SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

And don’t forget how I felt playing 2 during the LA riots. Classic. I love you capcom!

And please stick decapre in…I like her:) lots of buttons

Call me silly, but I’d like for them to sit Guile outta this one in favor of Remy. He just seems like a way better fit for a movelist/expansion, as well as this game’s tone.

I know, it’s blasphemy to not want Guile to finally meet his bro again, but that’s where I stand.

Both lists have Karin so that’s a victory. Justin Wong, PR Rog, K Brad, Mago all said they want her back too.

And Abel… Id love to see him

That’s like killing Artoo for bb-8!..oh wait…

Yeah, Abel would be a great inclusion in V, especially after watching 801 Strider kill with him at CEO. He fits the diverse mantra they’re going with, and it would be interesting to see how he plays in a game that seems to feel closer to SF3/CvS2/A3 than 2T/USF4.

Guile was never on my wishlist, but for how different look/play Nash now he will be a cool addition

I can see the usual internet vocal minority hate on it because he is’nt SF3/New, but dude got potential… and if they translate right his style imho he can also be a very strong character

Idea for Q’s v-skill: basically same animation as his taunt except instead of giving him increased damage resistance he gains 1 hit of armor. Maybe the armor has a timer on it.

Maybe one hit of super armor on your next move? Similar to SFxT’s Charge Attack netting you a counter hit on your next move?

And just like in that game, if you whiff it, you lose it.

I’d even suggest you could do it up to three times to stack up to three super armor hits on your next move, but that might be too much, haha.

But I love bb-8!

Okay, guile joins in too, but he stays close to his original self while Remy pushes the envelope on what the Sonic/Flash archetype can do.

Then you’ve got all three repping the style: the traditionalist, the evolutionist, and the whatever-the-hell-Charlie’s-doing-ist.

Speaking of superarmor, if Gief is in and they give his old “mecha-zangief” as v-trigger he will be a scary motherfucker considering SFV damage and the fact that he will likely be the most powerful char


I like the idea of Q v-skill armor installs, stacking armor I think twice MAYBE three times isn’t actually unreasonable as long as the thing has a decent amount of recovery. Like say he lands a sweep, he can do his V-skill safely but once it’s done the other guy has recovered fully. Q can do them full screen but they have a decent amount of recovery, not like crazy amount but like the total frame data might be the same as Birdie’s can roll so it’s not SHORT. You can punish it with a super if you react fast enough.

Maybe make it only add armor to his specials or super moves though, not normal attacks. Then it lets him stock it for a bit and use it, but on the flip side it’s a gamble. If you land a hit and buffer a special well you just used up that armor even though it was a combo. If you use it in neutral it’s a risk, Q’s specials probably wont be terribly safe so you’re gambling on the opponent trying to do something to counter your attack because if they just block you might get punished. That is why I think it could be balanced.

I have no idea what his v-trigger could be, armor doesn’t seem like a good idea as it overlaps with Birdie’s v-trigger.

As neat as that is, as I mentioned previously, it overlaps with Birdie’s. Birdie gains armor on most of his specials when in v-trigger. That and increasing their hits/distance is his whole shtick. While Gief might get armor on everything even walking (and lose the ability to block maybe? That is how it used to work) His v-trigger would kind of overlap with Birdies.

Don’t forget, v-triggers don’t HAVE to be install power ups they CAN be just a special attack. What would be hilarious (but totally OP and shouldn’t be in the game) is if Gief’s V-trigger was that old glitch he had in SF2 where he could do an SPD from full screen :stuck_out_tongue:


I will be ok for a different offensive V-trigger, maybe buff of dmg/range/properties on all his throws?

That will be still scary, special considering that as defensive options i will like they give him this (from Omega) as V-skill


Wich kinda seem fitting, considering that with the same mechanic Ryu in Omega got parry and now is his V-skill

But possibly change it to differentiate from Ryu’s parry
My idea in the other thread was give him the chance to just hold the flex-pose/armor, so you can absorb multiple hits without timing each, but as price you take dmg (like absorb 90% of the 1st, 80% of the 2nd, 70% of the 3rd etc) and there is a max number of consecutive/combo hits he can absorb (5-10?), then added to the dmg taken-absorbed he suffer a guard break animation

A really neat v-trigger would be if he could combo into his throws temporarily if they did a powerup version.

If Gief were to be in, why not have lariat be his V-Skill? Something with offensive and defensive applications, something you can whiff on screen to build meter.

And maybe I’m late to comment, but that most recent “leak list” is obvious bullshit. Never act like a post to 4chan has credibility. The dude didn’t even spell “Birdie” right.

Ha, right after typing that up it occurred to me that it’d be a little hard to stack three armors while being totally unable to attack. Great idea though, and I agree on total frames being a good cost for the move.

Total Destruction for V-trigger seems like the obvious choice, seeing as it already kinda behaves like one. No EX moves, but increase damage on his dash punch and command grab (as well as turning them into their explosive variants).

Not sure if his CA should be the Deadly Double or the Critical Combo Attack. The latter could always bye cancelled into from his dash punch, but it’s soooo satisfying getting that killer gut punch in. D:

You mean kinda like they did with Cammy’s spin knuckle?
I don’t know tbh i find it a kinda lazy approach… imho as long a special got a classic motion let it as it is, and use V-skill to give the character some new trick

Also iirc whiff V-skill does’nt build meter, it build only if successful

it’s not lazy… it’d just be 1 less button press to do lariat. I mean your idea was basically a free red focus attack with some modifications. Anyway, I said I was done with this thread, so

I don’t mean lazy as execution, i mean lazy as it give them a free-pass to assign a special as v-skill instead add an actual new tool (and keep have lariats as specials)

As for the “iron body”… well in Omega was basically the same as Ryu’s parry (start use it a lot at 0:43)


i did’nt thinked my idea about how they can change it to make it different as a Focus Attack, but yeah, as mechanic SF4 FA can fit to Zangief kinda like SF3’s parry fit well for Ryu

SFV Gief will be frightening if they give him that headbutt move. With stun being how it is… Ouch.

I want his Cossack Kicks as his V-skill, V-Skill Lariat is too OP.
Make Mecha-Zangief mode his V-Trigger, while in this mode, he can spit blue fire with hadoken motion and his Banishing Flat knocks the enemy into the air.

Imagine… Flying Body Press,MP,LK,EX-Banishing flat, Blue Fire Spit.

