SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Can you link this first leak?

I just like Urien because itā€™s fun kicking peoples asses in a loin cloth :3

Iā€™m just waiting for Oro debut so it could blow up all the leak lists. Only speculation I like is BornFreeā€™s speculation based on merchandising industry, contracts, marketing, and timing. It only holds some water if SF statues and figures only are approved by Ono, and if Ono only approves merchandised based off of characters that are in ā€œhisā€ SF games or will be in ā€œhisā€ SF games. BornFree made a point about Alex, but Alex technically was in a ā€œrecentā€ game thatā€™s not Onoā€™s, TvC, but the argument could go either way. The huge point for me is if Ono really has that much executive decision over SF character merchandising contracts or if Capcom as a whole company has overall final say and can approve merchandise contracts using any SF character for any arbitrary reason. Then BornFreeā€™s speculation could be blown up if his premises and points arenā€™t validated.

Otherwise, heā€™s the only one Iā€™d listen to on which characters are most likely to get in SFV. So Iā€™m waiting on Alex and Oro and ā€œmaybeā€ Sakura. I hope we donā€™t get cheesy Dark/E. Sakura. If do, just donā€™t want her in her seifuku when she goes Dark.


And her V-Skill will allow her to oil up her feet. /Kreygasm

Not sure if thatā€™s that one you want seeing as it doesnā€™t contain a roster, but that is the very first SFV leak (provided by Ken Bogard).

where!? where is the ā€˜disgustingā€™ button?

I think we will see Ken at the Comic Con, I donā€™t know why but I had the same feeling with Birdie and BOOM there he is now.
Letā€™s hope they will do something great with Ken (IF we will see him there).

I also think they will be doing some MAJOR announcements, but not just at Comic Con. Technically, they have several events to work with:

  • Comic Con in less than a week
  • EVO 2015, in less than a month
  • GamesCom 2015, in about a month from now
  • Tokyo Games Show 2015, in early September
  • Capcom Pro Tour finals, inā€¦late November, I think?
  • PlayStation Experience 2015, in mid December
    then, in 2016, some major FGC tournaments
    and finally, a pre-release final trailer in April-March 2016

Since they did 2-character announcement at E3, I think they are going to reveal 1 new character at SDCC, 2 new characters at EVO, then 1 character at Gamescom and TGS, 2 characters at CPT Finals, 1 new character at PS Experience, and 1 character each up until release

That leaves it exactly 10 characters left to announce if weā€™re going by the ā€œ16 characters at launchā€ rumor

Nash was essentially revealed with Bison
Birdie with Cammy
I see a trend, a fresh face with a familiar face.
R. Mika and Geif
Maybe not next but theyā€™ll be revealed together.

I would scream like Celine Dion!


I just want to see each strand of hair on Oroā€™s head brought to life in beautiful, 1080p, 3D glory.

Is that too much to ask?

At first I thought you said Ono and I was like ā€œyes thats kinda creepy to askā€ lol

Ken through the years had been innovated without noticing been different from Ryu in the VS series and the EX to starting from Marvel versus Street Fighter. Ken Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku is iconic move from ken. Ken and Ryu may have the same Special Move names but their gameplay application is different and there standing and aerial normals are different.

For me they need to change Kenā€™s Crouching Normals in SF series to further more his gameplay. The Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku variation has been differentiate by capcom thought the years from Sakuraā€™s ARC version, Gouken Upward straight version and Kenā€™s Upward Angular version from the versus series that is similar to GUYā€™s in the SF series. it never been hard for the tatsumaki to differentiate even the Shoryuken.

While in terms of projectile i never liked the way it was done on OMEGA mode honestly its still the same its a projectile move but with different animation and changing the stance. Ken MVS has a different way of hadouken than Ryu and Akuma. In 1st alpha Ryu projectile on close cause you to burn and be knock down. if the past illeteration of SF isnā€™t a good example take the KOF series in the later series both Ryo, Takuma, Robert, Yuri had there differences properties from when doing a Haoh Shou Kouken even the other characters from KOF. I remember the Chonshu Brothers from Real Bout.

Changing Kenā€™s Crouching Normals is something i always wanted to see since his Standing and Aerial Normals have been different from strong to heavy. I hope they change all his light too. His special move animation and STANCE should remain as is but the properties should change.

Agree Urien and Gill may have the same normals but very different specials the same with how Decapre and Cammy is played differently.

I think a reasonable version of Aegis in 5 would allow the corner Aegis stuff but not the midscreen unblockables. Midscreen unblockables would likely be too bullshit in a game without parry. But keeping corner aegis as an option retains the spirit of 3s Urien while making him fair for a different game.

The corner stuff comes in two varieties:

  1. put Aegis right on top of them then go high or low, and if you hit them they are in hitstun and you can launch into juggles. Tradeoff is Aegis doesnā€™t last as long this way and if they block correctly you basically spent resources for nothing.

  2. put Aegis in front of them, allowing you to poke them safely without fear of jumping out, counterpokes, or reversal super. This doesnā€™t have the high reward the first option has, but I lasts longer and generally nets you more consistent damage and meter. Itā€™s just basically several seconds where you are in complete control of the match.

Something that essentially works like that in 5 would be cool.

I donā€™t see whatā€™d be so terrible about Urienā€™s super being Temporal Thunder (SA2). It does good dizzy, you can anti-air with it, and combo off a lot of ways. It was weak in 3S because you couldnā€™t just do tackle xx SA2 on a grounded opponent since the knockback on tackle was too much for how slow the startup was on SA2. The character usually had to be airborne/juggled or standing. Or it was character specific if it could hit them crouching.

