SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Did anyone say we need a Canadian? I’ll say it. Give me a Canadian that isn’t a stereotypical canuck or lumberjack please. Canadians are diverse, an open society, that could be a reflection of the character.

… But I do want him to say sorry all the time.

take shots all you like. Doesn’t change the fact that at least 4 of the first 16 characters would be grapplers (Birdie, Zangief, R. Mika, Alex). By comparison, SF4 launched with… 3 (Zangief, Abel, Fuerte [if you count Fuerte]) out of 25? Plus we don’t know what the new characters will be?

Somehow I just can’t believe we’ll see Mika at launch, nor Zangief actually. I think one of the new characters will be the “heavy” grappler. And we’ll see R. Mika and Zangief down the line.

OK, this is my theory:

The SF2 characters are separated for some reason, I would say probably the version release, Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li they all were playable in the original Street Fighter II, so those who are are probably a hint two more of the original World Warriors (Blanka and probably Guile or Zangief, I’d say) are going to be here.
There’s a slot before Bison, we all know Bison was playable on Champion Edition, if I had to say one that would be probably Balrog. And then we have Cammy from New Challengers.

The purple field is more than likely new characters, none of them have been revealed.

The blue field has Nash and Birdie, they’re both from Alpha 1 but they’re separated. That would mean they’re probably grouped with other related characters. If I wanted to be optimistic I’d probably say Charlie’s next to another “Illuminati”, otherwise I have literally no idea. Karin is going to be there too, probably, she’s an Alpha fighter.

As for the rumored SFIII and Alpha characters like Mika, they’ve been reported to be in the game but no one’s saying they have to be part of the launch roster, probably unlockable characters in the future. Weird absence of Akuma, by the way.

If that’s select screen’s gonna be in that order then mountain of germany and karakusa is not getting into the roster yet :frowning:
Looks like saikyo might be getting in period, but… hopefully rushdown sim.ahem…rushdown sim.ahem…rushdown…sim.

Anyways about the 4 new characters, will they be the ONLY 4 new characters or will there be postgame “brand new” characters?
Like will all the dlc characters be returners and are the 4 new guys gonna be the only New new , brand new guys?

Kinda like how oni was brand new dlc character never ever in an sf game.

My theory for the select screen is streetfighter 1 on top and sf2 on the bottom. Then the 4 new characters, then the alpha series.

Birdie’s from Street Fighter 1, and he’s on the bottom…

EVO didn’t have a double reveal or even a teaser. I’m a bit surprised at no teaser TBH. However they did do a teaser on the last one and IIRC it’s gone - teaser ending - no teaser ending - teaser ending - no teaser ending now.

I think that TGS and/or Playstation Experience has the highest chance of a double reveal IF they do one.

Zen, Rachid and Laura must be coming next :wink:

Maybe cause TGS is so far away, they didn’t want to show a teaser now.

Well, now that we know who was next, can we finally merge this thread with the main character anticipation thread?

But who’s next next?

i’m going with -

ryu, ken, guile, dhalsim
chun li, juri, bison, cammy
nash, urien, karin, birdie

plus the necalli and the 3 new characters obviously. i think necalli basically just ruled out c.viper returning though. hell, i think he rules out alex until there’s dlc.

there is another thing to consider too. maybe the boss isn’t playable straight away - thus meaning there are 17 characters in the game. if that’s the case, maybe urien is the boss and then perhaps alex would then take his place in the 16.

Is something better discussed in the anticipation thread.

I think one of next characters to be revealed will be Claw and Boxer imo

OK, let’s see what happens if we buy the “Zen (India), Rachid (Africa), Laura (Brazil)” rumor, the “8 Street Fighter II characters” speculation, the “SFII editions” speculation (created by me, LOL) and the “two characters per stage” speculation, all at the same time:

The final row is maybe “various” characters, but if that’s the case then I don’t understand why Birdie and Charlie would be separated. If I take in count some rumors, I’d say they would probably be Urien (Illuminati, Nash-related) and Karin (Alpha, Birdie-related). I’d assign them to the Egypt stage we saw in Nash’s rumor and New York stage from Ken’s rumor, respectively.

I still don’t think the Zen/Rachid/Laura rumor is true, sounds like too many “wild” characters (India, Africa and Brazil?) but who knows. Perhaps “Rachid” was Necalli’s working name and they changed that, IIRC the guy didn’t say outright “Rachid” was going to be African but he rather said he “looked” African.

