SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

You know what would be funny? If he doesn’t even have Aegis. Remember, Aegis is not part of his moveset, it’s one of his Super Arts. Watch him get his SA1 or SA2 instead, and they will just design him around that.

God I would love to see how pissed off everyone who has a hard on for Urien gets.

That’s when people realize they never liked the character in the first place, they just liked the Aegis setups. In that case, go play 3s.

Urien without Aegis is like Bison without Psycho Crusher (inb4 you say Bison doesn’t have Psycho Crusher in SFV). The move will make it in somehow someway, but maybe not in the way he had in 3S. My bets are it will be his V Trigger, which when combined with skillz and his CA give Urien that ‘comeback’ factor that V Triggers are meant to give.

I also sincerely doubt Urien WON’T be in, everything going on with Nash just reeks of Urien’s malevolence. Like I will be genuinely shocked if he isn’t in the launch roster.

Aegis was the most interesting part of his move set in all fairness. I heard that some people used to think it was a useless super when 3S was still new. I could be mistaken on that.

I always liked Urien’s normal attacks animations but really it’s all about Aegis beyond just setups it’s mechanically a neat move.

That belongs in that thread rather than here.

Really every post in this particular page of this thread should be in the character request/anticipation thread.

Actually this thread should be just merged with the character anticipation thread I think.

Aren’t you one of the people who wants Ken in, but like remove his fireball and all that stuff? Funny. Nash and Birdie made it in completely different. Bison got quite a lot of changes too. And Bison does have PC, it’s just his super now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Urien was given the same treatment.

I’m not saying don’t add in Urien or give him aegis, just curious how it would be implemented. So if Aegis was his V-trigger, what happens when he activates it? He just throws out an Aegis? But he will only have 1, because activating uses the whole bar, or at least it should.

Well yeah, the way it works is what allows for the setups, so same thing.

Also there’s nothing like putting your opponent in a tight spot where he can’t do anything except block because the reflector behind will hit him and you will hit him, especially in the middle of the stage

Ken is a knock off of an original character. Urien isn’t actually knock off of Gill and plays like nobody really. Urien is popular because his gameplay is incredibly fun. So of course i’d want to preserve the essence of Urien. Ken on the other hand needs an overhaul IMO and I am saying this because I actually like Ken and i’m rooting for him. This is what’s best for him.

Going back to aegis v trigger it would be a 2 bar v trigger like Nash’s and it would consume the whole gauge. You would get about 2 per round this way.

The way it would work is also similar to Nash’s v trigger. Pressing a direction along with HP and HK will determine where the aegis is projected in relation to you and your opponent.

Yeah, those two are kinda overlapping with each other, since both are dedicated to discussing the characters

I would take your opinion on other SF characters more seriously if your avatar wasn’t Dan and your username wasn’t DansDecision.

I think I cut myself on that edge…why do you think Chun Li and Dudley are wastes of space?

Ryu and Ken should both stay as shoto as possible because of obvious reasons and be the only exceptions to “clones”. Ken being faster and having crazy kicks was a good start to being different. They already are quite different in SF4. Just give Ken his alpha roll as well, and they could probably change his tatsu up. Instead of tatsu it could just be his SA3 from 3s but without the final lauching kicks, save that for EX version. CA would be shoryu-reppa.

I would suggest the roll be his V-skill, but I’m not sure how gaining V-gauge would work. You have to hit or eat/drink something afaik. So I would suggest making the roll a command input, while the V-skill is his f+hk from Alpha 3 that does a big chunk of guard damage or something. b+mk can stay his overhead and f+hk can be his other one from sf4.

As for V-trigger, no idea. If you are going to overhaul him from being a shoto, then don’t even add him. He’s too iconic to change imo.

As for Aegis, sounds good to me, though I doubt Capcom would want to add unblockables in the game, so it’d prob come down to just high/low mixups.

Urien was actually considered low tier in america until tokido came to EVO in 2000 or 2001 and bodied all the top players with aegis reflector urien

Aegis is what made Urien as people know him. People thought 3S was a boring parry spam game till Tokido came in and showed wuz up (and he wasn’t even the best Urien).

Not giving Urien Aegis in some capacity would be like not giving Yun Genei Jin in SFIV. At first Capcom put on this whole thing in IV about not wanting to use activation supers because of how they effect neutral blah blah. Then they throw Yun and Yangs activations (nerfed versions of them) any way. That’s what I see happening with Urien.

…Well…I guess…I’ll have to just switch to…ibuki or something cuz I just can’t…I just can’t unsee the…Yep that’s pretty much it lol.

I dont see much problem with Aegis anyway. I doubt there is going to be the unblockable projectile problem that was in 3s so it should be a lot fairer.

If Juri is in, I hope they make her actually look Korean. Half the time I kept thinking she was Japanese.

All the “leaked” rosters have Juri in it. This means something right guys? RIGHT?

Capcom pls. :<

The fact that the game isnt going to have expansions is making me think that the first leak was true cause it says there wont be expansion

Didn’t the first leak not have Birdie in the list though?