SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

I’d put in a lot of 3rd Strike characters. At least six, preferably eight.

Alex, Hugo, Ibuki, Elena, Dudley, Oro, Makoto, Q.

Assuming we get 2 new characters and a boss There is noway the rest of cast is going to be 3rd strike characters. I am expecting 3 at best. 2-3 characters from SF2 and 1 from Alpha and SF4.

Same reason why Bison activates his V Trigger - a short burst of power to give the opponent some trouble and show the true strength this character possesses. I mean we really have no idea what Oro is capable of aside from that super art, might as well do it temporarily via a new mechanic in SF5

I’m expecting a little more 3S love this time around, possibly 4 or even 5 returning characters. But 8 is insane and simply not needed.

Alex, Oro, Urien, Q, and Necro if Sim and Furball are excluded. Hugo is a final fight character so he can stay. Dudley, Twins, Ibuki and Elena can sit this one out because they were in 4.

Gill, Makoto, Sean, Remy can sooooo fuck off, forever.

Neutral on Twelve. But like I said anything more than 5 is overkill.

Yes: Yun / Yang, Makoto, Ibuki, Dudley, Hugo, Alex, Sean, Q

No: Urien, Oro, Necro or especially Twelve and Remy that can both go to hell.


V-trigger (Bloodlust)=Double chip damage on claw attacks, bleed effect on claw attacks. Would causes your attacks to do slightly more damage, and your opponent dishes out slightly less damage…for a limited time of course.


V-trigger (Stealth)=She becomes invisible until she lands an attack or is hit.


V-trigger (Roid rage)=Same as the red makoto super, however she also gets double range on kurasawa

V-Skill: A directional based Kasatushi teleport all over the place!
V- Trigger: Feng Shui Engine

She is BUILT for this game!

Then who do they belong to?

Sorry,i don’t want to seem ignorant.
I’m new to this site.
I’ve only played Ex2 plus,Ex3 plus,and then jumped straight to SFIV in 2009.
I did play a little bit of alpha and 3rd strike,but i never really liked them.Played them for a short while only.

They belong to a company called Akira whom Capcom licensed their SF characters to once upon a time to experiment with SF in 3D without taking the risk of making their main series take that leap first.

Don’t forget Remy. He’s got to come back

Hey, El Feurte is awesome.

And don’t get me wrong. I like C.Viper and enjoy playing her, but…I’m not sure how “cool” and “inspired” her visual design is. I mean, as soon as I saw her, I instantly thought she was like a female version of Reno from Final Fantasy 7. Now that I think of it, his weapon could zap people with electricity too…

Slim chance. He’s the 3S guile, and with charlie finally coming back the community would riot of remy made it but guile didn’t.

I’d say the safest bets at this point are alex, Q and urien. They polled the most popular of 3S and they have varied playstyles. Necro was my main and i’d love to see him but it doesn’t seem like he’s all that popular anymore :frowning:
At least down the line I expect to see all the omitted 3S characters by the time that hyper cosmic street fighter V 7th strike rolls around.

I’d really love to see the forgotten 3s and alpha chars. Even sean and twelve this time.

I also feel as though with the presence of a resurrection stone, Urien is almost guaranteed. It would make too much sense.

That V-Skill would overlap with Charlie’s.

I thought El Fuerte’s playstyle was cool. He was a mixup centric, off the wall, crazy playstyle that was fun to play against and IIRC lots of people enjoyed using him in Vanilla (and later?).

All the new playstyles were well done. Viper was like based on Captain Commando, how cool is that? Always wanted to use Boring UFCMan because of his playstyle. My problem was with the designs themselves. Their look and personality.

Farte is literally just El Blaze from Virtua Fighter, who himself was just a generic luchadore. At least in VF though I thought he was better done, better looking.

Too many goofs in SF4. No serious, badass, or just awesome designs. I besides C.Viper, does Rufus, Farte, UFCMan, Apocalypse, and Rita Repulsa do they remotely compare to Ibuki, Dudley, Elena, Necro, Oro, Q, Twelve, Karin… Rainbow Mika is “goofy” but in a cool way, Farte goofy in a generic way.

It’s just my opinion, and we can agree to disagree. Like I said they nailed the playstyles, especially with Rufus and C.Viper. Very unique, strong, and fun to use.

No, I don’t think so. I always found Remy kind of boring.

How would it overlap, charlie’s V-Trigger is a teleport not his skill.

Oooh… was going to open up this exact same topic as a bit of fun, glad someone else did it though. Anyways, here are some of my ideas:

V-Skill: Powers up next special move, kind of like Sagats Angry Scar. Special move then becomes a free EX. Can be stocked.
V-Trigger: Reduces charge time to zero.

V-Skill: Invisibility - Although not quite 100% like 3rd strike, he becomes semi transparent to show the idea is there, but so the person controlling can see. Fireballs and other moves go through him whilst invisible (maybe for max 2 hits?)
V-Trigger: Shang Tsung lol. Basically his morphing super, but not limited to the opponents character. Based on unique input, he can change into any other character from the game.

V-Skill: er dunno
V-Trigger: Increased speed, dhalsim floats around the screen, and the range of his moves are further increase. Ie Yoga fire is now huge, yoga flame his hitbox increased

V-Skill: Random additional move
V-Trigger: Genei Jin/Sienbu (would likely to be very unpoplar lol).

V-Skill: Land Mines/Grenades that he leaves lying around which explode if/when touched
V-Trigger: Increased jumping ranges and types (eg, high jump, short hop), can roll both backwards and forwards, modifies existing moves slighty, eg can fire knife horizontally.

V-Skill: Oil Shower
V-Trigger: Enhanced and Prolonged Oil Shower

Gief/Hawk/Hugo (other grappler)
V-Skill: Some sort of invicible move that not only negates fireballs but allows the character to get in closer. Perhaps a fast invincible dash
V-Trigger: Armor which absorbs hits, similar to mech Gief.

V-Skill: Autograph move from MSH vs SF
V-Trigger: Raging Demon move from MSH vs SF. Dan ends up doing more damage to himself than the opponent.

Fun thread yo.

You really wanna give a character unlimited teleports done with two buttons? How about supers done by holding one button? Is that to your liking?

Depends on what the restrictions on it are.

Also it’s not like it was my idea.