SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Eh, it happened with the Alpha series. It was fine though because they created some pretty cool characters to replace them, unlike SF3. Most of them returned anyway in A3.

FYI - Anyone that suggests Juri to be revealed or hopes Juri gets revealed - You get an automatic “Like” from this guy right here, lol!
I am a bit confused by an early interview statement. It was either IGN or Gamespot and it was before Birdie and Cammy was revealed - they said "The games has 3S characters and Alpha Characters"
currently ZERO 3S exclusive characters on in the game…Just calling out editor’s that clearly don’t know what they are talking about…
Anyway Just wanted to list a few things that we know of so far:

Current Characters in that are featured in Alpha 3 specifically:
Ryu, Chun-Li, Nash, Bison, Birdie, Cammy

Current Characters featured/teased “in-game” but not confirmed:
Fei-Long (China stage), Maki, Cody, Haggar and Guy (British stage)
All except Haggar are in Alpha 3
basically A LOT of Alpha 3 going on here. So I’m if this game is going to have any affiliation outside some ‘gaming feels’ of 3S the next couple characters should be of SF3 Next Gen, 2nd Impact, 3S origins.

Alex and Oro - because of the statues that are coming out. Obvious promotion for SF5?

TBH i really doubt being in a background poster mean shit

See Alex being in that USF4 background

IGN in a nutshell

That was one of Gamespot’s guys, lel

I am strongly in the “tone down the stupid shit” camp. The camp factor is WAY too high in SF4 and it makes the entire thing seem a little stupid. The first time you see Hakan’s antics you chuckle and go “whaaat?” with incredulity…and then the 40th time you see his bullshit you want to gouge your eyes out and set fire to the game. It’s just dumb. Actually…dumb would be less offensive. It is insipid. Insipid and offensively stupid.

Too many joke characters. Too much goofy presentation. The tone of the game is ALL OVER the place going from “DARK HADOU!!!” to “COOKING TIME!” and it makes it feel spastic and beyond childish. With SF2 and the Alpha Series and III you had a nice, over-all serious tone with (at least in SFA) some lighter things. NOWHERE near the ludicrousness of SF4 though. Ono needs to rein in his goofy sense of humor. It doesn’t play well.

If help, i find the “DARK HADOU!!!” bullshit way more childish than “COOKING TIME!” :smiley:

Which is just a part of the larger problem that the whole SnH thing has become totally played out and uninteresting and descended into parody

IGN in a nutshell

Gamespot in a nutshell too :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually what is more surprising is the fact that same billboard was also in SFxT’s version of the stage and he didn’t make it to USF4. At the same time, Bison/Balrog/Vega appear in the background of the airfield vanilla SF4 stage and that didn’t stop them from being playable in vanilla as well.

It’s really confusing. I think that the appearances of those characters in SF5 reduces their chances though it certainly doesn’t prevent it.

I’m surprised how much the name Vega gets thrown in here but yet when I go to the game I hardly get to meet one besides my self. I always figured that folks who play the same characters should stick together you know. Like part of a character group/skype chat you know.

Anyways It pleases me that Juri is one rumored character from that “trusty” leaked list.

Only thing about Gill’s V-Trigger working differently depending on the side he faces that I don’t like is how, unless the two versions are perfectly balanced between one another, Gill will wind up slightly better as Player 1 or Player 2. It’s easier to track as a boss since he would generally start on the P2 side, but as a regular character he needs to fight from either side equally well.

Three things.

1.) Urien or bust. Seriously. Keep him a hybrid charge character. Aegis reflector and charge partitions, please.

2.) No Fuerte. I hate that character. Not so much his style, but his retarded cooking phrases and the like. He makes me want to punt a baby over an overpass.

3.) No way I’ll ever say Nash, it’s Charlie. Grew up on XvSF so Charlie is my boy.

