SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

I hope its one of the Bison’s dolls that gets revealed

I bet I am in the minority but Rosanov would be sick. Twelve, Juri, Sagat, Balrog and taps AV

Who ?

Scuttlebutt says = Rumor has it

I said the same about Santamu ( a doll ) but i guess no one cared cause they were so disappointed with the Evil Cammy *i mean Decapre reveal after being starved all those months trying to find out who the 5th character was, only to find out it was Cammy with a mask on. But she would be sooooo cool! :open_mouth:

44 characters = 1 in 11 uses a weapon. Alpha had all Cody, Rolento, Sodom, Vega, and Birdie, though Birdie’s chains at the time were way more of an aesthetic feature. Alpha was designed in such a way that a character having weapons wasn’t that big of a deal because of air blocking, and most characters having good normals anyway.

But don’t say Sodom deserves a spot. He’s from Final Fight and is another grappler. Let’s reserve SF5’s initial character roster for other characters that fit better story-wise and lore-wise. If Sodom is in then at least 1 other Final Fight character would have to make it in too. I’m not opposed to it, I’d just prefer if SF5 was as little of a carbon copy of SF4 as possible.

Guile for cameo please. I could already see Guile vs Birdie being a 7:3 match up.

I’m in favor of Oro, Alex, Q and/or Urien making it in. I’m impartial to Blanka, Honda, Gen, Remy and Balrog. I don’t want Vega or Guile in. I’d be OK with any of them getting some sort of redesign.

Scuttlebutt was talking about the current revealed roster, not the yet to be revealed roster. But it doesn’t take a Scuttlebutt to know that we’re getting a few more Shadaloo related characters, it’s Slitherectum.

(Slitherectum = Common Sense)

Slither rectum

You forgot Maki and Eagle. Both were added to the GBA and PSP ports of Alpha 3 both weapon users. Make that six for Alpha.

Geez. Painfully bad. Why did you inflict this link on the world?!

Also, TOTALLY reinforces my notion that “Evil” versions of characters are the most bland, uninspired garbage possible. Literally bottom of the barrel.

Of course I forgot them because they were added to GBA and PSP ports AKA nobody bought that shit.

Fair points. I just think it is important that everyone stays as unique as possible.

Changing the Spinning Lariat whether for Gief or Haggar into a V Skill is really smart btw. I was thinking Gief’s V Skill will be the Green Hand, but Lariat works just as well.


V Skill - Soul Deflect

It’s basically her Soul Reflect/Deflect special but depending on the direction you choose (b or no direction), Rose will deflect the projectile towards one of 2 directions (diagonal and horizontal). Rose deflects the same projectile that was fired upon her (this isn’t like Bison’s Absorb where he retaliates with superheated psycho plasma). Deflected projectiles travel faster than their original speed. As an added bonus, Rose’s V skill is also an attack like Nash’s when used at close range.

V Trigger - Soul Illusion

Lasts for a specific duration rather than number of hits. 3 bars.

V Reversal - Telekinesis

Rose and her opponent levitate, switching sides quickly.

**Dhalsim **

V Skill - Yoga Meditate

S Groove style charge where you hold down MP + MK, causes Sim to float in the lotus position and you will slowly charge your V gauge. If used in mid air, Sim will stop mid jump and float slowly downwards.

V Trigger - Yoga Hell

Dhalsim’s flame attacks are all temporarily buffed (more damage, range, chip etc.), the fire he emits is also visually more blue tinged.

Yoga Fireballs are twice as large, like mini Yoga Catastrophes.

Yoga Flame becomes mini Yoga Stream (double the range, lp, mp, hp, hit low, high, diagonal respectively - no need for yoga blast)

When he teleports, he exhales a quick burst of fire in his wake, that lingers for a second or 2 dealing damage.

V Reversal - Contortion

Dhalsim contorts his body, completely dodging an attack and allowing the opponent to pass through him. Dhalsim recovers before the opponent.


V Skill - His SF4 Focus Attack

V Trigger - Satsui No Hadou (aka Shin Akuma mode)

All Akuma’s specials are buffed in unique and different ways (Double air fireballs for example, Raging Demon deals more damage, comes out faster, longer range), but generally they all have better recovery and frame advantage and deal slightly more damage. However, damage dealt to Akuma is also amplified for the duration.

V Reversal - Ashura Senku

Akuma evades an attack completely and quickly teleports to the extreme most opposite side of the screen.


BTW full title is actually “Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting” not just Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting, Capcom only refers to it as Street Fighter 2 Turbo on their own sales data which is why I made that disclaimer, in case someone else went to their sales data.


The platinum list is any game that has sold more than 1 million units. I’m not certain if sales of the SNES version on the wii virtual console counts, I doubt it though.

SNES SF2 sold 6.3 million units. SF2T:HF sold 4.1 million (tied with Monster Hunter 4)

SF2 is sandwiched between RE5 and 6? There’s something so wrong about that. And yeah I checked you’re right that it’s ST:HF. Just kind of silly to call it ST then HF. Oh hey SF4 is #11.

Do you know if that list accounts for digital downloads?

