SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Well human sexuality is very complex, however considering post above was saying Cody gives up pussy for cock, I think that would put him closer to full homosexual than full hetero.

Just as a note to those fantasizing about Poison. Remember that it is just a drawing depicting an attractive woman that Capcom labeled a TS. Anyone who has frequented nightclubs a lot has run into more than a few TS IRL. Trust me that in person you can always tell, and often they look well…quite frightening.

The first mention of cock actually appears in your post. Poison could very well be a post-op transexual. Plus Cody could give up pussy for Poison’s heart and personality. Or what about those hips that don’t lie? Boobs? Beautiful Face? Anal?

Also I’m not sure which transsexuals you ran into but there are some trannies that are INCREDIBLE, the advances in science has allowed for some near seamless transitions.

Like Yasmine Petty…

Yes, she was a Victoria’s secret model.

Or Caroline Cossey who was an ACTUAL BOND GIRL…

Maybe Andre Pejic is more to your liking?

…This guy isn’t even a transexual.

I won’t even bother posting photos of the south east asian ladyboys, who DEFY REASON, and are just mind bogglingly gorgeous.

My point is there are beautiful and frightening men and women in all walks of life and someone out there is A REAL LIFE POISON waiting to be discovered.

I can’t be the only one that didn’t think any of those were all that attractive. That first one just looked weird.

This was the first mention of cock in the thread. That is what dictated all the conversation that follows.

Daemos, I also personally find none of them attractive. All three have manly faces. These are also still photos, you have to realize how different it is when you see a person face to face. There are always tons of giveaways. The voice, the way they move, size of hands and feet, adam’s apple, etc. Now I’m assuming with a ton of facial plastic surgery perhaps it might be possible that the face doesn’t give it away, but there are so many other indicators besides.

Galatzia :slight_smile:

While I’m in favor of gender equality and all that, I don’t want Street Fighter to turn into some giant banner for transsexual acceptance.

It already is, intentionally or not. By including a transexual character and recognizing them, Capcom is helping normalize one of the most heavily marginalized and discriminated against groups of people on the planet. It’s the same with NRS making Kung Jin gay, the message is clear - we accept all walks of life.

I think that is true to an extant. However Poison is a really old character, and Japan has different views regarding TS I believe. I think she has gotten a huge fanbase cause it appeals to a large group of people in Japan (and substantial amounts in other areas). Still Poison is essentially a walking sex symbol, full of fanservice. I would think a more serious fighter who happened to be TS would be a better, if trying to make a statement.

Either way I don’t think Poison makes SFV. I don’t think her gameplay is quite unique enough. She may make it in in a future expansion, though likely after other FF characters like Cody/Guy are already in.

I haven’t played MKX so I can’t really comment too too much, but the thing on Kung Jin I’ve heard from people was that he’s just “a guy that happens to be gay”, which is different than him being “a gay guy” and being given stereotypical traits. Not to say I couldn’t be wrong as I only have second hand stuff to go on.

to be clear I was referencing her ass.

it’s nothing like that even if they made Poison’s arch have tones of that… JP games have always been way more accepting of transsexual characters from Bridget, Erica(Catherine), Vivian/Birdo, Flea(Chrono Trigger), Naoto, Ryo(Idolm@aster) etc so the only thing that would be new would be a fleshed out romance which we’re not gonna see in a SF game so don’t worry.

Well, Flea’s a legitimate shapeshifter, so who knows what the fuck he actually looks like.

As for Naoto, well…with the internet as it is, you REALLY don’t want to open that can of worms (or the “is Kanji gay?” one either). Unless there’s some other Naoto you’re talking about, then carry on and nevermind.

Gotcha. Still women have asses too, so he really needn’t turn to guys for that.

I believe it has little to do with accepting of transsexualism and mostly to do with it being a very popular sexual fetish in Japan. This is obvious by how all these characters are full of fan service.

But it’s not called “transsexual” in Japanese culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishōnen

And Flea was just a fucking alien thing. It could’ve had 5 genders for all we know.

My point is though, that in terms of politics, I’d rather the game continue to be about female empowerment, and equality among races than going the “next step” and making a statement about “guys can do it like girls too”. I mean come on, I’d rather have a rape-survivor character, or a quadriplegic/other handicapped person, or another Cody-like character who was wrongly incarcerated for 10+ years looking for revenge and justice. or how about a total vigilante Charles Bronson like character who is a hero-criminal? There’s room for more complex themes and character development than “oh you thought that was a girl… tee-hee”. It’s just boring and fairly irrelevant to the SF universe.

Plot twist: Ryu is Transgender.

Would never happen, cause of what I stated before. MtF is a fetish, like japanese schoolgirls. Essentially Poison is in SF4 for the same reason Sakura is. There isn’t an audience for FtM (I think). Again it is nothing to do with diversity, representing a minority or whatever, just pleasing fans of that fetish.

Isn’t Zangief more or less confirmed to be gay by Capcom?

Representation is important, anyone who says it isn’t and that any form of it is just capcom “appealing to a fetish” can eat my boot. Just get right on down there and eat my size 11 steel toed boot, no ketchup. Sure, maybe poison is just fanservice. And sure, SF characters are almost always drastic stereotypes. But eagle man! EAGLE! Rough tough stylish gentleman bouncer? Obviously capcom is capable of the whole “just happens to be gay, not a big deal” type of characters. And given how little street fighter characters are developed, any of them could be gay or bisexual or even closet trans and it wouldn’t change their character at all. I mean so what if zangief is gay? Or ryu? Or even bison for that matter. If you can honestly say it would ruin the character, then I think you need to rethink your life. That said, I do think it would be in their best interest to instead of revealing established characters as gay/trans/ect they should just write and design new ones. Would I think its great if cody turned out to be gay? sure! Ryu? Fantastic! But someone else might not, so I’d rather that aspect of their character be left up to speculation or unexplored beyond what they already have been. For example look at tekken. Leo, who quickly became my favorite character and was everything I wanted in a tekken character, had her gender left ambiguous purposefully. And I was completely fine with this, I saw leo as reading male, and other saw her as female. This didn’t bother me at all. But now Leo is Eleonor, and can wear bikinis with obviously female breasts. Its not ambiguous, its not subtle, its just flat out how it is. I still like the character, but the direction they took made me sad. And I feel like it would be the same for fans of certain SF characters and I don’t want that for anyone. I’d love to see more gay/bi/trans characters in fighting games, but not at the expense of other fans.

Somebody please the title into “now about trannies and whatever gender rights”

God, i miss my old style colonial nostalgic SF2 world tour :frowning:

Evil sakura and two P are character I wanna see :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno, I mean, Zangief’s only true love is Mother Russia.