I always thought Damnd would make a neat character, I always imagined him as a heavy hitting zoner who utilizes thugs instead of fireballs. Sort of like Doronjo in TvC to an extent.
That outfit would be pretty cool for Birdie, though I think Edi E. would work better with the gut and all.
I can’t allow FengShuiEnergy to be accused of speaking about Juri in all his posts
Cuz ya know Juri - I Second Juri
Juri is my Alt, Juri needs to be in SF5
Ya dat Juri, Dem Feet, Juri
Juri is crazy
Rufus as Chris Farley in Beverly Hills Ninja (also mentioned over the story thread since he is a pretty obvious inspiration for Rufus unless it’s an AMAZING coincidence)
I know I’m the only one here but I really loved Juri’s alt costume from SFxT. It tickles me so. Also, if there was a way they could modify her Zafina swap that would be fine, too.
As a Juri fan that screen cap…her feet, her hands…wow
I think it’d be sweet to have a Kim Kaphwan style outfit for Juri.
She is after all a TKD fighter at heart, but first I want to make sure she’s actually confirmed.
One of her dropped concepts was like that and looked awesome
But to be real look like a female Makoto (lol), basically only the martial art side of the character
Wich is good, specially for an alt, but i understand why they chosen the final one considering that they wanted show her as a psycho villain nymphobitch
Yikes, now that I look at that screen cap, it is very unflattering. I guess the models are supposed to be hidden underneath baggy clothing to hide how freakish the proportions are.
For more fan servicy costumes.
Makoto in a sporty looking swimsuit
A more modern looking school uniform for Sakura with knee high socks and loafers.
Killer Bee for Cammy.
Makoto in tank top and short shorts
Blue Zangief speedo for R-Mika.
Male characters
Male characters.
Shirtless Remy if he comes back.
Akuma with cloth around waist.
Rufus in speedo, why get good at SF when you can just burn your opponents eyes and mind?