SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

They could hybridize it with her counter where the dash cancel can cross through people and give her an additional up option to mimic her HP counter.

Actually, I like that idea: Combine Juri’s counter and focus attack into one move that can be teleport canceled if something connects with her.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm I think something she doesn’t already have would be nicer. I suspect something to do with her FSE. That would be sick. Hmmm I thought about things like fuhajin stuff, dive kicks, and even kasatushi…but she already has those things. So I would like to see something different.

Add more variety and new options she could have.

Maybe some sort of…Gah I honestly don’t know. I’m drawing a blank.

If any character returned with a focus skill it’d be hakan. Juri’s should simply be her kasatushi with direction input changing which port she does. In SF5 it’d be a lot stronger as there is no armor breaking moves, make it not take white health like AE2012. It’d have a decently long animation so whiffing would be a risk, but it’d have a lot of active frames unlike Parry / Bison’s counter and it’d build a lot more V-Gauge on a successful absorb. Make it so that they startup on 2F instead of 3F, still can’t use them to beat a meatie but still very fast. During V-trigger they act like her EX version and she can use it vs meaties and control the direction even after the absorb instead of having to select before hand, also she can cancel out of the port sooner during V-trigger so she can punish a lot more stuff and allows her to control the distance she goes easier by allowing cancel sooner.

But that’s her standard kasatushi. Her SFxT counter was far better. I hope they use that one with a few tweaks (counters everything save throws would the only tuning it needs/I want it would be perfect then).

But I disagree having her V-skill her already existing skill but with 2 button press seems really lame.

They revealed two england characters my guess is two US characters, Ken and Alex.


  1. V Skill - When he does his stomp and goes into the horse stance the stomp is so strong it knocks the opponent down if their close to him, if the opponent is away from him the force makes the opponent cringe and block and makes they’re stun meter fill up some.

  2. V-Trigger - Satsui No Hadou mode, raging demon strikes 35 times instead of the normal 15 and all the hits he dishes out does more damage.

  3. His V Reversal - Does an alpha counter like move and goes into a EX hurricane kick that sucks the opponent in .

I posted in the general discussion a few days ago, there is a supposed leak.


4 unknown
Possibly more


Chun Li

The person who leaked this info is supposed to be a solid source of info, the guy who passed it on asked not to be mentioned. I’m assume his friend had NDA. Now thi is the internet so still take with a grain of salt, but the next reveal will show the validity of this list.

A3 Vega was decent actually. CvS2 Vega was too outside A-groove. A-Vega was godlike.

Hopefully something new, and not a play on nostalgia or whatever.

The only right answer is Zangief !
and R.Mika of course.

SF 2
Dee Jay

SF Alpha

SF 3
Oro would be cool


SF 4

You think Vega is op in SFxT? What version of the game were you playing man?

Anyway, yea. Vega needs to be in SFV. The question is if Capcom feels like balancing him properly.

CvS2 A-Sakura, with her V-Trigger being the ability to cancel her DP into itself.

Lol and it guard breaks after like 4 just for shits. All hail our CvS2 queen.

Fuck yes, that’d actually be kind of amazing to me. Yeah, it might mess with Juri a bit, but Sho-time combos are oddly entertaining. And hey, give her her dive kick back because why not.

Vega was going to be soo good in Ultra until Capcom got scared and undid most of what was going to make the game much better.

I think all 3rd characters should get the ability to parry.

In this case i say give him a backflip and/or forward backflip that work as a tenshin throw if Vega land over his opponent :smiley:

Well-timed normal against cross-up attempts, forward against slow normals

That would make perfect sense actually. Either that or they get a taunt that boosts a stat (Health, Stun, Damage, Meter)

If the rumors are true then Alex and Urien are getting in and that’s good enough. I’d want to see at least 4 more in season 2 though.



We need a character with a one hit kill light punch <_<