If it’s late then at least make it the first week of June.

First full week of June is likely (sometime next week). Usually once they get a trailer out the character is not too far from completion. Looking at early June for Ibuki then story mode late. I guess this is just the first time they can’t really come through for the month to release the character. Which isn’t surprising at all considering they seem to have a work force that’s rather limited in actual working bodies and probably not of the highest caliber.

hopefully they throw in Dayside Kanzaki Estate to Season Pass “Chumps” as trife88 would say for free.

They better do, so far the Season Pass was a ripoff

Capcom wouldn’t be Capcom if they didn’t fuck you over.

Not to defend them because they fucked up and i don’t like have to wait things, but season pass will give you exactly what they said: 6 characters (600.000 FM) +6 premium costumes (??? real money) , not more not less

We know that they will miss the date to stay in May, but we will see the stuff few days from now anyway

Guile stage was an extra, whatever they add will be an extra

Again Capcom is doing a shitty job , but the butthurt on the other side is hilarious too

She looks good which is nice, but the fickle nature of communication between fans and developers with low transparency and botched release dates needs to fucking stop, all I see in developer updates now on Unity are people complaining over poor communication to the fanbase. It took them ALL MONTH to release a single shred of information regarding the next character and now it’s (Most likely)going to delayed and they’re tip-toeing around that fact entirely without even saying it? What the fuck man people paid for your season pass stop fucking them over and have some humility.

Give us a Development log, or if it’s going to be postponed give a heads up earlier in the month with note of who the character is. You see other eSports having shit communication with fans? Blizzard games are trying to get a foot in the door with their new IPs and they give substantial developer logs and comments that show the directions they took with changes and updates.

Capcom are a joke as a public trading company, they botch games/beloved series/releases/community relations moreso than any AAA company I know of. Even EA has some decent communication through forums and Twitter.

“In addition, “general story” is decided to be distributed as a free DLC at the same time as “Ibuki”!
The information in this large update, including the delivery date of the official site , please check because going to notice the future in. So, let’s introduce the typical tricks of breath.”

**Japanese website gives some details on the release of the DLC. Says Ibuki and “General Story” will launch SIMULTANEOUSLY sometime in June. Could mean the cinematic story or just her character prologue story. We’ll see. **

Well at least 2 more weeks of waiting. Excellent.

Wow, shameful

The cinematic story mode is actually called General Story in Japan. So Ibuki may take a while…

Ibuki delayed ?

To think some people were actually expecting this month’s release to include 2 characters. I guess the special news Capcom had in plan was to announce a delay, looking at how development of SF5 went so far, this delay does not come in as a surprise.

If the story update is nothing but cheesy and poorly drawn picture slideshows then they are in for a rough awakening, i’ve seen people thinking / hoping that the story update will be on par with MK or Injustice style. Pretty much a movie played through the game itself,and if the current story cinematics are a preview of what’s up next,then oh my…

PR Balrog on suicide watch?

how many of you will actually even play ibuki
I rarely saw any alex’s or even any guile’s since release

Ibuki is s cute Asian ninja that has motion inputs. She’ll get used lol

Fuck Capcom though

She’s my favorite overall character in the SF series so she’ll at least be my secondary for sure. I wanted a character that had better rushdown options than Chun to help deal with matches where she gets lamed out any ways. Be perfect for the Nashs and Sims.

I think you’re right though in that people are probably just getting hype for her return/new design and will probably only see a bit of a spike early on in play before dropping off. She has new special moves, an entire anime style kunai resource to manage and a 3 bar V Trigger that works around set ups. She’s easily going to be one of the more complicated characters to play so that’ll keep a lot of the online regulars from having too much fun with her. Once people start losing too much with her or find her too high maintenance they’ll go back to their regulars.

From what I’ve heard the cinematic story has about 2 hours of footage like MK.

I didn’t care about Alex or Guile. I don’t tend to do well with grapplers and Guile has always been the most boring character to me.
I only played Ibuki a little in 3S and IV, but from the trailer (obviously too early to tell just yet) she seems like a character that will be strong in V due to the way the game works - i.e. rewarding offence and pressing buttons and making it harder to react. In the same way that Ken gets away with his dashes, I think Ibuki’s dashes will also be a strong tool.
As well as maybe being strong, she looks really fun to play.

I decided to main Dictator this time around because I loved his new design, but I’ve found he is lacking a couple of tools that I like to have available to me, so will probably switch over to Ibuki as a main if she has those tools covered, at least until they announce someone awesome like Oro.


In ibuki news!

How can a character with fireballs have only 2 of range? Or are they based only on the normals range?

I decided to go ahead an translate the Ibuki page on Capcom Japan’s website. It’s bit rough, so if anything sounds incorrect/weird let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it. Any feedback/questions would be appreciated too.

Greetings everyone,
The other day we released a video where it was revealed that Ibuki will be the character to come out in the next update!

Ibuki, who first appeared in “Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike” is a kunoichi who was born in a ninja village. She is a high mobility character who possesses many special moves and target combos.
What will her playstyle be like in Street Fighter V?

Here is our newest video!!!
We didn’t notice this until after release, but the mouse cursor during editing is showing. This is a urgent matter and we are very sorry! The Youtube URL will be changed after it’s fixed. Apologies again

**In addition, the “Cinematic Story Mode” will be coming out as free DLC alongside the “Ibuki” release. **
For more information on this big update, including the release date, please check our official website and stay tuned.

Now let’s introduce some of Ibuki’s main moves.

V-Trigger: "Rosshaku Hourokudama"
In this explosive technique, Ibuki throws out a bomb which detonate after a set amount of time.
You can change the time it explodes by holding down a direction. The bomb can also be detonated if it hits an EX kunai. Timing is key with this!

V-Skill: "Tenrai"
Ibuki released energy from the palm of her hand.
It has decent range and can negate projectiles. It can also be used a tool in the mid range.

Special Movement: "Nobusuma"
Ibuki uses a cloth to fly like a flying squirrel! She can throw a kunai midair after falling.
Just like a ninja!

Special Move: "Kunai"
Ibuki takes aim and throws kunai near her opponent’s feet. The distance changes based on the strength of the input.
She can also throw all of her kunai on hand at once, so make sure to use this based on the situation.

Critical Art: "Kachoufugetsu"
After launching her opponent in the air, Ibuki makes ninja signs to build up and unleashes a huge amount of energy in her ultimate technique.
This move hits low, so you can take your opponent by surprise.

*this a translation and does not necessarily represent an official statement from Capcom.
source: http://www.capcom.co.jp/game/content/streetfighter/saikyoblog/1233