SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread


Itā€™s gotta be a new character next in some form. Possibly a new char and a returning fan favorite. Iā€™m gonna go with JC3 on this and say new + Alex. There isnā€™t an SF3 rep yet, Alex is hotly requested, and there isnā€™t any new characters yet (unless you count Nash who is kind of new in how much heā€™s been remade)

1.) Ninja Guy = Geki

Mix of Claw/Vega, Ibuki, Strider Hiryu, Kenji from CFJ, Raven from Tekken and Ryu Hayabusa from DOA

[] V-Skill:Wall Cling like strider but a weaker version
] V-Trigger: Geki turns invisible when not attacking and becomes visible when attacking or being hit then returns to become Invisible after 3 sec. similar to Rikimaru in the Original Dota Skill
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) A Counter move that replaces Geki with a log dummy that explodes and Geki will appear in the other side of the screenā€¦ similar to Kazuki in Samurai Shodown 4.
] CA:

Triangule jump

2.) Street Smart = Joe

Mix of Cody, Balrog/boxer and Steve Fox from Tekken

[] V-Skill: Dodgeā€¦ works only on projectiles and quick attacks
] V-Trigger: Upgrade some SP, Gains [Yoke/Auto Dodge] by V-Cody in SFA3, All moves that fill the CA-Gauge is doubled.
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) A counter move that cause enemy CRUMPLE.
] CA:

3.) Boxer Guy = Mike

Mix of Balrog/boxer, Dudley, Jin Saotome and Shen Woo from Kof

[] V-Skill: Untamed Knuckles. works like GEM FIGHTERā€™S [special normals] but cannot be charge and still unblockable.
] Uppercut Knuckles = DWN MP+MKā€¦ the opponent send to opposite of the screen.
[] Thrust Knuckles = FRD MP+MK ā€¦ Knockdown the opponentā€¦ more range.
] Straight Knuckles = MP+MK ā€¦Knockdown the opponentā€¦even hits crouching enemies.
[] V-Trigger: Upgrade some SP, Does 50% Damage even when blocking, 5 Consecutive blocked strong & hard attack causes to Guard Crush.
] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) A Counter that cause enemy to be state KNOCKDOWN.
[*] CA:

**4.) Kung Fu Guy **= Lee

Mix of Yun/Yang, Gen and the two from Tekken Series Lei Wulong and Feng Wei.

[] V-Skill: A similar to [Surprise Blow] of SFEX but with CRUMPLE effect
] V-Trigger: Upgrade some SP, Seiei Enbu,
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) A counter move that JUGGLES the opponent
] CA:

5.) The Ghoul = Wraith from Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II.

Mix of Dhalsim, Q, Belger from FFR and Hisako from Killer Instinct

[] V-Skill: Anakaris Side Screen teleport
] V-Trigger: Upgrade some SP, Gains Borrowed Time (similar to early build of lord of avernus in dota). LIFE GAUGE never depletes when receives damage.
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) Ghoul Dash-in similar to Guard Cancel Front Step from SVC Chaos
] CA:

Crawl = similar to some characters in Samurai Shodown and Real Bout.

7.) The Veteran = Haggar

Mix of UMVC, FFR, Cody and Zangief a weapon based FIGHTER. Uses Pipe

[] V-Skill: Advancing Guard from MVC series
] V-Trigger: Gains [Stamina Enhancement] that prevents all Guard Damage and cannot be STUNNED.
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking or Thrown) Reverse Throw/Counter Throw similar to Xmen COTA.
] CA: Rapid Fire Fist from MVC3 That is ended with a JUGGLE

Mostly Like UMVC counter part from normals and SP with a few changes on properties.

8.) Easter Egg = Goukenā€™s Daughter

Mix of Makoto, Gouken, Hokuto from SFEX and Kasumi Todoh from Art of Fighting/KOF

[] V-Skill:
] Launcher MP+MK (JUGGLE the opponent)
[] Charge DWN MP+MK (Charge the CA-Gauge gradually)
] V-Trigger: Upgrade SP, Activates [Auto Guard] from Xmen vs Street Fighter.
[] V-Reversal: Gouken like Counter/ Kongoshin Blows away your opponent.
] CA:


9.) A Dural/Marionette type/Mokujin Character. = A MID-BOSS TYPE can be a Twelve clone, Seth clone or a Cyborg Monitor clone.

[] V-Skill: Similar to whom fighter it imitated
] V-Trigger: Maxed out Critical Art Gauge for a limited time.
[] V-Reversal: Similar to whom fighter it imitated
] CA: Similar to whom fighter it imitated

10.) Sodom

[] V-Skill: (When close) A similar to [Switch Sides] command of Samurai Showdown 4.
] V-Trigger: SP and Normals Increase damage, Double damage during Counter Hit.
Gain a mechanic like [Shot Break] from World Heroesā€¦ Slash move have the ability to destroy a projectile, causing no damage.
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) Staggering Throw MP+MK direction grabs the opponent and push him makes him off balancesā€¦ A similar to [Guard Crush] command of Samurai Showdown 4.
] CA: Tenchuu Batsu.

