SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

I will not like it

There are so many actual Street Fighter characters that i find both cooler and more deserving

Does’nt matter wich “leak” list i want pick, some actually legit characters did not appear in any: Dudley, Cody, Yun, Adon, Sodom, Gen, Q, Guy, Rose, Abel, Sagat, Fei

I will pick one of them over Akira, easily

TBH she will not even be in the first 3 Rival Schools characters i will pick for SF

If you really want Akira make her an alt costume for El Fuerte or Q or Sodom. But let’s keep the roster SF please.

I like Akira, if they ever DID put the Rival Schools / SF universe together (Which they shouldn’t) I wouldn’t mind seeing her in an SF game. She is a fun design you don’t see often among female characters.

I wouldn’t mind a new Rival Schools or having another CVS game with a couple RS chars. I always felt CVS could have cut like ~4 SF chars for a few more appearances from other franchises.

While most of those are good picks I really have a hard time seeing how to expand their stories or character designs in any meaningful way for a couple of them. Gen I think is cool but he should be dead by now if they follow any sort of actual timeline. Sad to say because I do like him quite a bit. I can’t see where to go with Dudley/Fei/Sagat/Adon I feel like their stories are pretty “done” I can see a couple ideas for Sodom/Cody/Guy/Rose/Q and even interested in seeing a more mature version of Yun.

However this isn’t the story thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Gameplay wise I can see Dudley having Ducking as his V-skill. That’d be interesting.

I’d seriously love to see Fei Long return in SF5, but at the same time I realize he shouldn’t take away a spot in the initial roster from other characters, someone which we haven’t seen in a while

Maybe sometime down the line though

P.S. speaking of which ,I’ve been looking for the “V-Trigger for returning characters”, then I remembered it was merged with this thread :pensive:

Anyways, for Fei Long:

V-Skill: his DP-motion move from Omega Street Fighter 4 - Fei hits the opponent with his knuckle ,pushing them into the wall for a wall bounce effect, can continue the combo via super, rekka ,chicken wing, or flame kick

V-Reversal: the One Inch Punch. Fei evades a melee attack (normal, command normal, certain specials like Shoryuken) and punches the opponent, immediately carrying them into the other side of the screen

V-Trigger: “Enter the Dragon”, Fei’s agility becomes insane for a short period of time, all his moves add a fire element, his rekka turns into the Super from Omega SF4, all his normals and specials get reduced startup, maybe gains a slight increase of damage
Also maybe instead of fire, to not overlap with Ken, his specials can gain a Dragon-like “ghost” behind Fei ,like Jago from Killer Instinct has when he activates his Instinct mode
The Trigger activation animation would be his Super activation animation from SF4 during the freeze

Besides being a Bruce Lee clone though, what does Fei really offer? His play style has ALWAYS been really linear and his story is a go nowhere one. He has no interactions with anyone at all in the series. He is just there to be a bruce lee clone, down to the fact he is a movie star.

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Bruce Lee, but Fei feels kind of… played out. He needs time off and maybe even a bit redesign like Nash got or even just something more simple like Bison IMO. Some new moves. changes to old, and an expansion on his motivations / story.

I know I’ve said it before but I still really REALLY want a fighting game to fucking do a Jeet Kune Do fighter that ISN’T just imitating Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee’s JKD is his own thing. Another person practicing JKD would have his own variation. The ONLY constant is to min-max your effectiveness with motions and a general emphasis on speed. Things like leading with your dominate hand. Then there is avoiding high kicks but not necessarily never using them as a law. There is no “absolutes” in JKD you adapt to the situation of true combat, if an opportunity presents itself you utilize what you have to take advantage of it. Other basic tenants are Interception and redirection rather than blocking whenever possible and dodging rather than blocking as well.

It’s why I’ve always ALWAYS wanted a character based on Kareem Abdul Jabaar in Game of Death. He was a practitioner of JKD taught under Bruce Lee and you can CLEARLY see the differences in how he moves and utilizes his advantages even if the entire fight is choreographed.

