SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Only if they make Vega borderline tourney bannable strong.

i donā€™t think they are having a problem implementing charge characters, thereā€™s just been reasons for the changes:

they changed nash to a qcf character so they could put guile in there too, thatā€™s for sure. whether thatā€™s dlc or from the get go weā€™ll find out soon enough.

chun li afaik they only changed the lightning legs to qcf but thatā€™s not a charge move anyways. i think she retained the rest of her charge moves.

bison is all charges with the exception of his super. his v-trigger allows him to combo into ex moves without a proper charge.

birdie was just flat out redesigned because it made no sense that a grappler that has to come forwards should have to charge backwards. simple as that.

iā€™d love to see vega in this game too. hopefully guile and vega will make it for the charge players.

I think that maybe they are taking a story focused approach with the roster ?

I can see Urien making it here then

Here you go, guys. Updated the Roster Wishlist pic I made earlier a little, smoothed out the edges on the overlay pictures, added Necalli, changed the new character names


P.S. If you want - I can take request to make versions with different characters

Told you so :wink:

Wellā€¦ with the reveal of Necalli, I donā€™t think Urien will be in the starting roster. Two loincloths in one game might be too much.

The green spots might very well be all sf2 characters and blue, alpha. My guess is Guile, Sim, Gief, Karin, and R.Mika.

This new character may cause Urien to not make the cut, not enough room for naked dudes in their underwear lolol unless he gets re-designed.

Iā€™d like to think characters will be announced in four characters ā€œpackagesā€, like Mortal Kombat X.

First packs could be 4 characters from Street Fighter III characters (Ibuki, Dudley, Urien, Sean) and second 4 Street Fighter IV characters (Viper, Juri, Abel and Poison)ā€¦

Iā€™d say Karin and Sakura. Mika would be along with Guy, Cody and Rose for a ā€œStreet Fighter Alpha packā€.

Already pretty pleased with that roster but if you replace Juri with any of: Elena/Dudley/Makoto/Q/Vega and Iā€™d be especially happy.

What can I say? I calls it as I sees it.


Real talk though: Juriā€™s justā€¦ never quite done it for me. Sheā€™s kinna interesting and I acknowledge sheā€™s very popular, but there are other characters I love so much more.

Itā€™s got microtransactions for characters. Every fucking character in Street Fighter history will be in eventually. Just wait.

I fucking hope not.

Are those colored sections part of the actual image?

Mmmh, nah. Thatā€™s what they used to say about SF4 and never happened. Also, adapting the characters to this new fighting system is much more complicated. I think the roster will finish at 30-32 characters at most.

Yes, thatā€™s how they displayed it at the panel.

Has anyone posted this picture Ono put up yesterday?
Is it just Nakalli?

Yes, thatā€™s him

Yes, everyone was trying to decipher it almost immediately when it was posted to twitter it got reposted here. It is Necalli, he was teasing it before the reveal like he did by showing pictures of a banana peel and then a picture of the soda can with Birdieā€™s belt buckle logo on it before the Birdie reveal.

The color breakdown has to mean something concrete. Maybe there are no SF3 characters in the initial roster. The most likely and perhaps obvious is

Green=World Warriors
Purple=New characters

All the SF2 characters are in the green, Birdie and Nash are both in the blue. 8 World warriors a bit much? Well they are all iconic, and are a very safe bet for Capcom. Probably why they included all of them in the initial SF4 release.

I think the 3 empty green spots will be filled out by Dhalsim, Zangief, Claw, Boxer. 3 of those 4.

The 2 remaining blue spots will be Karin (for sure) and Mika (likely but could also be Gen, Guy, or someone else)