Has a Anti Air Based Grab

11.) Ken

[] V-Skill: Invincible Dash Rollā€¦ Move towards that is similar to Kof series cancellable to SP or EX.
] V-Trigger: Changes HK Tatsumaki kyakku Upward, Then more range on Shoryuken moves.
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) Guard Cancel Rolling similar from KOF cancellable to SP or EX.
] CA: Kuzuryu Reppa from SFEX3.

12.) Akuma

[] V-Skill: Satsui no Hadou Stanceā€¦ It charge slowly the V-gauge, Cause hitstun or blockstun that can cancel a attack if nearby opponent but non-cancellable to any attack and doesnā€™t deal any damage.
] V-Trigger: Satsu no Hadouā€¦ Dual Air Fireball, Teleports longer, Increase range of shoryukens and increase all movement speed
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) Reverse with an EX-Shoryuken similar to Ultimate Throw his x-abilities in Xmen Cota.
] CA: Shun Goku Satsu

Other Moves
Hyakkishu that can be cancel into different Hyakki moves or Air-SP


13.) Dhalsim**

[] V-Skill: Yoga Mediation
] Yoga Tower MP+MK (SF4 and dodges projectile),
[] Yoga Float DWN MP+MK (can be done in Air similar to VS series that does taunts pose that delays the fall) can be cancelled for dash even in air,
Both Stance depletes the Stun Gauge.
] V-Trigger: Enhance all Yoga Flame Range, Yoga Stream from CVS2 (the FLAME TRAPS the ground Last Longer)
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) Escape Teleport similar to Garudaā€™s Maborodhi in SFEX but instead Throws enemy in a far distance.
] CA: Yoga Legend from SFEX3

Yoga Stream from CVS2 now an SP that creates FLAME TRAPS and does a OTG.

14.) Blanka

[] V-Skill: Electricity charged can damage enemy near by and adds shock when cancelled into SP Moves.
] V-Trigger: All SP Move cause to SHOCK that cause soft knock downs when successful Hit, Increase of all movement speed.
[] V-Reversal: (When Blocking) Body Shock that makes the enemy to CRUMPLE.
] CA: Shout of Earth from SF4 Ultra2

If any SP has electric charged the attack damage is increase 50% in the STUN GAUGE.

Time to make a new V-Skill since Birdie stole your idea :wink:

I would like Ken to have his ST style crazy kicks back and for his v-trigger to add more combobility and flashiness to them. Like if he lands an overhead crazy kick in v-trigger mode then it adds a ground bounce property. If he combos into a regular crazy kick it adds extra hitstun\launches so Ken can combo\juggle off of it. Making crazy kicks an important part of his game plan would make him stand out and less shoto like.

Birdie, too.

i have a feeling its going to be Ken, just got a gut feeling

Birdie less so. Birdie is still similar in a lot of ways, I mean there is certainly plenty different but a lot is similar. He still has most of the same normals (sMP and his crLP are noticeably different though), a lot of similar animations, most his moves are the same still with some additions or tweaks. Like murderer chain becoming his EX Hanging Chain animation. Bull head and bull horn are still there with new inputs. His Bull revenger is basically a variation of his basic throw animation from Alpha 3. He is certainly different for sure, especially thanks to V-skills, but all in all a lot of itā€™s still there. Nash is practically a new character.

Nash has very few of his normal attacks from Alpha days, only I think 2 or 3 jump attacks and his command normals seem the same otherwise he looked to be all different. He no longer is a charge character at all when everything he had was charge (all supers, and both specials unlike Birdie with 1 super and 1 special). Nash is missing his flash kick and his super is nothing like any of his supers from alpha. He has his axe kick from MvC though he canā€™t perform it in the air. He is almost but not quite completely different.

Itā€™s gonna be Ken v2.0 and another character. Probably SF3 character. Having half the cast (8?) ready for beta next month feels right.

Yeah, I canā€™t imagine the beta only having these same 6 that have been revealed. Surely at least 2 more. I hope we get a teaser at the end of e3. Evo is one of the biggest events so I canā€™t imagine theyā€™d only reveal 1 character.

1 returning and 1 new would be good.

True, Nash definitely has changed more.

But with his banana, can projectile and being able to throw out his chain Birdieā€™s gameplay seems a lot different from Alpha to me. Gotta admit though that I donā€™t really know high level Alpha Birdie playā€¦

still waiting for Ken :frowning:

So far the line up is awesome.

Would like to see:

  • Adult Karin
  • Adult Sakura
  • Alex
  • Sodom
  • Guy
  • Eagle
  • Urien
  • Oro

I like this. Add Claw, Rose, Q, and Necro and itā€™s a deal.

Probably alex or karin because they are characters that people at evo will recognise and they also bring hype.

But if they want to release a new character they probably release Ken or Alex alongside it.

Iā€™m with Essenthy, still waiting for Ken

Alex and someone else.

Oh Qā€¦

Ken with either Alex or a new character

I was just thinking about this. I say Alex, Ken and Urien are next at EVO!

iā€™d like to see one of the new characters next. did ken bogard say 2 or 4 new characters? i hope at least one of them is a charge character.

thats what i would like to seeā€¦but my gut feeling is we will see ken.