SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Everybody in Alpha 3 could air grab. I’d say this invalidates the opinion that Mika should be included in SF5. Please let’s not waste a character slot on a joke character worse than Dan or Fuerte.

I’m afraid that argument really doesn’t work. For example:

“Everybody in SF3 could parry. I’d say this invalidates the opinion that any 3s characters should be included in SF5. Lets not waste a character slot on characters who are unpopular.”

Besides, just cause you dislike a character doesn’t mean everyone else dislikes that character too.

Also, when I say ‘air grab’ I mean in the sense of a ground to air sort of move meant for grabbing, a la Abel’s Flying Sky or even Fuerte’s Guacamole Leg Throw

I wouldn’t mind R.Mika. Shes just slightly under the Dan Fuerte level of cheese and her expansive move set would be really interesting in a new game.

Still waiting for Sodom also. Just as an excuse to see his reversal jitte crawl again. Craziest looking move in SF. Plus command grabs that burn you on fire. And because hes basically a weeaboo

you can’t retwist your words to suggest you meant a designated grab anti-air special. You were implying ANY air grab. And my logic follows the line such as “you didn’t know you could do this in the game with anybody in this game, therefore you don’t really know this game, or these characters”. Considering your mention of “everybody can parry…” it’d be like saying you thought only certain characters could parry. I’m equating your lack of game knowledge to a lack of credibility in who the better candidates for SF5 are that’s all. But everybody gets on the hype train for the most uninspired and boring characters as usual. I’m not saying you shouldn’t like those characters, I’m saying you should get it figured out why you like those characters.

And again, I’d rather have a less of a joke character than Mika. Of which there are several.

He was basically the first weeaboo. :smiley: I can’t remember the Japanese word for what Sodom is either but I read it a long time ago in some bio page.


Yeah otaku is the more formal term for someone foreign that is fascinated with Japanese culture. Hence one of the biggest anime cons being called Otakon.

Okay. I’m sorry that I haven’t played SFA3 in quite some time and the mechanics are hazy to me. And I’m sorry I wasn’t clear what I meant when I said ‘air grab’. I wasn’t ‘retwisting’ my words. That’s why I specified it in my following post.

I really am not trying to pick a fight about this of all things. I’m just contributing to the conversation about who I would like to see and how they might be implemented. Just because I’m mistaken about something from a game doesn’t completely discredit my opinion in that regard. I used the parry example as a means to counter the argument of ‘characters who were in games with air grabs shouldn’t be in SF5’, not to discredit you or your opinion.

If you just wanted to just correct me, you could’ve just said ‘all characters could air grab in that game’ and my reaction would be ‘oh yea, I forgot but this is what I meant by that.’

And if you don’t want or like Mika, that’s also fine. There are some characters I don’t want in SF5 that I’m sure are going to make it anyway. But I feel we can have a discussion about that sort of thing without basically flinging crap at each other saying “You’re dumb and your opinions are dumb.”

That’s what you feel, but this is SRK

Of course. How silly of me.

It’s fine. I’d rather not spend time debating syntax and whether you did or didn’t mean one thing over another. And I did “go up one more level” because I’m one player who’s just honestly become repulsed at all the excitement over the mere idea of Mika being included. It’s like people are excited and they don’t even know why. Cuz somebody told them to or some other granfalloon like that.

I think it’s because people like the character and her play style and the chance to try her in a new engine is exciting.

Ending it here: I’d say whatever the reason is is the same reason any and all characters from 3S should be included before Mika.

Despite my earlier example, I also would like a plethora of 3S characters as well. Urien and Alex are very cool characters and it would be nice to see them again in a new game. The same logic applies to other characters we haven’t seen in a long time, including Mika, Birdie, and so on. So again, you’re not necessarily wrong for disliking the character, but the want to discredit other people’s opinion because of that comes off kind of negatively.

To go on back on topic, Q is another character I’d like to see in a new engine. The mystery on his character was always fascinating and the quasi-grappler charge design is cool. It felt like the parry system hurt him more, though I’m aware mastering it was key in winning with the character. I’ve pondered his V-Trigger and Skill, and I think earlier in the thread someone suggested his taunt would be his skill. Seems appropriate, but rather than ‘increase health/defense’, it giving a free bit of super armor would be more appropriate if they improved him in other ways (having a decent special cancellable poke for instance).

As for his trigger, not entirely sure. One cool idea would be to incorporate his Total Destruction into his attacks in some way. Maybe something like his grabs become explosively powerful on their own while still acting as combo starters. It’s a thought anyway.

Well, a drunk kung fu master a la Jackie Chan can be fun, but i will like even more a Jet Li, version Shaolin monk

Or even better Tony Jaa, so we can be sure to get a Muay Thai representative

Said that MA actors are a kinda gone trend… maybe easier go for fighter tribute?

I will like a Mayweather tribute, a boxing representative is another thing i want in SF, and he can represent a very new/original angle of the art
Another i will like is an italian kickboxer as tribute to Giorgio “The Doctor” Petrosyan

Aside that also for fighters we are kinda boring age, most of cool fighters are Pride era MMA ones (good exceptions GSP and A.Silva, both kinda recent), but the current scene is someway soulless… and for the love of everything, NO Ronda, lol.
Conor McGoat maybe :smiley:

He will even cover dat nation stereotype factor :smiley:


Just give me Brock Lesnar clone to literally body everyone and I’ll be happy, lol


This is the only Irishman who should be considered for Street Fighter.

Sorry, but i refuse to accept the candidacy of any not-ginger irish

Also he have already an excellent alt costume and walking animation :smiley:


I will admit, I want Necro/Vega in the game more than Mika. But I was merely speculating as to how she would fit into this game with her moveset. It really wouldn’t be that difficult to make her a competitive character, despite how bad she was in A3. This isn’t A3.

Remy should not be in this game ahead of Mika.

I think people are overestimating Mika’s chances. It can’t be a good look when you get put next to Retsu in the “characters we can throw out without offending anyone” list.

The problem isn’t even that she was bad, but that there’s not many hooks in her moveset to improve her. Her most unique moves are a run-of-the-mill forward-moving hop special, and a super that does one Fuerte mixup.

As I see it, they’d have to give her more of a makeover than Birdie if they wanted her to pull her weight in a small roster. For sure they could do that if they want to, but it would likely be closer to the “new character” end of things.