless you are very good looking or have excellent person to person sales skills or a huge amount of industry related knowledge that a layperson wouldn’t, I wouldn’t suggest it as a career.

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Phillipines and their insane need to play MvC2 in damage setting 1. What’s that you may ask?

Well, some chip damage set ups deal more damage than combos.



Sounds like something SF player actually want.

are we pretending Amane is not a thing in anime?

So anyway I’ve spent the last 2+ hours playing FFX on the ship that just left from Besaid, there is a fight with Sin with infinite spawning little mobs, I am found out you can farm them. Wonder how much stuff I will get.

Also made Iron Man a lot better if I’m not mistaken?

My mood when Cammy players keep jumping at Sagat

How many times are you going to eat this DP!

I mean Amane is the King of chip.
Doing 50% Chip Damage in one Drill is pretty neat, luckly Barrier is a thing.
Imagine Amane in SF, the salt will be real, especially from Sagat players.
Then again they’re always salty.

Actually, take the English courses. Every single industry is plagued with people who can’t communicate with writing.

And nothing wrong with having to take some broaden your horizons type general electives. Don’t major in a garbage major, but it’s still 4 years of your life, might as well get exposed to some shit you’re not going to see once you’re on the outside.

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My post was edited by the system? Wut?

I mean if you really wanted to have good English you should have just payed attention in high school. That shits free, not 20k per year to “broaden your horizons” it’s one of the shittest majors I can think UNLESS it’s a pre requisite for something that actually pays. I mean I’d love to major in streetfighter footsies for 4 years. But Iif that shit isn’t getting me paid, then it’s basically useless and just a waste of time.

Like you said, if a person just likes something then by all means. But that philosophy degree as fun as it was… you will quickly understand that there isn’t a high demand for philosophers.

20k a year? That’s insane, I don’t think even the most exclusive universities in my country get that high

I am assuming that’s not even counting the price of the textbooks