SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

Can somebody post up the various CCs for Vega? i can’t find any good CCs oustide of the corner at gamefaqs.

i think i found an easy way to end sakura’VC
when u reach corner just do [s.HP,QCB+LK]xn

found it easier than the other way when u miss your opponent by doing a FB too big:D

BAS M.Bison VC’s - correct if they don’t work please.

Not sure why BAS chose Xism Chun for the first VC???

Mid Screen ground : 60% dmg on X-ism

(VC3) b+RK, FK Knee Press, b+FP, SK Knee Press, b+FP, SK Knee Press, b+FP, RK Knee Press(opponent now on opposite side), FP, RK Knee Press, (b+FP, SK Knee Press) repeat

Mid Screen ground : 50% dmg on A-ism

(VC3) cr. SP, SK Knee Press, b+FP, SK Knee Press, (cr. FP, RK Knee Press(opponent now on opposite side)) repeat

Corner ground : 40% dmg on V-ism

(VC1) cr. SP, RK Knee Press, (??Head Stomp, Skull Diver, ??Knee Press) repeat

Corner Juggle : 60% dmg on A-ism

PP Throw towards corner,(wait for opponent to flip out), (VC3), (st. RK, KKK RDP Teleport, RK Knee Press) repeat

Test VC’s (Try them and see if they work for you and add extra stuff if you can find anything)

Mid Screen

(VC3) Knee Press, (B+RK, SK Knee Press) Repeat

Mid screen

(VC1) Knee Press, B+RK, JP Psycho Shot, Head Stomp, Skull Diver, b+RK, SK Knee Press ???

There’s a possiblity of Bison doing unblockable confusion VC’s involving Psycho Shots, Fake Head Stomp, Teleport etc but I haven’t explored this much.

Bison can crouch cancel but I haven’t as yet been able to get anything outside of 5 or so jumping lights in the corner. And haven’t been able to get any sort of rhythm going with the VC shadows. Did BAS ever do any crouch cancel Bison vids?


I think this should be sticky’d since it would cut down on VC questions a bit.

He chose her cuz she has this bug that makes her fall differently. Say akuma does his grab after the demon flip she will bounce the opposite way. Shes kinda like angel in kof2k1 or rolento and dan except you cant grab them after they are on the ground. unless your akuma or gief or anyone else who can grab them during a vc.

why do you have to whiff fireballs in the corner for akuma’s combo? why do you have to whiff fireballs at all for vcs?

Fireballs are done during a VC to avoid a ‘neutral state’ which would cause the corner juggle limit to be activated. For a better explaination, read the James Chen SFA3 Systems FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com

Codys vc to infinite

Hey Guys, great thread! I hope someone can help me with Cody’s vc to cc infinite:

VC3, c.RH, f+RH, whiff QCF+Forward, [s.FP, whiff QCF+Forward], when you get to the corner [s.Fierce, whiff QCB+Jab] for like 2 sets, then do s.Fierce… (This is where im having the trouble)… j.Short, CC j.Shorts for his infinite.

Every time I attempt the standing fierce into jumping short the opponent (or cpu training) flips out? Is it just my timing on the thing or is there a move I should be whiffing somewhere that im missing, many thanks in advance!!!

Try timing a whiffed jab instead of a whiffed fierce. Usually the only way to make it truely unflippable is to use whiffed jabs/shorts.

But, I thought crouch cancels didn’t work in the home version anyway?


Gen’s kick form (3 kicks) vertical jumping SK or vertical jumping FK are both infinites, and can be used on P1 or P2 side. Gen’s airthrow (2 kicks) damage does not scale with combo hits and is a good way to “end” an infinite.


Kick Form (VC2) c.SK, [c.RK, c.FP]x3, c.RK, RK-Ouga opposite wall (charge down, up+toward+RK), FP, c.RK, RK (1st hit whiffs), FP-Jasen (charge back, toward+FP).

Kick Form (VC2) c.SK, c.RK, RK-Ouga opposite wall far kick (charge down, up+toward+RK, hold back), shadow hits, FP, c.RK, [c.FP]x5, whiff c.JP or c.FK, shadow of c.FP hits, jump toward FK, CC [jump vertical FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

Kick Form (VC1) c.SK, [c.RK, c.FP]xN untill corner, [c.FP]xN untill meter is 10%, whiff c.JP, shadow from c.JP hits, jump toward FK, CC [vertical jump FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

Note: For this VC to work, none of your shadows should hit the opponent untill the very end (the c.JP shadow).


Kick Form (VC1) c.SK, c.RK, [c.FP]x8, whiff c.JP, jump toward FK, CC [vertical jumping FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

Note: If you’re too close to the opponent, do a c.FK to make some distance (so the c.FP doesn’t cross up). For this VC to work, none of your shadows should hit the opponent untill the very end (the c.JP shadow). If your opponent is dizzy, you can do a jumping FP, then VC activate into this combo.

