SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Ummm this thread got REALLY awkward.

On topic, I would be cool with some characters not returning but having their moves handed over to a new character. Gen is probably the best choice for this treatment. While I really like him, it is getting really hard to explain his being around since he’s supposed to be dying of cancer and shit. I wouldn’t mind Capcom making a new stance character that plays similar to him so we can keep that playstyle.

So you could say it’s time he passes things along to the next Generation?

The term you guys are looking for is hideyoshi. So pretty you swear it’s a girl. But it’s not a girl cuz it has a penis. But it’s not a boy cuz it’s too pretty. Hideyoshi.

The “trap” character archetype existed before hideyoshi. :expressionless: But poison doesnt qualify because shes post op.

Not bishounen either, but instead newhalf.

Or he’s pre-op in accordance with most references.

Well this topic has gone way off topic. Maybe someone should make a thread in general discussion about portrayal of transgenders and gays in the media, discrimination, etc. This is about SF5 new characters.

I wish there was a new character that literally stated ‘‘I am transexual/transgender’’ so that everyone would just get over it and stop making a big fuss over people who want to be of a different gender.

Yarp Yarp. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R77A9DamP5w

Anyways moving on…I’m still waiting for Street fighter to bring in an amazonian type female, like someone that would actually be intimidating. Someone that looks more like a real tough fighter than a supermodel.

And she should be Illuminati.

Any character that isn’t a white woman because god knows they are the insipid poison of this world.



-Blames white women
-Uses JRPG character as example

Argentina. Has to look like Messi or Maradona, though, for the lolz.

When are the Bailey jae jokes coming…

What the hell did I just scroll thru.

Anyway. Eagle. He was such a solid character in cvs2. Solid playstyle and fun.

Why are trannies so popular on SRK?

Eagle is an awesome character agreed. It would be nice to see him in the main series.

Maybe because they are kinda like street fighters, fighting the good fight and brazenly trying to survive a hateful and bigoted world (aka the forces of evil)? Or maybe SRK is just kinky. Probably the latter though.

Yeah the latter is likely. However why there is hate and bigotry directed towards transgenders, there is a very simple reason. It isn’t because of religion, tradition values, being conservative, actually it has nothing to do with active thinking. It is more a natural biological response to one of the same species that looks very different, like something is very wrong or off about them. As in other animal species this is part of the survival instinct, and an important part that helps protect from diseases and other things.

Sorry but I’m not buying that ‘i hate transgenders because I was born this way’ argument. I never once felt that way towards transgenders and I am a member of the same species as you. At worst, referring to the stranger looking ones, I was indifferent, at best I was in awe by how beautiful some of the ones I met were. This is no different then my reaction when I meet “strange” looking people of all walks of life. If what you say is true, then very young children should be repulsed by people of a different race than they are, or people with a handicap, or old people - but they aren’t. Children don’t see these things because they haven’t been taught them yet.

2 years ago, I was in New York and I actually met Yasmine Petty (pictured above) through a mutual friend, she was other worldly. I could tell that she was transgender, I don’t think many of these women are trying to hide this, but she was still strikingly beautiful - You may not see this, but many do, otherwise she wouldn’t be a model walking the same runway that goddesses like Gisele Bundchen and Heidi Klum walked on before her.

You also don’t take into account the numerous cultures on Earth that celebrate transgenders and androgyny today and through out history. This kind of bigotry, hate, and repulsion is very unique to the parts of the world that have been tainted by the Abrahamic religions, all of whom demonized human sexuality, women, homosexuality and by extension transgenders and we are still suffering them today.

Personally I don’t hate transgenders, rather feel sorry for them…they are going through something tremendously serious that is difficult to understand. However, my initial response coming across them is shock/repulsion/disgust, but I push those first reactions away and then use my brain to say that I shouldn’t feel so negative towards them. I am not religious.

I think what most transgenders look like is far more different looking and shocking than the other examples. Old people are a natural phenomenon part of nature, just younger people who have aged. Handicapped is akin to an injured animal, perhaps in wheelchair, less apparent is a mental disability. Different race, is different skin color and perhaps different facial features. Transgender are much more different looking than most people, and on top of that are quite a rare sight.

Visuals are very important. For example…everyone loves lesbians, but mostly they are thinking of the gorgeous feminine ones. The reaction towards butch types is more negative. Why is that? The same thing can be said for gay males that seem like ordinary men (there is no visual/audio cue giving away their sexual preference) compared to effeminate gay males.

As for the transgender Yasmine Petty, from the picture it seems obvious that Petty had extensive facial surgery. There is also definitely an audience for TS, I mean shemale porn exists and has its audience. There is an audience for just about every type of person though.