SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

This is not Tekken.

Also, they already put an MMA fighter in the last game (SFIV), don’t ask for more, just get over it.

Ah right, speaking of characters probably unlikely to return to SF5…lol.

I’ve never really seen SF characters as real martial artists or as being reminiscent of real fighters/fighting styles. Sure sagat supposedly does muay thai yet i’ve never seen a MT fighter perform tiger knees, uppercuts or shots in the ring. I’ve also never seen kung fu fighters use spinning bird kicks, or sumos propel themselves forward like a fucking plane. Really, all SF characters do their own invented moves which to my experience are polarized to doing these two things:
A)Looking cool
B)Metagame functionality

I hope the trend stays that way. I want to see more new characters in the vein of necro, Q, oro, etc. Whacky and unexpected with a lot of cool factor. As a matter of fact, I’d say C.viper is a good example. Strong design(I think so, at least, I think she looks hella cool) and interesting, original gameplay.

I mean obviously there’s some suspension of disbelief with the characters. Of course, if somebody ever did some kind of actual SPD in a wrestling match, I’d probably lose my shit.

This is a disgrace
She’s good, even great for women standards, but her domination come from the fact she is in the joke division, the fact itself that wierdos put her in P4P discussion with males just show the level of delusion

An old woman almost did it in SF4, it was one of the dropped design/ideas


Actually i see it as the complete opposite

Almost every fighter of SF saga is usually tribute of some martial artist/style/martial stereotype

I suppose it’s where SF2 and SF3 split directions

SF2 come from the clash of styles in a world martial arts tournaments, come from the 80/90s martial arts movies trend, basically when Van Damme was the cool thing.
It was also good because pushed they stage selection more toward “world tour” feeling, that’s something that SF4 definitely lacked

SF3 did too, but with maybe too much of everybody must be young/“new version of” and too much into uber wierdos

I’m all for more Dudley, Alex, Makoto, Urien etc… but keep the Necro/Twelve for darkstalkers please.
Or better a wierdos or two is ever welcome, but keep the clash of martial arts as the core design

Juri is a good example of the way to go
I hate admit it because young hot female design is usually easy win and get called “good” no matter what, but Juri aside having a cool modern design, it also cover a huge SF hole had with the lack of TKD/Korea fighter, and she bring in also a new iconic color scheme, wich as design his kinda important

Abel was a good idea as fighter tribute(Fedor) and new style (Sambo), but they kinda failed at making the concept work. His chara deign may benefit from some little changes, but mostly i blame the lack of dynamism of his moveset design, they failed at give him unique look in the way he fight/move

But i hope they keep stay loyal to the martial arts core, that trend of go fantasy is destroying chara design in fighting games, see TK, SC, KoF and so on

How many syles had more than one character from this or that style?
Karate, Kung Fu, Wrestling, Boxing, Muay Thai

Also technically we did not got a MMA fighter we got a Sambo one



Tell me wich one is Abel :slight_smile:

Said that if they’re smart they will give Alex a MMA role in his new incarnation
American wrestler/brawler is very common kind of MMA fighter type and in that way they can cover both a favourite char return and a style hole

Also just give him this as alt

I want the old lady and the fighter with long hair in the bottom row. All the other female characters look generic and/or naked for the sake of being naked.

Fuck that garbage, give me naked chicks any day.

Darkstalkers doesn’t want Twelve, I don’t think any franchise wants Twelve. Necro is alright, not really worthy of darkstalkers though.

There have been countless tributes attempted tributes to famed fighters/martial artists in Street fighter, so Ronda Rousey would fit perfectly. Obviously Street fighter reimagines these real life people with new moves and abilities to fit the game.

I like Tweleve, his gimmicks options were cool, or at least they could have been.

this is factual… and Fedor is forever the GOAT!

SUPER JOKE! add that to the fact that she’s been ducking Cyborg her whole career… smh

@Cestus looks like you’re the only one who knows combat athletics around here. are you a martial artist? I’m BJJ and Muay Thai

Of course, and i don’t even deny that -as any other really famous fighter- RR tribute will fit into SF tradition… i will ever pick fighter tribute over random fantasy non-martial stuff

I’m not even hating, aside being perplexed about the fake over hype fabricated by UFC (is what they ever do), for women standard she is great… problem is that she’s so great bacause MMA women standards are still very low
I know that will mean nothing for 99% of peoples here, but for the 1% she’s just the Igor Vovchanchyn of 2015, with tits. She’s not Fedor, A.Silva, GSP, Jon Jones, Aldo or many other legends of the sport
The rest is a combo of vagina, good look, media and ufc

What i’m saying is that if they waste the “mma character” slot for her imho is sad, because mma can offer both way more deserving and/or more interessing/unique character concepts

At this point i will truly prefer they give Alex a double leg takedown+an armbar+some GnP specials and call it a day, leaving a slot for actual interessing characters

I’ve done my years of judo and boxing, then becomed instant MMA fan watching Pride fights :smiley:

I’d take Necro and Twelve over 90% of the Darkstalkers cast any day.

You guys are just haters, Necro and Twelve are fucking awesome! I’ll take them over Blanka and Dhalsim any day of the week.

  1. Well taste is subjective. I thought the short opera singing ice girl that was with Necro was really cool, even though I don’t care too much for him. Twelve, seems to be the least liked of the 3s cast, at least from what I hear.

  2. Cestus the thing about doing a tribute is the fighter should be really well known. For whatever reason, Ronda Rousey is the best known female fighter atm. Think of the other obvious tributes. Boxer…Mike Tyson the biggest boxer of the 80s and the most well known heavyweight after the golden Ali era. Abel…Fedor who was the biggest MMA star perhaps of all time (maybe Royce gracie rivals him?). Fei Long…Bruce Lee the most well known martial artist of all time, the most well known martial art actor of all time. So fame is a big part in who they pay tribute to, after all they want the majority of the audience to get it.

Also as we clearly see with female characters in the SF cast the look is very important as well.

Necro I’ll give you, but not Twelve. Nobody likes Twelve. Not even Twelve. Why do you think his thing is to turn into characters that are better than him?