SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Simplest route: don’t have Aegis reflector cause pushback on block. Then if they walk backwards and block it they are still in range for pressure. If they block it from in front mid screen still in range for pressure. Or have it cause very minimal pushback.

My personal favorite is sending the aegis behind them and it gradually moves onto the screen where they’re standing.

This is silly, of course it’s not going to be unblockable, it was unblockable for system mechanics reasons that don’t exist in SFV, and there’s no reason to make hard coded unblockables with it.

To make it useful, and still feel like Aegis, all you need is for it to otherwise work similarly. It needs to give hard knockdown, and you need to be able to juggle into it in a way where not all of the hits will connect, and while it’s doing that, you need to be able to cross over/under the other character, so that it pushes them towards you, instead of away from you, allowing you to do safe, high damage high/low setups midscreen.

The corner pressure usages will likely be more useful thought.

Tbh i don’t want Aegis to be his CA, i hope it become a simple special with a very strong EX version (buffed on V-trigger too), and a CA that can be combined with it to do fuckton of dmg

So, after spending the day playing CvS2 with some friends of mine, I kinda really hope Maki makes it into the game. I never used her a lot in that game but I was pulling off some crazy shit and above all she was really fun. She’d be cool Final Fight representation if Guy or Cody don’t make it in.

Also, pulling off her air grab super against one of my friends was the hypest I’ve gotten in a fighting game in a long time. The pop-offs were real.

Urien is certainly a character I would like to see in SFV, and one I am actually fairly certain will be in it. There will be complications porting him to SFV, but it is possible for him to work within what we know of SFV’s game engine, unlike SFIV, where he would have been a joke.

I think the first palpable issue with porting Urien, if you were to consider him by how his normals and specials were in Third Strike, is that he was actually very reliant on charge partitioning to do well.

Side-point about how I love charge partitioning:

A mechanic I really wish I could see again, because it made charge characters much more interesting. Curiously, it seems as if Capcom is shying away from full on charge characters so far. For the ones that don’t know what charge partitioning is, you can think of it as essentially having a bit more leeway on charging, so you can charge a little, dash or whatever, then do a c.lp or something into the special. That’s a very incorrect way of describing what it actually consists of, but it’s fine. Not only does it make charge characters much more input intensive and interesting to play, but it also allows for your opponent to become more knowledgeable about it as well – learning where you’re charging and how, so he can better understand when you have a full charge. It made the concept of charging much more ambiguous and fun. It also made charge moves (which are inherently designed to be somewhat superior to motion moves) to be not quite as stupid good and a little less obnoxious while still being great tools if you can manage to hold onto them.[/details]

Being unable to dash and hold a charge if translated into SF3 directly would leave Urien with very little options at all upon initiating melee. He would almost entirely be left with going for a throw into aegis, a good tactic sure… for a game with multiple super bars. Solutions to this would be either make some of his specials motions or lessen his charge times. The latter I dislike because it removes the necessity of holding a charge, as it becomes a lot easier to obtain. Both options also generally mean the move itself has to be toned back a bit, else it becomes a bit overwhelming. Motion tackles would be a very obnoxious thing to have to deal with, especially if they for whatever reason made them safe on block (which none of them were.). I think the most likely candidate to become a motion would be his headbutt. It’s a great movement tool, as well as an interesting attack, with a rather odd hitbox, only really suitable against standers. Also likely, is that he would need some sort of decent crouching cancelable move, which would allow him to hop into range while holding his charge to allow him to pressure if able, or combo, if the headbutt lands.

Perhaps he may also need a new special for basic confirms without charge, who knows.

As for Aegis, I think it’s a pretty obvious V-Trigger, probably a two bar, like Nash’s. Different directions would result in different aegis locations, with hopefully the EX version as well, as the -2 start-up aegis certainly had it’s purpose. I really don’t think it would have to function much different from it’s 3S counterpart. Those concerned about unblockables, well, to be frank, there weren’t that many unblockables that Aegis could really do – yes, there were some that did require some form of parrying, but those could easily be taken out or just not work with SFV’s different hitboxes. Otherwise, Aegis pressure was mostly about being able to successfully block the high low pressure for an extended period of time. If you failed to do so, a good Urien would get his combo. It could just be because I have a lot of experience with fighting Uriens, but I’ve never had trouble dealing with Aegis pressure, and I always find it fun bouncing back and forth between Urien and an Aegis and blocking everything. It’s a very Guilty Gear style block, and it’s satisfying and skillful to do.