Also, I think the chances of Urien are reduced because Rachid is somewhat like him (violent muscular guy). Alex and R. Mika, who knows, perhaps they’ll be unlockable characters in a future release.

I still think the “2 characters per stage” speculation is right, but as we see new characters announced and others being discarded it has become somewhat inconsistent. Perhaps they’re thinking in future with the stages and they have some of the “unlockable” characters assigned to those.

For example, there’s little to no chance for another Chinese fighter in the initial roster (unless the “Zen/Rachid/Laura” rumor is outright completely false), Necalli’s stage in his artwork doesn’t look like New Zealand but a sort of temple in the jungle or something like that, and if the Zen/Dhalsim duo are going to make it, there would still have to be an India stage to be announced… Who knows, who knows.

Or maybe Necalli was the rumored Zen? The stage on his artwork could be India… Then who would be the newzealander? This Eisbahn guy people speculate?

Also, if the roster is truly like this, then Street Fighter III is ostracized again… as well as Street Fighter IV D:

Now if we discard the “Zen/Rachid/Laura” thing and we center in the “two characters per stage” rumor:

  • Guile (US stage) and Blanka (Brazil stage) could be the other SFII characters.
  • Karin could be on Japan’s stage. It could be Sakura instead of Karin, by the way.
  • Second NEW character should be a newzelander or another “natural” fighter.
  • Third NEW character would have to be probably Chinese.
  • Fourth NEW character should be Brazilian.

Birdie & Cammy

Bison & Sagat

Ken & Guile

Nash & Urien

Ryu & Karin/Sakura

Necalli & NEW character

Chun-Li & NEW character

Blanka & NEW character

i don’t trust that list but until a second new character is revealed then it can’t be debunked for sure.

**a few other predictions that might go horribly wrong but who cares **-

i think the boss might be female. it would make sense since there’s a lack of female boss characters in the sf universe. if the the leaked list happens to be real then imo it’s zen because of the zenny currency thing. the zen/ken thing wouldn’t be as weird if zen was a female character. i’m not saying there would be a confusion anyways it just seems a bit lazy to name a character zen if you only have 16 slots to use, already have a character called ken in the same game and they have no relation to one another.

hopefully 1 of the new characters will be a charge character. i’ve been begging for them to create a new interesting charge character and so far we have bison (who i think looks amazing by the way) and chun, so i think that points to there being at least 1 if not 2 more charge characters announced.

of the 4 new characters, i think 2 will be male and 2 will be female. i’m on the fence prediction i agree but that makes the most sense to me. 1 grappler, 1 charge character, 2 quarter circle motion characters (1 with a fireball).

necalli rules out viper, blanka and maybe even alex (for now) imo.

out of the 8 ‘returning from sf4’ slots that i predicted in my last post, the one i’m the least certain about is dhalsim’s slot. that slot could easily be filled by someone more popular. i just think right now the general consensus is that he’s in because he could be interesting in the system and combofiend has hinted that there’s at least one proper keep away character in the game.

Zennies have been present in many other video games, like Mega Man, and even some TV shows like Dragon Ball: http://www.giantbomb.com/zenny/3015-2353/

I don’t think that has something to do with what’s the boss character’s name, LOL.

Whatever, provided that “green zone” speculation is right (that I think it will be), the “R.Mika, Karin, Urien and Alex confirmed” would be most likely not true… at least pretty much debunked from the initial roster. It would also rule out the huge majority of Street Fighter III/IV/Alpha characters, which can be quite disheartening.

Characters I think are going to be eventually (and by eventually I mean very soon, perhaps the first ones to be confirmed) added to the roster as new/DLC/unlockables are Zangief, Guile, Sakura and Ibuki, I guess.

then that’s even better. i hope that list is fake as fuck because i don’t even like it.

Highly anticipating Vega.
Though i won’t be that mad if he isn’t included from the start.Since he’ll most likely be added as DLC afterwards,right?

Well, they seem to be having a little problems with charge characters, they changed a few Bison/Nash/Chun-Li tricks to qcf/hcf motions. And Vega struggled much on SFIV along revisions… late DLC at most, IMO.

I think every character from SFII (except for Dee Jay and T. Hawk) will end up in the game by the end. It would be cool to see reinvented/redesigned versions of Dee Jay and T. Hawk, now that I think about it :wink: