SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Actually PR Rog came out of retirement already IIRC. He had basically said he was retiring because he no longer had the drive or interest in winning. IIRC he got a major beat down and then decided he needing to come back.

If I’m wrong about that, I know for sure he is gonna come back for SF5 as it’ll spark his interest again.

Yeah “retirements” always turn into short hiatuses. LOL.

[quote=“Xoftrot, post:1194, topic:175569”]

This pretty much sums up Rainbow Mika:


This just sold me R.Mika even more

So, this was posted. Take this with a huge grain of salt, though: http://vg4chan.com/thread/107585472/fighting-games-general-fgg.html

*Leaking the ACTUAL SF5 roster here in the order they will be revealed. Have fun guys, you’ll never find out who I am. Also looking forward to no one believing this, you can leak whatever you want cause no one will think its real

Chun Li

Eagle: Teased at during Comic Con and full reveal at Evo. Will be in the beta. Not playable at Evo.
Ken: Reveal at Evo. Will be in the beta. Not playable at Evo.
Akuma: Teased at Evo and full reveal at GDC
Si-won (NEW): Korean Hapkido grappler, reveal at GDC
Karin: reveal at TGS
Dhalsim: reveal at TGS
Sabrina (NEW): German femme fatale, reveal at TGS
Urien: reveal at TGS
Lucia (NEW): Dive kick character from Final Fight. reveal in October around GDC China and Brazil Game Show time
Juri: reveal at Capcom Pro Tour Asia finals
Sakura: reveal near Dreamhack Winter dates
Alex: reveal at Capcom Cup
Guile: reveal before launch
Zephyr (NEW): Boss character, reveal before launch
Akira: From Rival Schools, planned as pre-order DLC. Will be the first DLC character which will be added in periodically, no price point but probably around $6 if you don’t pre-order. Announcement will be made sometime after both betas have ended.
Vega: DLC character to be released with Akira. No price point but also looking like $6.

20 Characters on launch not counting Akira and Vega

The 16 characters thing is a rumor that came from someone mistranslating Ken Bogard. Rose will not be revealed at Comic Con nor will she be in the game. Absolutely zero plans for Sodom, Yun, Yang, Abel, R. Mika, Remy, Viper, or Ingrid. Its really funny seeing you guys insistent that they are guaranteed. DLC after Akira is up in the air but it likely isn’t any of those characters, Super Turbo and Alpha characters are way more likely.

-Sincerly, DN*

Lucia would explain the “thank you for being a friend”-banner.
Also last week’s “leak” having no Guile didn’t make much sense considering Nash is no Guile-clone anymore.

This roster is too shoto-heavy though.


We’ll know at Evo which leak list is more accurate.

I think I prefer the other list. Although this one contains Vega (but not Gief!). The new characters in both lists read like shit. Zephyr really?

And where the flying fuck is Oro!?!

Don’t like that list, honestly is the worse i read so far (but i like Claw in)
Many characters i don’t need (3 fucking schoolgirls if we count Akira) and no Zangief. Also no pure-grappler huge wrestler on general.

Also if it’s true they can call it Blond Fighter V :smiley:

Nash, Birdie, Cammy, Ken, Alex, Guile, Eagle, Lucia, Karin, Urien (at start), Vega (depend on version)

If that list is even real, I’m actually cool with it because it has everyone I wanted, except Gief.

Any FF character is more than OK in my book, so Lucia is a cool left field choice. Some of her moves resemble Chun n Juri’s:


More Chun / Viper if you ask me. Burn kick and all. Lucia is one of the chars I’ve been hoping for in SF for a while. I want Haggar first then Lucia. I could get two figs about ever seen Dean or Carlos playable but Lucia I think would fit well into the SF gameplay and could provide some interesting stuff mechanically and possibly expand on the “police officer” side of Chun’s story.

Her running Elbow would be cool if it was something like she could cancel her forward dash into, kind of like Bryan in SFxT but for a longer period of time than the first couple frames. Give her one or two specifically dash cancelable normals too so she can use it in combos but mostly as like an approach tool / surprise. Spaceable to be safe on block but not naturally safe to keep it from being abuseable so you have a reason to not always go for it when doing a dash.

L/M/H kick target combo like the kick series she has that resembles Chun’s LLs but slower.

DP type attack that is a rising forward spin kick like the one she uses in her Super in FF3.

Elbow spin is a command normal with F+HP

Burn kick type attack that stops forward moment in air and can crossup similar to Viper’s but not 100% safe on block, like -2~4F or something and not tiger kneeable, lots of active frames though. Wheel kick type attack usable both on ground and air forward jump only, lengthens her jump arc but has lots of ground recovery frames. Hits overhead like Abel’s wheel kick.

I imagine she’d have some sort of slide, many FF chars do (Rolento, Sodom, Cody and Guy all have slides).

This is the worst leak-list I’ve ever seen in my life.
I think it’s fake, everything else is just so wrong.

