All double fight money means is you get 4 days fight money for the price of 2. Not fucking much when you think along the lines of the fact that there are 31 days in one month. And with a double fight money event one weekend a month, you basically get 33 days of fight money instead of 31.
Color me not fucking impressed in the slightest.
Now, if every weekend were a double fight money thing… That would be something.
Yeah, I didn’t see the appeal of this week-end, especially with all the tournaments going on. And I honestly thought it was going to be like that every week end. For once a month, at least 4X the ammount seems fair, as 50 is really ridiculously low anyway.
Which is fucking retarded because it makes people that lose alot just quit playing.
Pretty much every other game that uses this currency model gives you SOMETHING if you lose, so people don’t get frustrated and give up the first time they have a losing streak that makes them feel like they’ve completely wasted their time.
This is just another example of how far more popular games have had this model perfected for awhile now, but Capcom is too stupid to just follow that model.
No. But someone that’s just turbo LKing should lose 100% of the time against anyone actually playing the game. So if matchmaking works properly, they should eventually drop to the point where they’re only getting matched against other people turbo LKing.
Don’t worry All the lk guys are still playing usf4. I know because I don’t have 5 yet and I’m stuck playing retards that think they are awesome with one move spams(Rolento roll)