If they made him a villain I actually think he’d make a great replacement for Sagat among the shadowloo bosses. Sagat having become less and less of a “villain” type character over the years. They could even keep the whole sunglasses thing Kareem had in the movie thus having a nice overlap with Sagat missing an eye vs Kareem’s character nightvision issues with his eyes. Both are tall and imposing too. Not that Sagat HAS to be replaced or should be, just that he is like the only Shadowloo boss I could potentially see being replaced if they did that. They could just add the new char but then you break up the whole “4 bosses of Shadowloo” concept if they made him a boss, and I think he would make a great one.

I think that Kareem was supposed to be what they were going for when they were spitballing ideas for Rufus. Of course there is no proof that this concept character would have been at all related to JKD or have any movements like Kareem.


Though I kind of would have liked them to use a similar outfit to what Kareem wears in GoD as it really doesn’t look like anything ANYONE in street fighter wears and would really stand out. While the gi, even one with the rope belt, fuzzy lining and shorts, is still kind of in the wheelhouse of other characters. There is “Gi” characters already.

Or Cody’s :smiley:
But for Cody can work also his FF tornado kick

I like Cody more than Dudley but since i hope they keep some martial arts theme, so who have a representative role (Dudley-Boxing, Adon/Sagat-Muay Thai etc etc) have some kind of priority in my book… example, it will be wierd imho if SFV don’t have a boxer

As design evolution
-some have potential, see Cody that can drop the 1920 prison pajama and return FF Cody

-some don’t need it, see Dudley that not only is already a cool complex design, in theory he’s from SF3 wich is probably close to SFV setting as timeline… basically SF3 ones can stay the same

-some have good potential as moveset redesign… see Fei, wich imho never filled his role of Jet Kune Doo/Bruce Lee as gameplay, and imho can get fuckton of new tricks as new normals, specials and v-mechanics… imagine shit like the classic JKD counter (think all that wooden dummyarms work) being his v-skill, or the one inch punch as v-reversal, or stuff like that as v-trigger


Which is exactly how I would’ve imagine Fei in SF5 in a few posts above (SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread)

Exactly, Fei could do quite a lot of reimagining, both movelist and character wise. I mean, fuck, develop on how Makoto met Fei during her SF4 story to help promote her Dojo, help her bring the fame to her martial arts school. Maybe Makoto becomes a grandmaster and has to monitor the Dojo 24/7, so Fei decides to help her, admiring her as a formidabble opponent and a great martial artist, make him do FUCKING SOMETHING other than going to a tournament just because there’s some thug who’s attacking his movie crew.

Literally that’s the only Fei’s motivation to be in SF4 and kick Seth’s ass, otherwise he probably wouldn’t give a fuck about some terrorist organization. That’s kinda making him a dick in a way, he should be among that protagonists of the series, help guys beat Bison and stuff, I’m sure Fei is a strong fighter himself and could, you know, become important as well. Instead we only saw him in a weird SF2V fight against Cammy and other fighters, then he lost to Ryu being left with half his bones broken in SF2 Animated Movie, and he never even was present in the live-action SF2 movie!


Even Marshall/Forest Law have some motivations to be in the Tekken tournament (for example, in 5 Marshall enters the tournament to win the money and pay the surgery/medical bills because Forest got into an accident and got severely hurt. Even though it doesn’t stop, for example, the Bloodline rivalry between Kazuya/Heihachi/Jin, AT LEAST he destroys the threat in form of Jinpachi in the end, which is sort of a heroic deed), and they even explain how we see either Forest or Marshall from game to game lore-wise, despite the fact it might sound stupid

So yeah, make your move Capcom, you’re missing out on the opportunity to tell great stories with over 60 characters in the SF universe you have, feel free to choose either one of them

Sorry for being offtopic, maybe we should move that discussion to the story thread ;p

The cool thing often over looked about the prison outfit change for Cody is how it actually fits with his old final fight outfit.


Cody is supposed to wear adidas shoes like these, it shows well in SF4 and SFA but not really well displayed in Final Fight art. He is confirmed to wear shelltop adidas in Final Fight though for sure. He had a distinct stripe pattern for his color schemes using his white shirt, blue jeans, white shoes with blue stripes. It was kind of brilliant to give him a striped prison out fit IMO.

