Love how someone said " I bet Ibuki is going to get delayed " (oh, cause merciful Capcom would never not just tell us who the character is until the very last day of the month, and mercccccccccccciful! Capcom! praise the lord! (enter black gospel choir) Would neverrrrrr everrrr delay the character that they waited for the last day to announce for another monthhhhh! Right!? Right!?) then he got like 4 disagree’s, now he’s listening to this song.


I wonder if Capcom will continue to develop a cinematic story mode for all future DLC characters as well.
I also wonder if they will continue to create the short story modes they currently have for all the characters.

Capcom “clarifies” end of June for Ibuki:

4 months since release and the game is still a mess. we still don’t have the zenny shop or daily challenges, people are still rage quitting, battle lounge is still fucked and now the monthly characters r getting delayed

Gd job Capcom!!!

I feel like we need a incentive for all the fuck ups

Give us another stage capcom

I imagine we will be getting access to several new stages in some way due to the cinematic story.

I have a feeling we will get night time waterfall (already been shown) with uriens release. There might be a pattern.

Guile came with his own stage
Ibuki comes with a edited existing stage
Some people think Balrog may come with Vegas stage

These are the stages that are MIA but are known to be part of the story and/or appeared in some of the promotional material:

Forgotten Waterfall Nighttime
Shadaloo Base Nighttime
Chinese Rooftop
City in Chaos Nighttime (destroyed/burning)
R.Mika’s Wrestling Ring
Kanzuki Estate Day
City in Chaos Bank extension (far right of the stage)
Forgotten Waterfall Ancient Tomb Extension (far right of the stage)

i think we will see a lot of new stages/versions with June story mode

There’s also the Four Kings stage with Sagat’s head.

Thank you Capcom… if Ibuki is not ready to be pushed out, don’t do it. You know that the people complaining about delays will complain about how broken she is once the problems are discovered.

Maybe not “forever” but keep some broken shit until 2017 Patch is still a long ass time

And that picture right there, is the reason why I’m not mad at ibuki being delayed.

Big news for June update. All 6 DLC characters will be playable in story.


looks good

I love that they’re doing a character preview


Only thing it lacks is the “SUPER” monicker above the logo…

Can’t wait for Juri to V-Trigger and unleash her hidden Sharingan

So in essence grinding for zenny was a waste of time?
EDIT - I confused zenny with fight money. Didn’t know they were distinct.

They were 2 different things and now Zenny will never actually exist