SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread


He fights with both hands down, bouncing up and down on his feet ready to kick. He wears surfer dude tanktop, jeans and sunglasses for his primary costume. Shirtless Gi for his secondary.

V-Skill - Forward Roll
V-Trigger - ???

Command Normals
F+MK - Step kick
F+HK - Heel Slam, hold HK to cancel. Causes ground bounce on counterhit.

Target Combos
LK, MK, HK - Triple Kick target combo

Fireball Kick - Ken swings his leg and a fireball shoots out. Doesn’t travel fullscreen, distance depends on button. Replaces traditional Hadouken.

Rising Flame Kick - Basically a dragon punch with the foot (like SFxT Hwoarang), replaces traditional Dragon Punch.

Crazy Kicks - L version 2 hit, M version 3 hits, H version 4 hits. Press K anytime to cancel into an overhead attack.

This video pretty much explain it all

Now, based on that what do you expect or wish for other returning ones?

Just to make an example of what i can see work


V-Skill: like for Chun Li some get-close offense tool, imho for him will work better something grond based, like a very fast forward dash that dodge under fireballs and high attacks, leaving you just under the opponent chin ready to deliver a fire SRK :smiley:

V-Trigger: Fire (or whatever) Mode. Kinda like Ryu’s Denjin Mode but instead Hado-SRK it buff SRK-Tatsu adding fire effect to both. It also buff his (likely SRK based) Critical Art, just like Ryu’s DM buff his CA

Merged the “what V-skill, V-trigger” thread in here, since it’s basically the same thing.

A REALLY simple way to include Haggar is to have there be some sort of Illuminati operation running in Metro City, it doesn’t have to be like the main HQ but he finds out the illuminati is in his city he’s gonna follow them. He is very much a “Mama bear” about people fucking with Metro City. You got some crazy crime syndicate/cult operating in his city? You’re getting jumping pile drived.

The other thing is, they could expand on his personality and backstory. There is plenty of stuff left unsaid that they could create ties to other characters. Beyond his wrestling history there isn’t a whole lot known about Haggar AFAIK. FFSW kind of tried to expand on that but, as usual, streetwise sucked. We know very little about Haggar’s past. I wouldn’t put it past him being ex-army or something, that could easily tie him to Guile or Charlie. Haggar always has been about following duty and protecting people, having him have some sort of military background in his history wouldn’t be too out of character.

As a matter of fact, Jesse Ventura was ex-military! It’d be kind of fitting since Haggar was a wrestler who went on to become Mayor long before Ventura was a wrestler who became governor.

His moveset could really be a mesh of like Abel and Zangief without the rolls. Abel with his anti air grab and rekkas (Violent axe) and Zangief with the lariat/SPD/body splash. Certainly things taken from Marvel to an extent.

Pipe V-Skill

pipe and skill are not synonymous.

And I think I’m just going to avoid this thread because I can tell it’s going to be a nexus for fanboyism.

Well yeah, the problem with merging this and the “who you think is going to be revealed next” thread is the difference between “Who you want” and “Who you think is most likely”

However ALL of those kinds of threads “Who you want, what v-skill you want, who you think is going to be revealed, ect” they are all sort of fanboyism nexuses. Really that is true of almost the entire forum until the game is actually in the hands of players HERE or we have even more stuff to dissect information wise. Like we got a ton of good information about the systems and game in general from E3 but we’ve consumed most of it and we can’t delve TOO deeply since things are prone to change.

They did, and they are not at all one and the same. They share a handful of moves but far more stuff is unique to each.

You need to play Final Fight 1-3, Marvel 3, and Slam Masters and you’ll see they are quite different.




Also Haggar is actually quite a bit smaller than Zangief so he’d need to be more mobile.

Haggar = 6’7" 269lbs (according to character selection screen in Final Fight 1 he is 297, he is 309 in slam masters. In FF3 he is 269 which is much more reasonable. Given the 5inch height dif between him and Gief, Haggar is a bit more dense muscle wise.)
Zangief = 7’ 250 lbs (according to SF4 website and in SF2 he was 256lbs)

lbs in Street Fighter is so ridiculous wrong, it’s a joke.

I’ve been more interested in reading about people’s theories for who could potentially make it in based on connection with characters and what not. Not just blatant circle-jerking over characters for a variety of bad reasons. I don’t trust rumor lists until they’re proven to be like 80% accurate. There just hasn’t been too much intelligent discussion regarding new or returning characters. But we also haven’t been given enough to go by to determine anything either.

