SFIII 3rd Strike (SUPERCADE/GGPO/nFBA,etc) Palmod palettes fair

Wow, I really like that one! I’m tempted to ask if I can put it in my selection somehow?

I think my LP and HK look too similar and I need to do something about it. I only noticed when I bunched them together in that image.

Can you put the 51 file up on rapidshare. I copy the text but cant paste it into the CPS3 Palmod. The one you use.

Cant figure out how to change Ex or parry. Or Super trails. The 2 EX palettes are set back to normal but everything after that is all screwed up and just copied from ryu. I tried to get black shadows/trails.

edit: now mame is being gay. it wasnt reading the rom. I replaced it and now it is. I put my custom 51 file into the rom and its showing inverted colors. My 1st change to everything was inverted colors then I actually made something. It does show in 2DF tho.

I sent you a PM some time back, if you have trouble get in touch over IM.

In general these things are trial and error though. EX and parry are the colour schemes selectable after the portrait colours, in the drop down menu. Unless you’re using a newer version of palmod. I know one bug is that if you have Ryu selected then re-load the file, it’ll switch back to Alex but with the colours you had from Ryu, you just scroll to another character and back to fix it.

I’m afraid I don’t have the faintest idea what went wrong with MAme etc for you after that, it’s never happened to me.

Im not into Instant Messenger programs. I dont know enough people to have one either.

Anyway, I dunno whats wrong with mame either. But I just imported a bunch of .ACT files so hopefully they show up in 2DF. Maybe I should try it in nFBA instead. I made an attempt at the dark alex I wanted before I got it from you. So now I have two ones. And they are significantly different so I kept both. But when I go to export mine and then load it onto whatever punch or kick yours shows up. O_o. Im using the CPS3 palmod btw.

edit: also the palmod you said that was for portraits do you mean the in-game portraits below the health bar or like the thumbnails people have been posting?

dbl edit: I never have show 32 checked off cause its a lot easier without it. I go to input a number and it either round up or down to the closest you can actually use. meh.

3rd edit: Heres my Dark Alex:


Heres yours:


Anyway, If someone could tell me how to save it as a picture so I can post it up for future palettes. And If anyone wants to post those 2 Alexs up as a thumbnai feel free.

4th edit: This program is annoying. The only palette that shows is my dark version of alex. No other palette for any other character shows. This may be related to mame.

What do they use for neogeo color hacks?

RGB2WIN and a hex editor.

Screw MAME. I finally got them to work in 2DF. Well actually if you log onto 2DF then play alone they wont show but if you play against someone they do. Well at least thats how it works for me.

An important thing to remember with Mame is to go to the roms folder and delete the nvram file every time you make changes. If you don’t it will simply load whatever settings are stored on there from the previous patch.

Until we have an FAQ I would have preferred to help you over IM so it doesn’t clog up the thread and for simple ease of explanation, it’s very clumsy and tedious trying to explain bit by bit on a thread. It really would be ten times quicker to help you that way but your choice.

I know what you mean about rounding up though. That’s not the program but a hardware issue. Although, if you have more than one box selected the steps are bigger (using a common ground) and sometimes it gets a noth darker just when you click a bar without sliding it. Palmod is not glitch free, but I’ve played with it enough and get on fine, they are certainly bugs easy enough to work around.

So all in, I’m very grateful to Buuu for making this nifty little program which is a hell of alot easier than any hex editor you’ll find, believe me.

If you want to post pics the simplest way is to just use the PRINT SCREEN key (near delete) and open up MS paint and paste, then trim the image down and upload to photobucket. Well, that’s all I ever do. F12 is Mame’s capture key and P pauses to make it easier, if you’re looking to capture in-game.

hey ia-ia-P
have you actually read the first post of this thread?
it may be poorly written, a bit messed up and incomplete, but it does cover for sure your issues.
I invite you to have a look at the PALMOD FAQ part.
Now would be a good time to do that to solve your Mame/nFBA/2DF issues at least.

have fun.

The one on the left is mine. The one on the right is LETs.

Left: ("a00004A2929250821E71CC618A5148410630C420821040000E71CC618A514841009480630630C630C000000004208052C2210630C000000001C23981AB40D2E0D0000FF7F00000000C51C00009F1E1F165F15DD00960033006F000F0000000000CC49004000400040862C000000000000000000000000FF7FFF7FFF7FFF7FFF7F)

Right: ("a00004A0129010801E700C600A50084006300420021000000E700C600A50084000900060063006300000000004200050022006300000000001C039802B4012E010000FF0300000000C5000000D6019601180196004F000C002800080000000000CC010000000000008600000000000000000000000000FF03FF03FF03FF03FF03)

Both are awesome to play as. :wgrin:

Dude, I don’t know what you did but mine wasn’t golden like that, check the previous posts and you’ll see. Somehow it’s gone funny, mine looked more like yours!



I wonder what made it get jaundice??!

By the way, if you save the image as a .PNG file it won’t get all messed up and blurry like the horror that is jpegs!

The file you sent me looked like that. Didnt do anything to it.

Must be something when I exported the ACT file maybe. Glad it messed up, I didn’t want to get in the habit of posting ACT files and I don’t like all that copy and paste text either.

The mods on versuscolours.com got in a strop when I linked to the 51 file, saying it was the same as a ROM.
I own the arcade board anyway and one 51 file is hardly a ROM. Capcom don’t punish their fans like this nor do Nintendo. Only SONY would think about screwing someone over for this. There’s no way I’ll start doing what they suggested and copying and pasting text for each ACT file - that’s 14 per character, no chance.

Copy and pasting is the easiest and quickest cause you dont have to download or upload anything. But yeah why would they consider 1 out of 10 or so files a rom. :arazz:

Finally, now I got the hang of the neogeo one.!

Acid I always look forward to new edits you do, please please can you re-up your preview pic?! :slight_smile:

I’d love to do some edits for SVC even though the game is nasty it has amazing sprites and fun characters like zero and that red aremer.

Is it easy enough to do? What are the chances of a step by step guide, or is there one available somewhere (google yields nowt)?

Also I had a look through the other 3S sprite thread, now I want to edit the little things we can’t in palmod, like ken’s DP flames, Urien’s suit etc.

i have a lot of new ones but they’re still being tweaked. here’s one for now, ginger alex!



They are all in my svc chaos color patch thread

nice to see you’re back with tons of pals Poot!
These days I’m way too busy to do pals, I just managed to squeeze an half finished gouki, I’ll be back when I can
Let, I cheked your pals and they’re all technically glitchfree as far as I could tell.
Then I’ll PM you what I think and like/dislike, but it’s mainly (but not only) a question of tastes