SFII Turbo: HF - Bad Times Thread

Sorry Scoot, it wouldn’t let me connect to you. When you won and became the host, it wouldn’t let me see anything. It basically booted out.

BTW, to mad possum, GG’s. But Maxtah didn’t complain that I dropped. He’s bitching because I didn’t want to play him. He’s just being a baby.

Funny thing is, half the time he’s hosting a room by himself. Most people just get sick of the same character over and over and over and over…

You get my point.

Ya, I can see your point, when you get one or two really good players in a room it tends to clear it out. I think the same happened when we played, everyone else just dropped out and it was just you and me for awhile. Though it is better to play against good players, quarter matches are more fun when you get a full room going. I think the last time I played Maxtah the room cleared and it was just us two left in the room. I kept playing, though, because I really need to work on my match up against good Blanka’s, i play honda and blanka gives me nore fits than Shotos for some reason.

That’s cool.

But I didn’t buy this game to train for EVO or some other tourney.

I bought it to have fun and shoot the shit with others.

Maxtah basically spams Blanka till he clears out the room, bad mouths some other well known names, (which I was listening to), talks about tourney this and tourney that, whines like a bitch, goes all out on some scrubs that don’t even know how to block (instead of maybe helping them learn).

The guy is just not a generally nice person.

Did I mention he dropped regularily on me in AE?
As savalas and vanilla. And he’s got the nerve to bitch like a fuckin idiot here?

lol why are you still talking? I’m blushing that i’m on your mind so much. YOu like to have something to keep talking so let me help you. in AE i played you like twice both shitty connections and both times i dropped because of it. Its been 9 months since i’ve even been on AE also. If you don’t want to play me then so be it don’t play me. I’m obviously not coming looking for you so don’t bother coming to my hosted “empty” room agreed? fair nuff. and as far as only playing blanka? he’s by far the most fun character to play in HF and only char i played back 15 years ago so why play another character that i suck at so what? I can go to the back of the line in the lobby like you all day? um no thanks.
If we do play again I’ll make sure to just ball you all day so you can counter it on recovery with rush punches so you can have “fun” and I won’t keep pressuring you with jumps and keeping your balrog pinned in the corner with no way of countering.
As far as helping people get good? If you ain’t done it in 15 years yer not gonna do it if I give you a round here and there heh.

possum if you ever see kurropi on line Bob is a old friend and he knows the blanka match VERY well i’m sure you can get some tips from that old guy.

Kuro couple more years and we get our AARP cards!!!

That’s fine. But you were the one being a bitch about it dumbass.

And don’t flatter yourself. “Keeping me pinned”? Spamming jump mk in lag doesn’t make you a superstar.


After you played me, I watched you in the other two fights. Same boring shit. I could tell you were going to whore blanka the whole night.

I just think you’re too old and stupid to get better with another character, hmm?

Max, don’t feed into Savalas’s shit. This asshat loves getting this sort of attention. Stupid bitch can’t play a casual game without spouting shit about being cheap (jumping MK is gamebreaking? where is he buying herb from?)

And why should he get better with another character? Sheesh… A few people start winning with Honda hundred hand spam and people cry, now we have this little bitch whining about Blanka? Jog on.

LOL, you guys are cracking me up. I can’t say much about the just using one character stuff because I mainly just use Honda with a little Chun-Li thrown in. I don’t feel about it, though, because all everyone else plays is Ken, all day, everday day (which is why i guess I play better against Shotos). If I’ve been winning for awhile, or I’m in a room with friends, I’ll swith it up and play other charcters. I like playing Sim and Balrog, they’re fun I just am not good enough with them yet to hang with other really good players so I usually just stick to Honda (depending on the match up).

i only played vanilla tears once, beat him, he let out a loud sigh on the mic then left


LOL, yeah ok buddy.
Reality check. My vega opened up a can of whoop ass on your lame balrog.
If I did in fact sigh, it’s because I just gave your momma some real vanilla tears.
Keep practicing.

And maxtah, I didn’t complain until you came running here like a baby bitching and whining. No one is feeding me except you dumbass.
I’d challenge you to a ranked match, but you’ll probably just drop.

lmao, all this sexual tension, you two should hook up already!

C’mon, seriously, using one character is a bad thing now? What if someone actually wants to get better that way, by learning all of the matchups with one character? Isn’t that how Japan gets better?

I use Ryu 100% of the time and I’m not even close to being as good as some of you guys, but I do believe it’s for the best because at least I am starting to learn a lot of situational stuff for certain matchups.

No, it’s not a bad thing.
I just CHOSE not to participate. Is that a bad thing?

Wow… after already neg repping and filing a complaint on ‘drunkensin4’ prepatch for dropping:

I got into a game with him and he held at the char select screen for over an hour, sending me a message saying ‘if u pull i win lol’ or something.

Now, this guy had such poor rep from being a douche on live that it wasn’t even half of one star, seriously.

Anyway, I sent a mini letter to xbox live support about the guy to investigate.

Fast forward to today: I make a game…

drunkensin4 pops in, holds at the character select screen again. Sends me a message saying ‘how do u like my new rep?’, and I look at the players list and they had wiped his rep completely, it was up to a full 5 stars.

Amazing. THANKS XBOX LIVE SUPPORT. lmao… wow.

so i decided to get an xbox 360 and i wanted a game so i go to the store and ask for SF HF. they told me they didnt have any in stock and its not on their list…then i go to the mall game store and ask them…this one guy tells me that u gotta download it…im like thanks man and go home…so i download the trail first and sample wit it and go to download the full version and u gotta have 600 credits or something like that…i call up the gamestore and ask the guy that helped me for information…he tells me you gotta pay to get the full version and you can buy credits at the gamestore he was at…im like you SON OF A BITCH!!!


you can buy them from the dashboard too

Still lagging people to death on oregon trail?

yamahi01 (from Hong Kong)- Perhaps the worst Honda lag abuser I’ve seen. Fool got away with all kinds of stupid shit. It seems like he fired up more porn torrents every time I won a round. Why people resort to this bullshit in quarter match is beyond me.

  How do you lag abuse with Honda's slow ass?  Lag seems to hurt him more because it throws off getting the jab headbutt in on wakeup and reversals and sometimes thats all he has to get aggressive players off of him.

Bad games to Balrogs Stage WTF man. that stage causes slowdown and lag no matter who you are playing against. Like Omar said 360 can handle 13,000 zombies on screen on dead rising but it can’t handle 2 rows of 16 bit characters walking back and forth booooooo!