even double would still be slow
but it’s better than nothing

Yay. Now I have to win only 1.000 fights for a new character. Thank you soooooo much Capcom. My vocabulary lacks the necessary superlatives to express my appreciation for this awesome event. And that goes for my native language, too.

For how is written it seem it will last only few days “We will hold our first Double FM Event on the weekend of September 2-4th”

Most have seen in the game already, but the double FM for ranked starts Friday at 4PM PST/7PM EST.

More news on Urien update coming soon.

Bout to start soon (5 hours). Kick back, get dat fight money, watch Daigo win

I’m not sure of your skill level but your best bet is probably to use your lowest level characters. That’s another 1000 FM per level. Hmm does the double FM apply to leveling up too?

Its just fight money AFAIK.

I like how Xrd and uniel handled the fight money tbh.

Cuz sfv is basically 80-120$ if you get premium costumes and season pass.

Sorry if this information has been posted within the thousands of posts that have been made here since it was announced but does this also mean you will lose twice as much FM if you lose?

Nope, you can’t lose Fight Money. You’re thinking LP points, which will be unaffected by this event. You won’t rank up faster, you will earn Fight Money faster.

That’s BS then. You get Fight Money when you level. If it’s Double FM weekend you should get double fight money when you level.

Thank you for that info Tones. Now let’s make some money.

Is it only me, or did anyone else here earn 0 fight money last night? I was online last night from 8 pm to 930 pm EST “earning” over 300 LPs with the vast majority being fight wins and gained no FM. WTF? This expensive capcom beta program continues to confuse.

I believe you only earn fight money in ranked when your character levels up. It’s a bonus for leveling up. They must be doing this only for ranked as some test since ranked is about the slowest way to earn fight money in the game.

Certainly experienced no such problems with the fight money accounting. Have been experiencing seemingly random disconnects though. Shit happening at times that make no sense, like right after the first round begins or right when we are starting the 3rd match of a 2 out of 3. Makes me not want to play the game because I’ve no idea who is getting tagged with the quit markers. I wonder if the game is buckling under the increased server traffic.

The only thing doubled was my piss off level,still waiting minutes for a single match, then 3 out of 4 were against USA players when I’m in Europe. I would prefer an improvement in matchmaking and a damn region filter,but seems impossible to get by Capcom and his lonely employer working at the server. Smh, they keep remember me why I didn’t play online this game.

Sorry, I forgot to mention it was during ranked matches (thought that was understood). Did capcom say the double FM was the result of leveling up? I will try tonight to see if double FM exists.

I knew you were talking about ranked.

Actually from what I hear you’re supposed to get 100 FM after every win in ranked (normally you only get 50). Play ranked some more and let me know if you are getting your 100 FM after a win.

You do also get a 1,000 FM bonus for leveling up, but I don’t know if that will get doubled or not.

I think you missed the point. I did not receive any FM. Not 100 or 50. I usually get FM after I win a match. After all those wins, my FM remained the same. Nothing Nathin Nodda. Has anyone else experienced this?