SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

I think the gem on Charlie’s head isn’t mind control, but something else. In his win quote to Bison he says he came back to kill Bison for killing him or something like that, and his affiliation says, ‘No affiliation’. So, he’s not Shadaloo but may be Illuminati or simply a rogue agent.

I do agree that even more differentiation for Ken from Ryu would be good. But not sure how. Maybe making some of his supers normals like they did with Birdie’s super from A3. Obviously more focus on kicks, flames, and tornado shoryukens.

Reworked moveset yes. In fact, I would say it is necessary for the character in 2015 to be reworked like in Omega mode but even more extreme.

Also there no mind control gem. Charlie’s behavior and win quotes suggest that he is acting by his own volition in SFV.

It’s good to see new faces in the roster.
But it’s also extremely dangerous to remove the fan favorites.

But things are looking good so far.We got Chun Li,Ryu,Bison,and Cammy.
Cammy and Bison might not have been as iconic as the first two i mentioned,but they’re a good addition regardless.

Now about ken;I really like Ken and i wanna see him again.
It’s not that i wont buy the game if he isn’t in it,i’ll buy it regardless.However,i fear for the community’s reaction.Since he’s as equal in popularity as Ryu.Or close at least.

Made this for fun, just to show there is no coincidence.


There is also possibility by looking at Nash’s stapled on bits that he is actually part Urien though. That would be shitty.
Also fucking weird because he has a blonde eyebrow on that side.

But Charlie is a blonde. If anything, he’s part Gill. I mean Gill did get blowed up in Urien’s 3S ending also. Let the rumor mill churn on that one.

I take it back, Urien is always blonde before transforming.

Why do you want Urien dead? Or otherwise salvaged for Charlie reconstruction?

Edit, oh wait you said “for fun”. Still, are you a sado-masochist?

I said it would be shitty and honestly I want Urien in the game.

The image was just to point out that there is no way, either Urien or Gill are not involved some how in sf5 as playable characters or storyline assets.

They did it for Cammy with V-skill -> Spin Knuckle. As a two button input it’d be even easier for Juri to utilize. Plus that frees up an input for a whole new move!

It would be cooler if the Illuminati brought Charlie back to life back then he broke free of their programming and is now running amok.

Isn’t that exactly what happened from what we can tell from the win quotes?

I’m willing to bet the July 23rd beta will have 2 more characters and the PC beta in fall to have 2-4 more than the PS4 beta has due to the duration of time.
the final beta where they test crossplay will likely have the full roster with maybe 1 or 2 held back for release.

at least that is what I’d want to do if I were Capcom, that way all the bugs and glitches have an opportunity to be caught.

Sodom and Urien?

Sodom would be pretty awesome in the new art style, he was always one of the darker characters in SFAlpha(like most of the Final Fight cast). However I think his chances are slim to none. However I’d never have put Birdie on the table as a returning character either, so who knows.

I wonder if he returned if they’d go with the Final Fight/X-ism katanas or the Jitte he uses in other isms and SFA2. Maybe make him use Jitte then switch to Katana’s during v-trigger (if it’s a powerup mode).

I hope her legs are larger than Chun-li’s

The gem probably give “Illuminati techniques”, Gill have resurrection, Urien aegis and Charlie teleports…

Legs is’nt the war she must win

To get her crown back R.Mika need to bring some serious amount of milk to SFV

Charlie actually doesn’t teleport. He moves really fast (like Flash). Which probably would’ve always been part of the potential of his fighting style.

So in terms of the 3S crowd, is Urien or Alex the most demanded 3S character?

Alex is the most demanded by far. After him it’s mostly been Q, Urien, and either Makoto or Dudley with a few requests for Necro and Remy.