SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Say what you want about Fuerte being “stereotypical”, but I think Fuerte’s awesome, so not all stereotype characters are bad, and certainly not all are hated.

I wan’t other new people. By new people I don’t necessarily mean a new entrance to the series but cast who haven’t been in the games in a long while. Some new good looking females wouldn’t go a miss :wink:

Blair, Karin, Mika for example. I think Eagle would be cool, almost kind of like a dudley replacement with the whole english vibe going on.

Imho if ElF had a less detestable gameplay and this as main design

Probably he will have waaay less haters

(btw i like even his basic design)

To be completely honest, I would like to see Cody, Guy, Maki, Sodom, R.Mika, Karin, Urien, Remy, Alex, Q, Sagat, Rose, Eagle, one(or two) characters from SFI, at least three to four completely new characters.

Wishful thinking… and a lot of characters in mind. Even if some of the characters will not make it in for various reasons, those are characters that I “would” love to see in action in this current generation.

I don’t have the same disdain for Fuerte that most do but I don’t see how he would translate to V without being a total pain in the ass to deal with. His last iteration seems to be in stark contrast to how V is looking so far. Would Capcom reinvent him? I don’t see the demand for him so I doubt it. Just my opinion though.

Highest demanded characters seem to be:

NyC stage I hear you calling me n.n

You joke but I’d play the shit out fat Karin and Frankenstein Sakura.

OK so flips would have to be attacks like Cammy’s v skill. Adding a direction to the command (mp+mk) determines the direction Vega flips towards or the type of flip. Both an evasive maneuver, positioning tool, and attack.

Bloodlust (v trigger, great name blufang), he puts on his mask and deals more damage while taking less. Possible short damage over time debuff added to claw attacks, Bleeding effects optional.


V skill: Tiger Knee (fireball evasive attack like Cammy’s)

V trigger: Eye of the Tiger (I have no idea what it does but this is what it should be called!)

Hakan would actually be a good candidate for this style of v skill. But I doubt he will make it in.


I like ‘new’ characters in the way Nash and Birdie are and to some extent Bison is. I prefer Capcom taking solid concepts that they designed and overhauling them for a new era. There is huge potential in SF3 concepts IMO that has been untapped for so long. Adding and reinventing SF3 characters right now would be the equivalent of adding new characters since they have been all but forgotten by the public.

You do run the risk of pissing off their fans, but I think if you just make them cool and good everyone will come around in the end. I think all Capcom’s SFV reinvention have been successful so far and I hope they continue on this path for Ken, Alex, and whoever else is next.

After another big name or two, we should be introduced to new cast members but not too many. 4 totally new solid and original characters (with gameplay unlike anyone from before) + many reimagined old characters will suffice for the ‘new’ factor in SFV.

Ken seems likely, it wouldn’t help to prolong the obvious. I’m hoping a rekka character gets revealed soon.

My most wanted list : Sodom , Necro and Rainbow Mika.

Birdie was on the most wanted list too … but he didn’t return how I expected him to , to say the least …lol …

Also make a female character with 1000+ HP and hard hitting attacks.

Maybe they can make Mika like that … or design a new heavy hitting female character … doesn’t even have to be good looking if you want to add more variety … Hugo can have a big sister called Hueguella … Andore genes are very consistent … the resemblence between them can be uncanny …

Yes. I need some amazon love in there, make her like 6’6 or some shit and let her toss dudes around.

Karin,Eagle,or a new character

Ken and Alex or maybe Guile would be cool.

I also feel its time for an Original character to show up!


Gen should be dead by now so I wouldn’t mind a new character using his archetype.

I think you are overthinking the SF4 thing. It’s actually really simple with that one. They included everyone from WW+CE in the initial release because of nostalgia factor more than anything. Those 12 characters are the most iconic characters, the ones Capcom puts at the forefront of all of their merchandise, the ones everyone remembers because the original SF2 was such a phenomenon. Cammy and Akuma are the only SF2 chars that approach the original 12 in terms of recognition factor.

They needed SF4 to be as big a draw as possible to help revive the series that had been dormant for a decade. So they went back to the game that sold the most copies by a huge margin. To this day SF2 and SF2Turbo on SNES are among Capcom’s highest selling games of all time. SF2 being #2 best selling game they’ve ever made, SF2 Turbo (not to be confused with Super Turbo) tied for #6.

Who they included after that is mostly based on popularity with like 1 outlier each time. That and making sure that there is at least a decent amount of variation of characters from different entries.

On another subject, people always say that SF3 didn’t get much representation in SF4. This always bugged me, there is 7 characters from SF3 in SF4. There is only 15 characters in SF3 that are unique to SF3, 16 if you count Gill but that’s what Urien is for so you have a balanced playable Gill. That’s basically half of the entire cast. Even ignoring that, 7 is only 1 less than Alpha got in SF4. The % split of characters from Alpha that made it in is almost the same too (15 unless you count Eagle/Maki/Ingrid from A3 Upper then it’s 18. There was 8 Alpha chars in SF4 by USF4, assuming you count Gen/Adon as Alpha instead of SF1 but SF4 counts them as Alpha in the replay system so we’ll go with that. 8 out of 15-18 characters unique to Alpha.

I doubt that complaint about SF3 representation will ever go away, but man I’ve been bugged seeing that complaint over and over on the SF5 forum and other places as well.

All I really want is new characters or if it’s old characters, for them to be redesigned like birdie and Nash and bison

Cammy, chun and ryu are all disappointing for me. I understand the need for some returning characters to play much like their counterparts, but still this is streetfighter 5 and I kinda expect radical departures from the previous installment with respect to how characters play.

In my heart of hearts I’m still hoping for a well designed and strong r.mika though. But with birdie already filling the role of an alpha grappler I’m not getting my hopes up.

I agree that Juri is pretty well perfectly designed for this system. Make her counter her V-Skill and FSE her V-Trigger and you’re DONE. Now I’m going to be kind of disappointed if this isn’t the case because of how well that translates! And for those that don’t know, there’s a healthy amount of recovery involved with her counter-teleport so aware opponents can punish it. Sounds like a really really fun gameplay experience though.