… i don’t know how…
let me look…
… i don’t know how…
let me look…
Where is pending CFN friend requests?
This is a pretty fun fucked up combo that i got lured into doing. I didn’t even know that Chun can do VS1, VS2, HK legs xx mini before.
DUDE I couldnt agree more with this especially after watching that MVC2 stream you linked some days ago, and it reminded me of Psylocke and Cable assist.
I couldve sworn something else besides pushblocking in DBFZ was missing and its those kinds of assists to at least prevent offense from being so difficult to deal with.
The worst part is that DBF doesnt even let you choose what assist for which character you want… so depending on which character you play you either stuck with a good or bad assist. Sure you can argue that pretty much every assist is pretty useless since pretty much only one of them is good for almost every character, but incidentally it had the decency of giving one a good assist for the characters. Like imagine if MvC2 you had no choice of assist type and Psylocke’s DP wasnt it? She would be literally useless.
Fuck man Beerus having that projectile kick as an assist is soooo wack, it would be much more interesting to be able to choose his qcb+k (yeah I forgot the name) as an assist because it would make for a good defensive one probably.
Along with Falke, Kolin also has a very underrated booty
[/spoiler]Coincidentally both benefit the most from their Battle Outfits
Yall better download your kells music now that man is going down
For what its worth, Beerus assist is a very good pressure assist. It has relatively high block-stun, and a very fast startup which lets you pressure/combo off of some weird stuff like SSGSS Vegeta air grab.
You can deflect/SD in between the hits. But if you SD you just get hit by the pressure, and if you Deflect you also open youself up for different stuff.
I still can’t find the option on the CFN website. I searched for “Twinblades” but all I could find was a Gold cammy with a losing record.
I know you suck… but I didn’t think you sucked at my level.
Jesus Christ shots fired.
You have to accept his friend request in the game. Click the big CFN block on the main menu then on the next screen there is a button (on the left i think) that shows your pending cfn friend requests.
I hate that Juri’s V trigger fireball knocks down. It’s such a cock block. No fun allowed.
Look for TwLnblades. The Gold Cammy is his old account.
Idk I think some of his other outfits are mad wack, like the Thai garb one. It looks rough, and without the poncho his shoulder area animates really really weirdly.
Oh, I have to do it from in the game. I’m not on tonight, I will do it tomorrow.
I saw @Twinblades and @Itzpookiie on CFN before I logged off. This immeditately came to mind.
You joke but Vega’s command grab side switching irritates the hell out of me. He can’t safely use it when his opponent is cornered unless it will dizzy or kill since landing it will put him in the corner where you may as well put the pad down. Between that and the 3000 recovery frames on whiff it’s usually not worth it to go for it.
I think the idea is to make his CG stylistically similar to his regular izuna drop, which is a neat aesthetic detail on Capcom’s part. But in this case it’s getting in the way of his gameplay, which is not a good look.
Just spent some time playing some battle lounges today on sfv playing Chun. Can I get a refresher on what exactly I can do against Karin players that use lots of big normals?
Staying out of range and whiff punishing doesn’t seem to be cutting it online. So maybe I don’t know the matchup as well as I thought I did
Chun slightly outanges Karin but the latter has way better conversions. Best you can hope for is to abuse your slight range advantage along with your fireball and superior walk speed.
I don’t main Chun so I can’t get more specific than that without being in front of the game. This MU always feels like a 4-6 in Karin’s favor when i play Chun tho.
Chun fights Karin well on the ground not sure why you’re having trouble there.
Perhaps I am just having a hard time interrupting or whiff punishing normals. Cr forward is deceptively short. Not that it’s a bad button at all, but maybe some micro adjustments might be required. I do believe this matchup is in Chun’s favour if you have a clear head or whatever.