SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

Any v-ism for balrog (the boxer)

there is NO VC’s for rog. dont even bother. hes one of the very few characters that have no use in V at all. matter of fact, i would say hes the most useless V character in the game. he has nothing. only V he can do is if you land an air to air counter hit and vc it into crouch cancels. he has no ground vc, no aa vc, nor corner vc…

does cody have an AA vc? can someone please tell me?

and charlie i ask the same.

Rename to .doc
open with wordpad if you dont have MS Word.

Charlies AA VC is:

VC3: c.strong (AA), short flashkick, [s.roundhouse, F,F + short (dash), small flashkick] repeat brackets until corner then:

easy corner option: roundhouse flashkicks until meter 15% left, then whiff c.strong, j.fierce, cc, j.fierce, c.strong, roundhouse flashkick.

there are more damaging corner options let us know when you’re ready for them.


thanks guys.

doy you have one of those read things for rose and charlie?

i wanna know more of rose any tips?

Charlie corner…

Even though it’s old and some of the matchup info is a bit biased (since it goes by player ability and not really character ability) I think the big 300k Rose FAQ in gamefaqs.com is still a good read.



Oh now you just make me want to read it even more!

If its so bad why not just update it and give it a total revamp? Or replace it with a txt file with a single ‘Z’ in it? :lol:

Cammy? Or should she be in X or A?

Check the first page. Any of the Juni combos that don’t involve the Earth Direct or Mach Slide work for Cammy.

Actually working on updating it now. Have to finish 8 more character matchups (reading about them is interesting, but writing about them is surprisingly boring), add some new combos, etc.

V then A.

what are the conditions for the bug with v-zangief : VC then 360+K AND Sometimes the opponent fall right in front of me!
How can this happen ?

i’ve been using cody like a cham (thanks to all of you for support)

but i’ve seen lately abou a cody vc that uses cr.foward and then foward criminal kick. is this custom better than the fierce then f+rh? why?

Think it had something to do with what player side you were on and which side of the opponent you were on. Didn’t SRK have a link to the trick in the articles section???

Well the V-Cody players like to go straight to the crouch cancelling corner infinite, so crouching FK, FK Ruiffian Kick gets them to the corner faster.

well i do something a lil different since im not all that great at codys ground VCs i kinda switch it up
VC2 medium ruffian kick, fp, medium ruffian kick, f+rh, jumping jap, jumping fp repeat till corner, then CC with jumping short kick

i dont really know if its breakable (can someone clarify?)
i do that since im more talented with CC then i am with VC hehe

Hi… here r two Rec’s of V-Ryu doing CC combos after a CH (ala chunli)…
In the 1st one, i go right for the infinite into the corner (also filling the bar again)…
But in the 2nd one, i play i bit with the oponent, making some crossups with j. forward, and messing in some vj. Shorts (but the op. falls at 81 hits cause im stupid):P…
Btw, i did this recs vs Cpu cause i needed to get CH, and to show that the CCing is ok…
Well, hope u like it… bye

Does Sagat has an unblockable VC, I think it’s : Sweep, FB, Tiger Knee then DP and continue the normal VC ?