SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Any one wants Kolin? Gill’s secretary? If Poison could make it in, I think Kolin with her bad ass hair can make it in. She’s bloody fantastic!

A bit too C.Viper, or rather C.Viper is a bit too Kolin but that can be fixed.

I like the idea of supporting characters remaining supporting characters.

Well, Poison became quite popular with xT and USF4, so maybe if it’s done right, supporting characters can bring some needed diversity.

Speaking of which, I dont know about you guys, but I want to see another boxer, maybe a bareknuckle fighter. We already have the gentleman boxer and the taunting, headbutt-using boxer, how about a rough street kid without actual “boxing” background. Like some kind of “raw diamond prodigy boxer”.

Or what I would really want is the ‘scientist fighter’ like in tekken 3 with Dr. Bosconovitch that has a more … unorthodox style of fighting. I know Street Fighter is about Fighter from around the world and the competition of martial arts but we’ve gone so far in the story that by now I want some scientist mastermind to show up, who build seth? who creates bisons endless bodies all the time? Dictator doesnt appear to me like he owns a PhD in bio-engineering. He just doesnt fit his personality to be that smart, he’s more the guy that threatens people to do his bidding instead of doing shit himself.

I think if we needed diversity, it wouldn’t require Capcom to use preexisting characters. I just don’t want more waifu fighter. And the problem with scientists is that they know science, not martial arts or close quarters combat.

I thought C. Viper was kind of like that sort of character. Like maybe not a “scientist” but she uses technology to fight with.

I think she’d make a great rival for C. Viper if she comes back.

I for one would love it if there were fighters from Taiwan and Singapore . They have given us amazing players such as Gamerbee and Xian.

Is there a Krav Maga fighter? Wouldn’t mind that.

The Hoff needs to be in SF.

If they’re still using Final Fight characters , I wouldn’t mind seeing Sodom making a return or Haggar finally making a playable Street Fighter appearance.

Also I wouldn’t mind Birdie or Rainbow Mika too.

If Ono is in charge of this one perhaps we can finally get Mika back , since he himself wanted her in too at least gen and failed.

Because it would be nice to have a female character with over 1000hp.

Either that or create a new character : Hugo’s sister - The Andore sister … she can have over 1000hp , be a powerhouse and diversify the female cast by not being conventionally attractive while sharing similarities with her brother’s looks and build.

Poison again please <3 Let her lose the riding crop and get some new moves that are less corny. Give her a cool, non-joke story mode involving Mad Gear and at the end she finally seduces Cody so well he never goes back to pussy

As much as the idea of Cody and Poison fucking pleases me, I wouldn’t want her to break Hugo’s gentle giant heart. He’s been nothing but a babe to her from the beginning.


That ship may have already sailed. Its been established that Cody could have broken out of prison any time he wanted, but chose to stay in there.

You don’t think he stayed because of the food, do you?

You’ve heard of women becoming lesbians because of an abusive boyfriend/husband…could Cody have become gay cause of Jessica?

Wouldn’t that mean Jessica was abusive? Damn cody’s whipped.

Which will give substance to his attraction to Poison…

In all seriousness (if this can be considered a serious topic), it has been kind of a running joke that Poison is obsessed with Cody, but Cody is repulsed by Poison. Don’t think they’d make Cody gay.

Apparently Cody got 99 problems, but being into trannies ain’t one

Practically speaking, if you’re into full on male to female transexuals, you’re not really “gay”. You like chicks who may or may not have dicks, which isn’t the same as liking men. You’re closer to being heterosexual (attraction to opposite) than being homosexual (attraction to same) on the spectrum IMO. If Poison and Chun Li have sex for example, I’d much sooner say they are lesbians than consider them straight.