I think it’s pretty damn fake too. Not even a site leakers tend to go to (like neogaf), completely out of left field post. And the Akira thing? Seems a HUGE stretch, even if they did incorporate Rival Schools into the SF universe I think they’d go with Kyosuke, Batsu, or Hinata first. Rival Schools hasn’t been in the limelight for 15 years (5 years if you count Batsu in TvC). They’d go with a more recognizable or core character than Akira. Batsu/Kyosuke/Hinata are arguably the “core” of the Rival Schools series. Kyosuke was in CVS2 and Batsu in TvC. If they include Akira I think she’d be the second Rival Schools char but not the first.

The ridiculous part besides the character list is the 6$ for one fu****g character. This can’t be real.

We are at least 2 praying for that

As much i like FF, Lucia is just redundant as fuck imho… she is ChunxCammy and we already have both

At this point was waaay more interessing the original rumor with the brazilian girl, with Elena out at least we get a colour one

Same for many other names, redundant in some case (3 schoolgirls in the start cast? Sound like animefighter cast level of bullshit), total lack of other roles (see big slow wrestler, be it Zangief, Hugo, a superroided up Haggar or new) and suspect lack of some probably/possible ones (Oro,R.Mika,Q etc)

I don’t say it’s fake because i can’t know, but if true who chosen the cast got some obvious ones right but fucked up a lot of slots too

I wonder what they’ll do if they include Akuma/Ken though.

They’d need to do a big overhaul of how Akuma/Ken work, especially if they included BOTH characters if they want to avoid the cries of “shotoclone!”

Nash / Guile are so different now in every form I think most people would have a hard time ever calling them a clone. They share very few normals and the only special move they share (sonic boom) is basically shared in name only now. Nash’s isn’t a charge move and it works totally different with varied startups, they could have renamed the move and given him a new animation instead of his iconic 1 handed sonic boom and it’d be a whole different move.

They’d have to do something like that for Akuma/Ken. All new normals, new moves to replace either one or two of the “tatsu/dp/fireball” trio and very unique V-skills/triggers.

6$ is close to the going rate now. 5$ for Goro in MKX

I listed some ideas for moves. The thing is she has so much left to create she could be nothing like Chun/Cammy because they only have a handful of moves for her to start. There is plenty of stuff they could make.

1- Yeah, but imho slow hard hitter denjin mode (hado and SRK) Ryu can already give a decent idea of how specular Ken will be: faster, combo happy, fire mode (tatsu and SRK). I’m ok with that.
I don’t expect too crazy stuff, but if they develop him even more far even better.
For Akuma is different, i really hope they push him as far as possible and build him mainly on his unique stuff

2- Agree, even if he’s just Guile without revolutions, they already made Nash so different that nobody can bitch imho

3- 4.99/5.99 sound probable for single chars, probably they will see groups of 4-5 at cheaper price, like 5 at 15, or something like that

4- Yeah but again, even as pure design variety… she’s a kick-girl (with Chun/Cammy in and Juri probable) and #422 white-blond character (and another american one)
As chara design tbh i will like as much design/role/nationality variety as possible, that list just fail at it in so many ways
Imho the old “Rashid-Laura-Zen” rumor sound better under that pov

That list looks waayy to bullshit to be true, although I would be grudgingly think its better than the other “leak”.

The game definitely needs “Rashid” or a middle east character, its HUGE ass part of the world which needs better representation IMO (As does Africa as well actually, you could have a South African in there for example).

The original leak had too many boring characters, this one is a bit more interesting. Personally as long as Eagle is in somehow I wont mind, he was way too fun in CVS2 even if low/mid tier and oh, id rather have Maki than Lucia.

Well, for Akuma - they could put emphasis on his divekick and the demon flip + air gouhadou, remove tatsumaki, goushoryu and gouhadou from his movelist entirely

For Ken - make him entirely a kick based character. Remove hadoken and shoryuken, give him a faster tatsumaki, put in his Shippu Jinrai Kyaku super from Third Strike, add some crazyness from SF4 Omega, keep his step kick but make it a little less safe.

Boom, there you go. You still have both characters intact, but have them as not a complete carbon copy of Ryu

Yeah there has to be a massive rework/overhaul for Ken and/or Akuma to make the cut. This doesn’t just mean specials either, this means normals as well.

Still it doesn’t seem believable that both Ken and Akuma make it into the initial release of SF5. As others said, Akira is a really odd choice as well. What is the source for this list…neogaf, some random poster? Someone who claims to be an insider? The old list by Ragingstorm was apparently from a very credible source, I trust that one much more.

Hecka people holding out for Boobs Mika.

The old list

R Mika
New boss

Yeah it is about more than Mika. You also get less clones (Ken instead of Ken and Akuma), you don’t have yet another shoto with Sakura either. You get Alex and the big russian Gief. Also middle eastern new comer Rashid sounds much more interesting than the other rumored new characters on the new list. You also don’t have the odd and suspicious choice of Akira either.

The old list is better in every way, except for the new list containing Eagle and Lucia.