Hey, got to say I liked this one:

And LOL:
http://img3.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/21262/21262643-holder-088dd36a7a768eece9d0a6b2e3b867b6.jpg http://img4.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/21262/21262644-holder-dd5145eb3e43bc01d910b990ef94d523.jpg
Please guys, shoot yourselves in the head before giving us again something like this x___x

Oops turns out I was totally wrong, it does count multiple platforms. I didn’t look very closely, I saw a bunch of “Playstation” “Playstation 2” “Snes” ect as only one offs. Mostly because I’ve only looked at DMC1/2/3/4, Final Fight, and Street Fighter since those are the only games that interested me.

Look closely at the platform lists and you’ll see it lists all platforms combined.
Resident Evil 6
Platform: Playstation 3, Xbox 360, DL

I’m guessing DL download because Monster Hunter Freedom 3 is “Playstation Portable, DL”

What’s odd is there is no listing for PC on any of the platforms. I think PC might be rolled into DL on some of them, but it’s odd since titles like MHF3 aren’t on PC while Street Fighter 4, RE5/6, DmC, DMC4, ect are all on PC and only mention console platforms + “DL”

Highest selling SF titles:

Street Fighter 2 - SNES - #2 - 6.3 million
Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting - SNES - 4.1Million
Street Fighter 4 - PS3/360/DL - 3.3 million
Super Street Fighter 2 - SNES - 2 million
Super Street Fighter 4 - PS3/360/DL - 1.9 million
Street Fighter 2’: Champion Edition (AKA SF2 Plus: CE) - Genesis - 1.65 million
Super Street Fighter 4: 3D Edition - NDS/DL - 1.2 million
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition - PS3/360/DL - 1.1 million
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Playstation - 1million

Honorary inclusions
Street Fighter x Tekken - PS3/360/DL - 1.7 million
Final Fight - SNES - 1.480 million

SF2 Series: 14,050,000 sales (+ up to nearly 2 million for Super Turbo/Hyper SF2 which sold under 1 mil)
SF4 Series: 7,500,000 sales (+ up to 1 million for Ultra Street Fighter 4)
SF Alpha series: No more than just under 5-6 million as Alpha 3 broke 1million and there is ~5 more games (Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Alpha 3 Upper, Double Upper/Max, SF Alpha Anthology)
SF3 Series: No more than just under 3 million as none of the 3 games broke 1 million on their own, maybe just under 4 million given SF3 Online Edition)

Given story + sales data I think these characters have the best chances, not saying they will be included just have good chances.

Abel/Juri - somewhat popular characters from SF4, especially Juri, both have ties to Shadowloo or Illuminati, SF4 is 2nd most popular entry in SF series history.

Alex/Urien/Yun/Q/Necro/Oro - Alex/Urien most likely choices, Alex heavily demanded, Urien has ties to core characters in the storyline, Q is extremely popular and character that leaves plenty of room for them to explore, Yun is a consistent returning character in SF series. Necro provides a way to include a stretch character like Dhalsim without including Sim himself. Oro has recently been approved by Capcom for a sellable statue that is being done by I think the same people doing a new Nash statue, given the popularity and demand of Oro products isn’t very high this could be a hint at merchandising of SF5. There will be almost unquestionably at least 1 SF3 character but I dunno I doubt there will be more than 2 because of smaller roster + popularity of SF3 in general.

Karin/Sakura/Rose/Guy/R. Mika - Karin/R. Mika heavily requested characters and Karin is the most popular character in SF according to Japan poll, even beating Ryu. Sakura is a flagship character, the character who Capcom pushes the hardest of all SFAlpha cast members. Appears SFxT/CVS/Marvel Series/SFAlpha/SF4/Pocket Fighter and tons of their merchandise. Rose/Guy have strong ties to storyline aspects, however Rose is one of the less popular female characters and only mid level overall. Guy is decently popular but without Rose or Cody his storyline interactions are hard to justify unless he is going to directly take on Bison without Rose in the picture.

Akuma/Ken/Sagat - Consistently returning characters in SF franchise. Ken/Akuma being in nearly every game with a street fighter character. Sagat appearing in most SF games and cross overs. Hard to justify any of the characters via storyline however.

Wild card: Haggar, heavily requested and expected character in SF4 and USF4 especially. Never appeared in an SF game as a playable character. No type of “Zangief” style brawler has appeared yet, Birdie being quite different from traditional Zangief style brawler with his redesign especially. Not very high chances but I think has the 2nd best of all Final Fight characters after Guy.

I’m still going with saying Alex or Alex + New character will be revealed at EVO.

I bought that shit. They were good ports at that.

Still I’m not going to look at Maki or Eagle and consider them official SFA characters. Either are more official CvS2 characters to me.

Also SF4 technically had 7 weapon users: Rolento, Cody, Poison, Vega, Viper, Decapre, and Ibuki (forgot about her kunai for a moment). And then Rose if we really think her stand/crouch HP qualifies her. I mean I don’t really count Poison or Decapre, since it’s more of a visual use of a weapon and you don’t really zone out with Decapre’s fierce punch. It’s like considering Dudley as a projectile character.

Alex and or urien is who I want, but I like all the other suggestions im hearing especially sodom love!

Also I’d like abel to return he was my favorite of the 4 characters