The day Iori can’t cross in the corner any more, he will no longer be Iori.
Ye olde Great Wall of Daimon.
It’s her eye. Hehehehehehehe
I play it, I dont bother to watch it because high level matches imo at least, is boring and just takes way too long.
Goro forces footsies in 98. One mistake and you are dead.
Except if you are Ralf. Then you just spam the C button in neutral at your hearts content.
it’s BOR engine, So it’s unlikely. BOR is the mugen for beat em up games.
Things I’d love back in mk11:
- the run button
- sindel
- subs ice klone
They got rid of Run button for footsays
And they got rid of Ice clone…
So good luck with MK11.
Yea those are the things I wish would be back, I love subzero and that move is iconic so don’t know why it was removed, maybe because it really made certain matchup (like Jax) hell for the opponent. Also I’m aware that no run= more footsies but I thought that made mk wayyy funner. And of course sindel is just badass!!
As an expected drawback. For them trying to appeal to a different set of audience.
Changing gameplay isn’t about widening target audience it’s will end up changing followers and priority.
Wait, so what audience do you think they’re targeting? More competitive players?
The one they kept talking about lately probably yes.
This one:
The green suit is too fresh, I had to admit.
Alright, somebody help me out here. Clicked on a front page article with that poster I put earlier showing that Kage was hiding in the Arcade Edition poster art. So i’m looking at the poster for type Arcade and there are a couple of people I don’t recognize. Look at the bottom all the way down at blanka, there’s a guy to his left looking at him, a head that doesn’t make sense and the person above him sort of looks like it could be birdie but isn’t. Then above Zeku it looks like it should be Sagat but there’s no art.
Gents, think we have cracked the capcom code.
Take a looksie.
No. The run button is one of the worst things I have ever seen ever.
I’m fine if they want to make a game where you can run, but the just let the player run. No bullshit.
And to Mr Boon, if you ever make another game with running, remember, that’s a big fucking deal and you need to factor it into to everything else about the game.
Oh shit, there’s a guy inbetween Kolin and Bison that looks new too.
These mofos have been hiding these characters in plain sight the whole fucking time.
Edit, wait, white haired guy looks to be Bengus Ken. That means we still have a couple of unaccounted people. Unless the guy below Bison and above Zeku is naked Urien. then maybe that’s two.
That’s birdie above blanka, almost certain.