SFIV PSN Bad Games Thread!

SPD for the win!

this but change it to

40% kick you
50% don’t even respond

and this is in player match:wonder:

yeap well he dc’d on me and was pretty intentional…after his mail of how pathetic i play etc…i ended with ‘dc moarrr noob’ to a response of ‘yawn’

yeah atleast the other 2 didn’t dc they just refused to play…but whats the point of ranked if you want to just play people you can beat?? useless…

Ooh, BG’s to “xzaroff”.

Sends me hatemail while I’m playing on my brother’s account.

Subject: ure homoism

uze a *** camper kid suck a cock… learn 2 street fight not street camp (!)

Geeze! Just tell me how to “camp” with Dhalsim and Vega, hahaha!

This guy is a (unsuccessful) counter-character picker, too. That’s fine, but what’s worse is he hovers over the random select square, then selects Zangief or Blanka, thinking he’s going to trick me! I stayed over the random select box and it chose Blanka. Perfect! Blanka vs. Blanka = Win. Blanka vs. Zangief = Win. Final score: 5 - 1.

If you’re going to use random select, accept the pick. I’ve had one other guy use this, but then go back to the random select until it chooses someone “top tier”! Hah. Good times.

some emo noob named RiotGuard was bitching on a forum somewhere thinking that the rest of the world cares about what he has to say. I truly feel sorry for him…oh wait…no I dont. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The only way to save SF4 online is to erase the BP system in make every game random character selection.

it’s the only way.

I recently got my first hatemail for SFIV after I got a perfect to end a ranked match.
I’m actually not very good…

“…more like CHEAP FIGHTER”

I don’t know if this was out of actual hate or if this was more tongue in cheek…still it was inspiring!

Oh and many disconnects last night from about 2-4 am EST, don’t remember names tho…gotta protect those BATTLE POINTS…yeesh

LOL says the kid crying over voice chat:rofl:. SPD’s are cheap, Zangief is cheap :wonder:.

Everyone hear my warning! This noob has crawled from beneath it’s rock inhabited by others of his kind. He is not to be fed, advised, or be seen near you unless his mediocrity is to infect you as well.

Or you can just play online with him and listen to his incessant whining.:rofl: You won’t get to redeem your one sided loss. You will remember me for driving your character’s noggin into the earth repeatedly. lol

I got my hate mail from playing against a turtle Ken with my Cammy a week ago (BTW I suck with my Cammy) and this is what he wrote:

This didn’t seem to work to well for you :smile:.

i’ve gotten some msgs with people saying ‘jajaja’ .

is that hahaha in japan?

lol in spanish the j is sounded like an h so its probably someone from mexico or south america…probably

you know like javier or somethin lol

what is the way japs type hahaha??:wonder:

WhiteFang69 = leaver and sends msg like “I do it to piss you people off”. LoL

w = warau = laugh (www)

God, shut the fuck up already.

More BG’s…

BG’s to these following clowns…







Hahahahaha I love that Abel picture.


I’ve never gotten a hate mail. I’ve gotten a few that were “You got so lucky!” when it was close game, but thats bout it.

solidpedini = akuma player who drops when you rape him.

I’ll add a few for the cause:

b_HAWK_702 (Drops before final hit.)
DLRoyal (Same.)
RPG-T26 (See above.)
AMGPower001 (Questionable, quit after losing one round (possible connection loss.))
rook25 (Does nothing but shoryukens as Ken, begins losing terrible and quits.)
PRiMO- (Dropped right as he lost round 2. Must have forgot it was out of 5.)
imOUTofUSERnames (Confirmed punk and rage quitter.)