About connections with other characters, there is still a lot left unknown about many characters. I think it’s also interesting to consider how NEW connections could be made and why. If we limit the view to a narrow direction than no one ever grows. There was no reason to assume Final Fight Guy had any connections to Rose or Bison whatsoever. Building some new connections could open up interesting avenues into characters personalities and histories don’t you think?

As for the “leak” I said before, I don’t think it holds much water at this time. Until we see a new to SF character and it matches up with one of the new SF chars names on the list, I’ll probably not believe it. Too many of the chars are safe bets for one thing. Mika, Alex, Urien, Ken, Karin and Juri are all hugely safe bets. Mika/Alex/Karin are among the most requested characters from public polls. Urien is a char that has appeared in other media besides SF3 and could easily have ties to the storyline, as well as a commonly requested character. Juri is the breakout character from SF4 for Capcom, in terms of popularity she is the highest, she also would fit easily into SF5’s V-skill/trigger system. Ken is an obvious easy pick with him appearing in every SF game.

The closest thing to a “surprise” on that list is Dhalsim and Zangief. Sim more so a surprise than Zangief since the only other classic true grapplers are Hugo/THawk and neither are terribly popular.

Eh, Sim didn’t surprise me. His playstyle is too unique to be left out, and they are emphasizing uniqueness in SF5. It could be Necro, but imo, Sim’s character/lore is so much better. What is Necro? Just a lab experiement or something?

Sim’s style is unique true. However notice something? He is the only true zoner on the list. There is no real classic zoner, closest we have is Ryu. On top of that, Sim has the worst up close game of any zoner in almost every game he’s been in. They want the game to have less downtime and more oriented towards bigger punishes and fast turn arounds of interactions. Sim being a strictly “throw fireball, wait, do a single poke” style character would be terrible for that. They could do it if they overhauled his moveset a lot like Bison maybe, but as it stands his style of zoning is like polar opposite to the direction they’ve stated they want to take the game.

Necro makes a lot more sense for a long limb character, if they add a zoner I think it’d be someone like Remy, Gouken, Rose, or Sagat from a gameplay perspective at least, someone who while they prefer to zone in most matchups, they can play an up close game too. Also, storyline wise AFAIK Dhalsim has zero connections to anyone on the leaked list, I could be mistaken on that though. Creating a new connection given his storyline would be, pardon the pun, a bit of a stretch.

Rose is far more likely. She fits into the current cast easily storyline wise, she plays zoning and up close, and she has soul illusion as a possible v-trigger. Her pokes are pretty unique. The only real issue is that reflect/absorb is kind of taken in terms of moves already thanks to Bison/Nash.

Both as drastic redesign and as V-mechanics Dhalsim have cool potential

Gonna have to put your tin foil hats on for this one.

In USF4 Steam Version there is only 10 steam cards. Check out who they selected:

Decapre, Elena, Hugo, Poison, Rolento (Obvious due to them being new)
Chun Li, Ryu (Kind of obvious picks)
C. Viper, Cody, Yang (o_O)
They chose an SF4 character, an Alpha character, and an SF3 char interestingly enough.
Probably no connection to SF5. But start up your conspiracy theory machines and see if you can create connections to SF5 for these. I think it’s probably a complete coincidence, however y’ never know! We’ve discussed Cody a bunch so we can kind of move on from him, but Viper and Yang?

I don’t think you guys know about ST sim. Sim can be as much a zoner/rushdown character as Ryu is.

Sim, Fei, and Rose are 3 characters who got destroyed completely in the transition to SF4. They play nothing like their past games.

If they are making the game more offensive and rushdown oriented, these characters can all work.

I hope Adon will be in it… Sadly I doubt it

The SF5 timeline is after 3rd strike(1998 to 1999) right?
So maybe it’s…let’s say 2001-2005 in SF5.
Haggar was born in 1943, so he would be about 60+ years old.

inb4 “but Gen is…!”

How did Fei play in the earlier games, for example? How was he destroyed in SF4?

As has been stated dozens of times. The current timeline is unknown if SF5 is pre or post SF3.

Also the whole year he was born thing? There is a reason that they stopped listing the birth year for street fighter characters after SF2.