Thanks for clarification, I was convinced it was only if you used Sony’s servers that you needed to pass threw the certification process.

I see you have been infected with DESPAIR! Doom and gloom is upon us all!!!

I fought in the dark for years before SFIV. I am one with the darkness.

So you the final boss in Destiny. Good to know.

The hiccup being the Update will launch somewhere in late March :frowning:

Oh no, that just means things are going to plan LOL

Sorry for the ignorance. But Capcom ever discuss whether they were letting us earn alternate stages as well? Theres a few in the comical story mode I’d like to use at my whim.

Sorta blows that the game will be subject to this certification wait time due to the PS4.

Consoles definitely never have been inviting to patching. It’s been normal for PC games for eons, but there was a time when they had to pay fees to even get a patch for console games so I guess they’re just ultimately going to be slower in the process for a long time to come.

I’m crossing my fingers for today. PS4 updates are usually Tuesdays right?

Its possible but unlikely. They’ll most likely make more announcements before they release content

Store updates, regular patches are whenever.

It’s sad when Capcom can’t even keep up the meme of Tuesday > Bipson > Info.

Shit what am I talking about. I have to wait until Summer for Juri. I just want these hotfixes.

Ono’s made the announcement of the announcement that the march update was on hold. I’d be really impressed if they don’t make another one when it’s ready to drop.

Still no news on the update i see.

I read a few “leaks” that it should be sooner the expected, whatever that means.

Anyone who is expecting the update before March 31st at 11:59:59PM PST is only setting themselves up for disappointment.

The info dump is this week. Theres your news.

Capcom can’t even give us a trailer or gameplay footage for Alex … so disgusting.

They release unfinished game and still take their time. God help us !!

Aww…life is good. Just made a Rashid player by the name of SpeedyK ragequit my BL.

Awww…let me sip my dark ass coffee in bliss awwwwwwwwwwww

The March update is now the Aprile update.