They could also probably break Aegis down into a special move if they really wanted to. Massively reducing/increasing it’s duration and start-up on the non-EX versions. Do think that would be a little wonky though, but it could work.

As for his normals, and his lack of ability to aegis into combo into another aegis setup, his general moveset would have to improved. Urien’s balance in 3S was kind of based around the fact that his basic moveset, while entirely functional, was not amazing, nor terrible. I think a few normals would have to be improved in order to allow him an easier meterless/gaugeless experience. I would still like them to reserve the good trade-offs his normals had though. Example being his launcher c.HP, you can cancel the first hit and go for a much less damaging combo, or make your normal a bit safer on block. If you don’t, his 2nd hit can’t be canceled, and leaves you massively negative. I like that sort of normal trade-off. (Pretty sure Abel’s is the same way – though isn’t the 2nd hit cancelable?)

Overall, he can (and will) work in SFV, but he won’t be quite the same Urien. However, I still think he could be pretty amazing if done right, and I’m just more interested more than anything else, in how they will pull it off.

I think anyone expecting Urien or any SF3 character for that matter to play like they did in SF3 outside of SF3 is setting themselves up for a big disappointment. I don’t want Urien to play half assed in SFV because they were trying to give him the 3S feel, make Urien the best damn SFV version of himself that he can be. If you want to play 3S Urien, go play 3S Urien.

So long as they preserve the essence and playstyle of the character and adapt it to its full potential in the new system I’ll be more than happy with whatever they throw at me.

I totally agree with you about charge partitioning though, but I would think they would have mentioned it by now if it was really in.


Yes. This x1000.

Make his EX projectile (the thing no one cared about anyway) his Aegis Reflector, with the pair of buttons determining position. He can have more than one stocked, and there’s no need to make it a super since he doesn’t get unblockables with it anymore. It’s about as good as Juri’s EX Fuhajin, and gets used in similar ways.

Or maybe make his v-trigger change his fireball into Aegis Reflector?

Yeah I love how everything he says during his specials is about destruction and killing.

This guy has like no clothes on yet is still somehow bad ass as hell. I want to see him come in with the business suit and rip it off before the match. You’d be scared as shit too if some buff ass dude said get ready to die and his clothes rip off

Yea that’s the one I meant. Thanks.
These statements are really interesting:

  • Street Fighter V won’t have “Super” or “Hyper” editions. Just updates. He won’t know if these updates will be free or DLC and does not know if they’ll be balancing updates or will add characters and stages.
  • Focus Attacks won’t return.
  • It’ll be released in 2016 and that the month is easy to guess. (He said to think about japanese fiscal years).
  • He also named another Pokemon “V-Trigger” which is probably the name of the new SFV mechanic.

Everything he mentioned is true so far… hmm.
The first 3 are maybe not that of a big deal, but the last one is interesting.

Just curious, wqs that character list that featured Mika, Gief and Sim created by Bogard or was that unrelated?

Considering SFV is shying away from complex inputs I doubt charge partitioning will return. Is it even necessary with shorter charge times? Personally I’d like the tackle to become a motion input.

Personally I want Ryu’s Shoryuken to be a charge motion but that ain’t gonna happen. Let charge characters be charge characters and motion be motion, mmm’kay? Most people’s trouble with charge characters is that they try to treat or play them like motion characters, failing to get into the tempo of things and adapting to the different and unique play style that charge character embodies.

Yes please. I want to charge.

It’s unrelated. Board’s list mentions that he knows the number of the roster, but not who’s in (aside from the three newcomers he named and the character he doesn’t know).

Any list featuring those characters’ names came waaaay later, and I wouldn’t trust them until the information unique to them is officially confirmed.

Urien will keep his ambiguous Aegis shit but he won’t have any unblockables (not until they’re patched out at least). He’ll probably get more ways to combo into his shoulder and his fireballs are going to be even more annoying.

They already made Birdie and Charlie into motion characters, and the made Chuns fireball a motion input so I wouldn’t be surprised to see Urien get some adjustments along those lines.