I would like to see him return in his FF style, if not in SF5 first release he seems a likely DLC character given popularity. I have a feeling with that artwork in London that if he does return it will be Final Fight style.

I’m mostly holding out for Haggar as I’ve said numerous times. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for a Fei redesign? There are areas they could take it but I feel like his back story and main motivations for being in any tournament lack any room for growth. There is no reason for him to create an attachment at all. He has no stake in anything. Even the Makoto thing is just another dead end. Her story doesn’t have much room for growth either due to her lack of connections to any important characters or any sort of motivation that exceeds beyond her current goal which is solvable without interacting with anyone really.

Gameplay wise there is some fun ideas from other bruce lee stuff. Actually a nunchaku stance change could be interesting, or at least putting them into a special move or ex version of a special move would be cool. Giving him an alternate followup to his Rekka could be neat like a high low rekka sort of like Abel. A counter attack like his U2 but as a special seems like a no brainer. Some new normals of course (and there are plenty to be inspired by from his movies).

I will 100% approve that

I ever liked the idea that Bison got his sub-boss from all sides of the world (America,Europe,Asia) as show of his global ambition

He can get a whole new group, with Sagat retired, Boxer out(i say keep Dudley) and Claw returning but maybe as indipendent character, maybe even traitor on the Illuminati side (probably getting as reward Gill’s shampoo secret formula :smiley: )

Seriously, i can really see Illuminati just buy Vega with the promise that Illuminati secrets will keep him beautiful forever… in some way Gill with his ideal of perfection seem somebody that Vega will follow, while Dictator simple power-hunger probably just bore him

I will like see something like

Juri (Asia), replacing Vega as the quick one
Kareem-wannabe (America or Africa), replacing Sagat as the range/tall one
XXX (Europe?), replacing Boxer as the muscle/strong one <— Or just brainwash the Gief and make him return a scary motherfucker like that

It can be basically old mvc(?) mecha-Gief, with was’nt a robot but basically just Gief on shadaloo drugs/steroids

How about Sean is back, learns some moves from Sagat then just zones all day with basketballs? Basketball V-skill I can see it now.

I never get why people think Juri should be working with Dictator. Literally, one of her character traits is hating him for killing her parents.

It’s one of the reasons SFXT had me like WTF? I mean, she did it to betray him, but them working together is not something I want.

Maybe they should reimagine Fei like the other characters so far… Maybe his last few movies failed, he’s fallen out of work, gotten depressed and eaten his way into a new gut, maybe gets hooked on donuts and energy drinks…

As chara redesign he it can be almost not existant (Ryu/Chun) or kinda little change (Dictator/Cammy)
Give him dat white wifebeater, or finally give him some yellow jumpsuit inspired costume :smiley:

As story, i’m old school, fight game don’t need imho some epic drama plot, if they say he want kick some faces to promote “Baby Dragon” i will be fine with that :smiley:

stopped reading there :smiley:

This again…

Not everyone who gets their parents killed ends up like Batman or Chun Li. Juri is not Chun Li, she has displayed ZERO desire for vengeance in the story, Juri just wants to fuck shit up,. The part about her parents being killed plays into her character to show what started her on the path that lead her to being so fucked up.

So yeah, Juri and Bison forming a temporary alliance is believable. Juri replacing Sagat is also believable. However, Sagat with Juri’s FSE eye at Bison’s side again is best.

Oh Juri babi I want you so bad. Please Capcom stop teasing and announce her already.
They are going to make announcements on the 9th right?

>I saw this picture
>I was like oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! it’s happening !
>Realized it’s fake
>Talking to myself “don’t cry man, don’t cry”
>Cried a lot.

A lot of workers hate theyr boss :smiley:

Sometimes she get a lil bit rebel and he have to psychospank her nice taekwondo ass, but aside that shit is going good

Deal with it, your korean waifu is Dictator’s porn-secretary, and you’re lucky shit these days must be kid friendly or you will be forced watching :smiley:

Think about it, better as fake
Everything look good but face is terrible, look like Alex 20-30 years older

Alex is kinda confirmed anyway

Is that like Alex from TvC? Where is it from? It’s a really well made model, even when compared to SFV Chun Li.