SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

any decent V-Cammy vc’s? Or are they the same as Juni’s on page 1?

all of juni’s vc’s translate over for cammy except the otg shit or anything dealing wit hthe teleport

bleh… mediocre damage…

Ya she pretty much sucks at A3 VC’s. Also there seems to be something with people in alpha 3. Example, with charlie you can do:Activate C.lk flash kick dash mk dash mk dash mk dash mk Etc.
With karin:Simple C.lk DP lk S.HK repeat the HK.(people can defenitely evade them though I never played anyone using them.
Also you can end akumas VC (after the HP demon flip) CC jump mk C.MP Demon flip then follow up.

cammy does have some awesome normals and her vc’s do ok damage

i recorded some cuz im bored :confused:

11.8 frequency

like, bump n’ stuff

Eh, I play A-gen as my main, but as a novelty item/show off piece, I would like to know, does he have any VC’s besides his corner one?

can somebody help me on chun’s aa combo? i can do the c.rh, s.short, j.rh, but then i’m not sure what you do next. all i seem to be able to do is jump back and forth under them sometimes with shorts

ok, i figured out basic combo of alternating jumping strong and straight up shorts that seems to work ok. my question is, do cc combos work on the comptuer? every time i start one, they flip out constantly, yet i know i’m doing a cc, because i can get the hits on a dummy char

If they’re flipping before your jumping attack hits them it means that you set it up wrong. If they flip in between jumps, it meams your crouch-cancel was probably off. Different attacks make you fall to the ground at different speeds, so when you land isn’t always the same.

Mess around with the stomp kick in your cc combos, btw…

Hi, trying to get the hang of V-Honda at the moment, I was hoping to get more info on his VC’s.

Found out if you time SP headbutts in the corner you can get the shadow in synch with your headbutt to do twice the amount of hits. Not sure if it helps with damage or if its scaled too much though since I don’t have my PSX A3 copy anymore.

Also are the Vc’s listed in the first page for V-Honda the only ones he has? I find it takes too long to get to the corner and my bar is gone before I have a chance to try the 360 OTG in the corner, is the damage worth it?

Oh yeah, wish I could pull off those mad anti-air throws that CPU-Honda seems to be so good at :lol:

I have a question about V-Akuma’s otg demon grab. After sweeping your opponent and whiffing that into a demon flip, how exactly do you grab the opponent? I read Kao Megura’s movelist and it said to hold u/d any punch to do the demon grab. I’ve tried doing this countless times, even when I think I have it timed perfectly, he always just sticks out his palm. Plz help.

Well, I play v-Chun and a-gen so those are the ones I can actually help with. As far as Chun’s cc game, basically any air counter hit = infinate or half life wheather you are in a, x, or v. Short example… (sfa3.rc0)

If you are in v you have the option of doing a little bit more damage because of the shadows(sfa3.rc1), but its about the same thing. Once you have mastered cc’ing you can vary it alot. You can either choose to use level to end the match faster, or you can cc them untill they dizzy or die. Up to you. Honestly, most people will be afraid to jump against you at all if they know you are capable of this, so you can abuse her ground game (poke to your hearts content).

And finally, when you get a little more advanced, mess around with different kicks to see what you can do. With practice and mastery you can make it look something like this. A very cool crowd pleaser… but also, look at sagat’s life bar. OUCH and full level all over again! (sfa3.rc2)

In all of these you can substitute [c.rh>s.short>j.rh] to begin your series of crouch cancles.

(see attached)

Not sure if there is any way to actually explain the timing for that in text. You are going to be pressing it as soon as you see them bounce from ground impact… hope seeing it will help. This what you were trying to describe? Hope I understood you right. =/

(see attached)

awesome, thanks for the help on that. oh, and how can i set kawaks or any emulator up to emulate counter hits? like, i want to set a dummy char to jump and receive a counter hit…dunno if it’s possible

You can’t really, but you can map some player 2 controls to player 1 side and try and control both characters at once. Thats of course if you have enough buttons. i usually map player 2 jump to my coin, and whatever attack to my start.

You can also use player 2 macros and map them to player 1 side. there’s a faq in the kawaks directory that tells you how to set up macros in case you didn’t know.

i do this to when i’m playing about with priorities and working on how moves win counters depending on distancing and timing.

here’s a little replay of me controlling 2 characters at once winning air-air counters.


I have a question about a VC of karin which is :
QCF+P, P , down+K ( opponent is on the ground), (activate VC2) 360+K (OTG) then you can hit the opponent to juggle him to a corner.
I tried but after the OTG i can’t hit the opponent how does it works ? i saw it on a video by SftChina (sfa3 final combos)

ok no more problem now it was just a question of timing :smiley:

Can someone list some nice Dan VC’s please? There was on on page four(thanks) but I want more :).

Since it was asked in the A3 Q&A thread, a few Rose midscreens:

JP = LP | SK = LK
SP = MP | FK = MK
FP = HP | RK = HK

(VC2/3) c.SP, SK Soul Spiral, Soul Piette, [SK Soul Spiral, Soul Piette x2] until you reach the corner. Soul Piette is the towards+Roundhouse move, Soul Spiral is qcf+k. In VC2 you can cancel the last Soul Piette into a Soul Throw (f, d, d/f+p), and then go into one of the corner juggles (ie b+FP, whiff Soul Spark (hcf+p)). That tends to work best on the 1p side though, as you tend to get crossed up and have your b+FP come out as a neutral FP instead, if you should venture too far into the corner. This VC is corner-to-corner. I think it does like 50-55% damage?

(VC2/3) Crouching SP, SK Soul Spiral, [b+FP xx SK Soul Spiral] until meter runs out or you get to the corner. Works better/is easier in VC3, but if/when you get to the corner, VC2 is the only way you can do PP flip resets. As your meter runs out you can do b+FP, let them flip, and then do a Soul Throw for some more damage (though this will make you switch sides with the other guy). I think this one carries them across like 3/5ths of the playing field? This is the one I end up doing most often, because it does a litle more damage than the Piette midscreen (which was ctualy the first one I found :frowning: Ah, memories…). Can be used as anti air if you activate VC3, start with a Jab Soul Reflct (qcb+p), and whiff the first Soul Spiral.

(VC3) SK Soul Spiral, b+RK, Sliding, SK Soul Spiral, Soul Piette, [SK Soul Spiral, Soul Piette x2]. I think this can also be done in VC2, but I forget. Rose’s slide is d/f+FK. This is a new one…I didn’t really mess around with it until like 2 weeks ago, but once I started I spent entirely too long getting it to work. What makes this VC even noteworthy is the range on it…you can hit people with it from outside of sweep range. Outside of ROSE’S sweep range. So you can use it to counter whiffed pokes or whatever…I don’t it’ll go through fireballs, as you have to cancel the Spiral into her close standing Roundhouse, which will move you back into your original position. I forget the damage, but it’s not as good as the other midscreens, but not bad.

And those are all of the important ones.