SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

He mained Elena and Oro. Hes always been mid tier hero in his games.

Yeah I didn’t like any of the added characters for AE or USF4. Eventually the twins grew on me, but in terms of character design, Oni and E Ryu were dumb, Rolento was troll, Hugo was just a big beat up doll, Elena was lame with Healing, Poison was lame inherently (hitboxlol), and Decapre was just charge Fuerte. None of these characters really added diversity, and contribute to my disappointment with how USF4 turned out overall.

I don’t think Poison has a good chance at all just because she technically originated in Final Fight, or 3S, and there are better characters to include from both games than her. Counting Andore/Hugo.

Also I wouldn’t be surprised if any SF3 characters weren’t revealed until way late so that Capcom can rebuild the hype train. I’d kind of like to see Dudley back in (among others) and play closer to how he was in 2nd Impact and 3S. Give him back his Thunderbolt with the original non-charge input, and make it more useful/safe. Back-swing blow doesn’t really have a place in a game where there are next to no hard knockdowns.

Silhouette turns out to be Hugo, everyone’s mind is blown.

Demitri confirmed


Just can’t handle that much woman in one body.

Yeah, that makes sense!

People want big boobs, pretty sure hers are the biggest :wink:

If Urien is in the game I’m wondering if he’d work as a motion instead of charge character. They did it with Nash and Birdie so I kind of hope they do the same with him.

To be honest, I’d rather he stay a charge hybrid (his fireballs were fireball motion, right? Been a minute…).

And I say that as someone who’s not really a fan of the charge mechanic. Charge partitioning made all the difference though.

Speaking of which, any word on whether or not that’s returning in SFV?

No clue yet, but overall charge times are lesser than in SF4. I don’t know if this will be the least amount of charge time ever in SFV though. I hope charge partitioning is back too, and for Urien to remain a mostly charge character.

Yep all his moves except fireball were charge. And as it is right now, Bison is mostly charge, as is Chun Li. So if Urien comes back, he’ll probably be built similarly to how he was in 3.

I hope the rumor were false

Karin… and i hope they would consider Sodom

Am I really the only one that wants an entirely new boxer? I mean, Balrog/M.Bison/Boxer has had many appearances already, Dudley also did have at least 3 games I can think of (sf3, sf4 and sfxtk).
I would really like to see something new. Boxer and Dudley are all about in your face, either by charging in or mixup game in close quarters. I’d like to see a more tactical “I-wear-you-down” style of boxing for a change.

So basically make a Muhammad Ali inspired character?

Maybe it was mentioned already but I hope for Cody. :smiley: Maybe there is a small chance for him.

No but I’m just not being imaginative here since I’ve been a long time fan of the series and I wouldn’t know how to go about making a brand new boxer character. I suppose if he was in a light weight class and maybe had a command throw to get out of the corner but not do any damage or combo off of, or really be at any frame advantage afterward would be cool. Fast hitting, far reaching target combos, no lows… that could have some potential. Maybe even has just as many specials as Guile so there isn’t much confusion with how to play as him or her.

But I’ve also felt like 2 boxers is enough representation since nearly everybody has punches, and there’s at least 3 kickboxers also.

I not really into alot of teen like woman in fighting games and i’m not against it either but from Karin, Juri, Sakura, Makoto, Ingrid, Juri, Juni, Elena, Decapre and etc. I’ll go R.Mika i like UNCONVENTIONAL grapplers and some WEAPON USER since within the sf universe they offer variety and it feel like 80s STREET FIGHTING. IMHO

I wonder how, if Urien is in, the game engine will handle all the bounce juggles off the aegis like in 3S. With new physics engine and lack of universal parries it’ll be interesting to see how aegis reflectors would function in this new environment.

I just hope Urien is in period, then Ill worry about all that other stuff. But good questions to ask.