How many fighting games are “completed” these days? How many of them are complete ever? The reason KI had to release the way it did was because it was forced into a low budget. That’s just something the fans had to live with but I honestly got more what I wanted out of KI than I did out of most 60 dollar games that just try to give you the feeling the game is complete.

Every game is complete till you play and realize the netcode is bad, that you’re going to be paying more than 60 dollars to get all the characters any way, that a new version of the game is coming out if you play an anime game, that there’s no frame data, hit boxes and a very bare bones training mode and no real tutorial to teach new people how to actually play a fighting game.

There’s always something that is added on or missed in fighting games any ways. Street Fighter V isn’t going to go the KI route with its characters quite yet as it’s a 60 dollar game and has to maintain a certain sized roster and amount of game modes to make it feel “complete” to people. Yet if you notice, they are releasing trailers for every character that is announced which is a common trend for KI and now Smash as it drags on the inevitable and keeps things hype for fans. There’s also been plenty of rumors that the game will follow KI/MK style seasons or post release DLC/seasonal content. They know they’ve gotten a lot of backlash for multiple releases and hidden dlc.

TBH thats the main reason I went to KI other than it being my old favorite. The 60 dollar games haven’t been cutting it for me. MKX was all flash and lacking features with crap netcode for 60 bucks again with more dlc to pay for as we speak.

On topic Viper, Alex and Urien is all I need. I want Ibuki but im afraid they’re gonna give her slow walk speed again. Cant do slow walk speed ninja.

Except SF4 did the exact same thing. Released a half-assed product first, updated it a year later, and again, and again, and again. So there is nothing you can accuse KI of doing that SF4 didn’t already do.

SF4 was wet garbage when it first came out. At least KI knew what it was doing from the beginning.

And it doesn’t have a physical copy? What do you call this? http://www.amazon.com/Killer-Instinct-Combo-Breaker-Pack-Xbox/dp/B00MMPB4RE

Also, who cares?

IRL Vega players don’t get along well at all. They keep talking about how either they’re the most beautiful Vega player, or that their Vega is better than all others. and they NEVER admit defeat. Excuses all day.

V-Skill: Temporary defense buff. It gives no V-gauge but any damage taken during the buff gives double the meter.
V-Trigger: Mecha Zangief mode. He gets metal skin. He can’t block but has super armor. The super armor is tied to his V-gauge and for each hit absorbed it depletes. He can also get command grabs while the opponent is in hit stun and block stun. Every command grab connected in this way depletes V-gauge.

More probable version:
V-Skill: Banishing Fiat (LP version), has full projectile invincibility for some part of the move. Can link after it on hit.
V-Trigger: Mecha Gief install removes his ability to block and dash; his weight for jumps and fall timing increases significantly. While in this state, Zangief has continuous auto-guard properties (ala KOF) and loses a sizable amount of V-gauge when used like this. He also gets his “Vodka Fire” breath attack as a command normal.

Keep in mind (mostly talking to the “give Vega a backflip V-skill” crowd) that V-Skills, as seen thus far, have a sort of check that rewards meter when used correctly. An invincible dodge V-Skill wouldn’t work because, by nature of being invincible, you aren’t making any interaction with a move from or against the opponent. While Birdie has his doughnut V-Skill that is just a taunt with meter gain on completion, he has to go through a full animation that leaves him open to attack, which is very different from something like a dodge.

Ryu: Has to successfully parry something to be rewarded
Chun-Li: Has to hit with the move to be rewarded
Nash: Has to hit either the opponent or a projectile to be rewarded
Bison: Gets some reward for successful parrying, gets more for hitting with the projectile.
Cammy: Has to hit with an invincible, cross-up friendly move
Birdie: Has to either complete the animation or hit with his unorthodox projectiles

So remember: V-Skills involve either a hitbox interaction or a risky action. You can’t just throw any old animation on and make it a V-Skill. It has to be something the game can verify is being used correctly by either reading a hitbox/hurtbox collision or something that would be very easily punished with a big combo if used brainlessly, if not both.