Kick Form (VC2) c.SK, c.RK, [RK-Ouga off far wall - far kick (charge down, up+back+RK, hold toward), FP]x4

Kick Form (VC2) c.SK, RK (2nd hit whiffs), RK-Ouga off far wall - ceiling bounce, toward drop kick (charge down, back+up+RK, hold up, hold toward), RK-Ouga off close wall, ceiling bounce, feint drop (charge down, toward+up+RK, hold up untill falling), RK (2nd hit whiffs), c.FK, shadow hits, CC [vertical jumping FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

Note: this is his weakest one, but easiest to pull off and looks the coolest. Also might be pretty safe if you screw up.



Super jump (VC2) [super jump SP, c.SK, c.SK, c.SK]x4, FP-Patriot Circle (qcf+FPx3), RK, super jump SP (down, up, SP), CC [jumping toward SP]xN

Note: This works on crouching/small opponents. The VC has to be activated in the air. Cancel your third c.SK with another super jump. If you build 50% meter in the air during the crouch cancel series, re-activate in air and continue. If not, end with back+FK xx dp+FP knife toss.



(VC2) [c.SK, c.JP, c.JP, c.FP, whiff FP-Blanka Ball (charge back, toward+FP)]x5, c.SK, c.JP, c.RK

Attached are replays of Gens VCs for FBA 2.94.98.

avoiding neutral states keeps the opponent from being able to flip. whiffing fireballs bypasses the neutral states.

Crouch cancels work in the PSX and DC versions. Not sure about the Saturn version, but I assume they work there too. >=D

I can confirm they work in the PSX version. I have no idea about DC.

Hmm… That’s strange. Wonder where I had heard the console versions didn’t have CCs.

Oh well, if the AI is flipping out during training mode, then probably it’s just not a true set-up.

I think SP, FK, FP, and RK shadow set-ups mostly work on humans because it only leaves about 1-3 frames of animation for the person to actually flip, or be caught by the CC series. However, they can be flipped/teched.

The only way that I know to go from a standing normal/special into a CC series without letting your opponent flip is to whiff jab or short and let the shadow hit.

I’m guessing it has something to do with how many frames of recovery are in a jab/short vs. how long the opponent is stunned by the shadow.

Where as a FP has massive recovery time compared to a JP, yet your shadow is only going to stun the opponent for roughly the same ammount of frames.

  1. has anyone seen el_diablo’s V-Nash Vc into cc video (with the stasch stasch music)? i just had a quick question; what version were the combos performed in? it was a console, and iirc, it wasn’t the PS version.

  2. just trying to make sure: if i ended a V-Nash VC with s.JP into j.SK, the opponent has a window to flip between those two hits. if he doesn’t flip however, can he flip later if i avoid all neutral states after the j.SK (via ccs)? is it the same if he flips wrong and gets hit by the j.SK?

  • A) If you end the VC with a whiffed s.JP and your shadow hit the opponent, the opponent would NOT be able to tech flip if you leave the ground immediately. Even if you time the j.SK extremely late, once you leave the ground they can not flip. These are “true” set-ups, as they are ‘unflippable’. A good example is Chun-Lis CC setups.

  • B) If you end the VC with a s.JP and the opponent is hit by it (not the shadow), the opponent WOULD be able to tech flip before the j.SK connects.

  • C) If the opponent does tech flip before the j.SK connects and they are hit by it, they will not be able to tech flip again untill you reach another neutral state.

  • D) If you end the VC with a s.JP and the opponent is hit by it (not the shadow), and the opponent does not tech before the j.SK; then the opponent will NOT be able to tech flip untill you reach another neutral state.

At least, that’s how it works in the arcade version.

So, the answer to Question #2 is: No, he can not flip if you avoid every neutral state. Yes, it’s the same if he flips wrong and is hit anyway, provided you’re still able to juggle him while avoiding neutral.

el_diablo did it on DC.

The AI in training mode will flip out of some combos that a human can’t, and vice-versa. TS made a note of this with some of Rose’s move, IIRC.

That’s good to know.

I don’t currently have any of the console versions, so I can’t really test anything in training mode.

I should go hunting for a copy of the DC version some day.

I did? :confused:

Anyway, you probably heard console versions don’t have CCs because SFZ3 Upper doesn’t have them, and the confusion stemmed from there.

In regards to air recovery, there are certain things you can only escape with different air-recoveries (there are three: forward, backwards and neutral). Backwards air recovery (b+PP) is generally the one that will always work if possible…so if you want to know if something can be escaped, try to do that one. This is probably compensation for having the longest hangtime (and thus vulnerabiity), and this is especially noticeable in the corner…there are actually some reset VCs which are set up to ONLY hit you if you flip backwards, even.

Go to www.combovideos.com, there’s a vid for all V combos, well most that is. Thanks to Shin Muu from GameFAQs for actually starting a topic about the site.