But since there arenā€™t air parries either, Urienā€™s going to have a great anti-air game. So SA2 could be welcome, and perhaps be stronger than aegis reflector (even though aegis reflector is rly kewl and Iā€™m not saying it shouldnā€™t be in).

^^Or maybe characters included will be based on their nationality. So if Zangief were to be revealed with anybody, itā€™d be Necro. n_n

or Decapre u_u

Iā€™m not even a fan of him but a Mayweather inspired boxer character can be an interessing concept: make him small and all about defense with dodge/absorb/counter as main weapons, and instead being the classic power-hitter boxer make his dmg being from volume of strikes, with many short combos he can do on small openings and after successful dodges

Another idea i ever found interessing will be do some kind of normal-size absolute boxing genious (maybe Sugar Ray Robinson tribute?) with 2 or even 3 stances style a la Gen

Think a character that have 3 stances:
ā€œAliā€-a neutral/standard stance being about good mobility and normals but not specialized as the other two
"Pacquiao"-an aggressive stance for combos/pressure with target combos/rekka-shit/1000-punches rapid tap a la Chun Li and specials about quick close distance
"Mayweather"-one all about absorb/dodge/counter/tenshin-clinch that can be great at mimize dmg and wait an opportunity

A char that literally can change his style to follow the flow of the fight and can chain his styles at wish, like face three different boxersā€¦ lol maybe do him fucking psycho with triple personality that pass from cool dude to crazy psycho-killer to super gentle and classy :smiley:

ps: probably for attack ā€œMarquezā€ give better the idea, but most will not get it.
Also imagine a SF char that move like that :smiley:

Urien is totally a knock off of Gillā€¦ Heā€™s just toned down so thatā€™s heā€™s actually beatable.

I mean, their normals are identical. Gillā€™s dash is faster. Gillā€™s specials are just motion versions of Urienā€™s, and slightly better. The main difference between the two is their supers. If Gill had Aegis Reflector, would he really be that different from Urien? Urien is just the non-boss version of Gill.

Comparing Gill and Urien to Cammy and Decapreā€¦ is just completely inaccurate. I mean, Cammy and Decapre have one special move in common. Cammy has a way different uppercut, way different spiral arrow, no teleport, no overhead hitting move, no hundred handsā€¦ The characters may be ā€œclonesā€, but they actually play completely different (rushdown vs whiff punishing). Gill and Urienā€¦ not so much.

Not that you areā€™nt right, but youā€™re comparing a 2D game vs a 3D oneā€¦ recycle back then was way more common (not that SF4 didā€™nt had his good amount of recycle shit, lol :smiley: )

If Urien and Gill are both on SFV i suspect they will have even normals different

TBH i think that this time even Ken (if/when in) will get different normals from Ryu

He doesnā€™t need it to have unblockables at all. The pressure options and combo expansion options are enough. If itā€™s like Decapre/Dhalsimā€™s fireball ultra but mostly stationary and reflects fireballs itā€™ll be good still and unique.

It provides a wall opponents canā€™t easily get around (especially if they allow different height or distance position versions based on button strength). It can be used to keep opponent locked down and go for a high low game to open them up potentially into a full combo if they are blocking and get hit by an OH/Low while aegis still has hits available. It can be positioned behind an opponent to expand your combo options and make it hard for them to reposition themselves without being forced into blocking it.

It has a ton of uses outside of unblockables. Unblockables would be a bit obnoxious, and corner/midscreen dependent unblockables would be obnoxious AND arbitrary AND likely to have problems based on how far they decide ā€œbeing in the cornerā€ is counted as. It might not work on some chars or it might work too well or have weird uses where like itā€™s unblockable but then blockable based on if you moved. Is it unblockable based on opponent being in the corner or distance urien is from the corner? Tons of potential problems and rules that are not easy to understand even if it was done correctly itā€™s hard to know ā€œam I in that zone where I canā€™t block it or not?ā€ itā€™d be a mess.

As long as Aegis has a decent number of hits + active frames its versatility and damage potential will make it quite good. If you can hit confirm into and keep comboing than that is even better on top of everything else.

Iā€™m not talking about unblockables - thereā€™s not many unblockables in the corner. What you just described is basically what I mean. Thatā€™s how it works in 3s now minus the unblockables.

The point of it being corner pressure is that Aegis isnā€™t super useful as a pressure tool midscreen. the defender can just walk backwards or jump back. If you put Aegis behind them they just block and are pushed back behind the Aegis after you hit a button, after which your pressure is over. The chip damage itself is trivial and youā€™d never spend the resources just for the chip.

Obviously Iā€™m describing how it works in 3s. they could certainly go a different route with Aegis in 5 and make it worth lots of chip or whatever. Or make it so that if he hits you, and pushes you back into Aegis, that he can continue to combo from that.

EDIT: Just realized I called it ā€œcorner stuffā€ which is probably pretty darn vague. I can see why youā€™d think I was talking about the couple corner unblockables like the kneedrop one. but yeah, by ā€œcorner stuffā€ I mean putting it on top of them to go high/low (and if they donā€™t block correctly the rest of the Aegis hits them, allowing you to combo from it) or putting it right in front of them so they canā€™t move and you can just attack them repeatedly.